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Bookseller, or rabid CLAMP fangirl. You decide ^_^v
I've survived for 19 years on this planet
Anime Fan Since
About the age of 12
Favorite Anime
Too many to name. But pick pretty much any of CLAMP's works.
Reading, video games, collecting anime merchandise...
Sketching, fan writing (I don't know that those are talents, though.)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
There's a lot to say...
But for now, I'm just going to post one thing. I'll update on my life and whatnot later. For now, I'm just gonna do the meme that Darke had up awhile ago.
I bent a rule in that if a song title came up in Japanese and I didn't know the translation, I skipped it. Still, it's pretty authentic.
Have a Music Meme:
1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5.Put this on your journal.
1. If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
Divinity - FFVII Advent Children Soundtrack
(I'm not only fine, I'm HOLY.)
2.How would you describe yourself?
The Real Folk Blues - Cowboy Bebop
(Or as Mindy has said, the "Real Old Folk Blues" ^_^v)
3.What do you like in a girl?
Sanctuary - Kingdom Hearts 2
(I think I could change that question to 'guy', couldn't I?)
4.How do you feel today?
Invisible Motion - RahXephon Soundtrack
(Yes... no one sees me, or anything I do. Except when I do something stupid, of course.)
5.What is your life's purpose?
Raison D'etre - Chobits
(That's a bit redundant, isn't it?
6.What is your motto?
I Shot William H Macy - Head Automatica
(Yes. Words to live by.)
7.What do your friends think of you?
Hare Hare Yukai - Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
(Now if only I could dance it...)
8.What do you think of your parents?
Blues Drive Monster - FLCL Soundtrack
(Sometimes monstrous, sometimes blue, and they are capable of driving. Indeed.)
9.What do you think about very often?
Rhythm Emotion - Gundam Wing
(o.O; That sounds dirty.)
10.What is 2 + 2?
Jesus - Dir en Grey
(Jesus is the answer.)
11.What do you think of your best friend?
A Song and Dance Man - Warrant
(For one of them, this is the truest thing possible. Any and all broadway musical numbers I know, I know because I've seen him singing them.)
12.What do you think of the person you like?
Through the Glass - (Forgot the artist ^^;;)
(This is also true. The person I like most is someone I- *waves hands* Well, it's complicated.)
13.What is your life story?
Waiting for You - Bubblegum Crisis
(Anyone else have that feeling? That they're just waiting for the right person, the right moment, the right opportunity?)
14.What do you want to be when you grow up?
Peace Sign - Miyavi
(I want to look like an unequally cut pie!)
15.What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Please Please Please - Head Automatica
(Not really. I'm happy enough with the way things are.)
16.What will you dance to at your wedding?
Key of Twilight - .hack
(o.o Hmmmm...)
17.What will they play at your funeral?
Fantasies Come True - Avenue Q
(Oh, that's just cold!)
18.What is your hobby/interest?
Train, Train - Warrant
(Trains. You know, those things that make you late for work when you get stuck at one. I collect them. Real ones. In my backyard.)
19.What is your biggest fear?
A Song of Storm and Fire - Tsubasa Chronicle
(I'm not afraid of storms or fire. I'm afraid of songs about them. *nods*)
20.What is your biggest secret?
Myself - Full Moon o Sagashite
(That's deep. *profound thoughts*)
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Misc. Works
*NOTE: This is something I'm doing on MyO for a TheO world. Please disregard all posts for this day!
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Synopsis will be up within a few days.
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Under Construction! A character guide will be added later (cause lord knows you need one for this series.)
The year is 1999, and there's not going to be a year 2000. That's because the final battle is upon us. Kamui Shirou, by no means an ordinary teenager, and his friends Kotori and Fuuma are all swept up by a destiny from which there is no escape, a destiny in which many will die and many more will be hurt.
There are two sides to the battle- the Dragons of Heaven, who fight to protect the earth as it is, and the Dragons of Earth, who want to erase everything and start again. Which will prevail? Well, in truth, we'll probably never know, because CLAMP halted the manga a long, long time ago and never picked it back up, nor do they seem to be planning on doing so.
There is, however, a fairly passable anime series that wraps things up. There's also a movie. Do not watch the movie. The movie is appalling- although the blatant subliminal messages thrown in are amusing. Like the advertisement for Coca-Cola.
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Tokyo Babylon
Construction Ongoing! Character Bios coming soon! Corrections may be made later, as well.
Meet Subaru Sumeragi, a cheerful teen living with his twin sister Hokuto and the older veterinarian, Seishiro Sakurazukamori. Subaru's the thirteenth head of the Sumeragi clan, a group that exorcises spirits, sends ghosts to their rest, and generally helps out wherever they can.
Subaru is a genuinely kind person who cares more about others than for himself. Hokuto cares for him and tries to do what's best for him. Sometimes this involves setting him up with Seishiro.
But it seems that Seishiro may have a dark secret. What could he be plotting for our little Subaru?!
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Construction ongoing! Corrections may be made, and character bios added in later.
Hinata Asahi is a first year high-school student who is as naive as- well, in truth, most eight-year-olds are wiser that Hinata. She's bubbly and happy all the time, she sings to herself, and she has no idea about the birds and the bees.
And then she falls for her new teacher Shiro Asou. From there, an amusing, cute, and nauseatingly sweet exploration of love ensues. (It stays PG despite how it sounds.)
But this teacher... there's something mysterious about him. Is it just a coincidence that he happens to move in next door? And who are those men he talks to sometimes? One thing's for sure, and it's that Hinata Asashi is on the case! ...No, really, she isn't. She doesn't have a suspicious bone in her body.
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RG Veda
Character Bios coming soon! Beware mistakes, as I've not looked back over this one in awhile.
An ancient prophecy. A ruthless king, willing to stop at nothing to achieve his goals. The child of a forbidden race, sealed away for three-hundred years, now released.
Yasha, a clan leader, releases the sealed child Ashura from his slumber. Upon doing so, he is warned that the child will bring destruction. He, of course, ignores the warning. Shortly after, Yasha's entire clan is killed, leaving Yasha alone. Ashura is all he has left, and he will raise him like a son. Or a daughter. No one quite knows
Along the way, others join them, as the prophecy states, and they decide to take on the cruel king, to stop him once an for all.
While this may sound very straightforward, the plot twists sharply at the end, breaking almost every expectation you might have for it.
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Magic Knight Rayearth
Character Bios Coming Soon! Mistakes may be corrected later, etc...
Met Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu, three girls who are living a video game. They've been magically summoned from Tokyo Tower to the land of Cephiro in order to save the world!
In Cephiro, everything is based on one's willpower. Even the very existence of the planet is based on this. So when the Pillar of Cephiro, Princess Emeraude who constantly prays for Cephiro's wellbeing, is kidnapped by the priest Zagato, it's up to the Magic Knights to rescue her!
Along the way, they meet friends and enemies, gain new powers and new armor, much in the way one would in a video game, until they are strong enough to confront Zagato and rescue Emeraude!
Unfortunately, things don't turn out quite as planned...
Season II- Let's try this again!
Hikaru, Umi, and Fuu are called back to Cephiro, which is in worse shape than before! Now, not only is Cephiro crumbling, but there are other worlds that want to invade it! What's a poor Magic Knight to do?! Why, have super outer-space battles in giant mecha-type armor, of course! And romance abounds (a bit too much, in one's humble opinion) between... well, everyone and everyone else. Unrequited love abounds, as do love triangles (more like tetradecahedrons). So, will Cephiro be saved this time?!
In all honesty, the anime series is probably better in some ways than the manga, and that's the only time you'll ever hear me say so about anything CLAMP, I think. The manga, at six volumes total for the first and second parts, is simply too short. It takes everything so blazingly fast, it's difficult to follow as well. The anime slows things down and expands a bit. They also do change things around (sometimes in ways that I'm not fond of) but overall, the anime series is well worth the watch.
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Legal Drug
Character bios coming soon. Mistakes will be corrected, etc, etc.
Currently, Legal Drug is stalled at three volumes length out of a planned fifteen. CLAMP has expressed intentions to pick up the series once again, soon, or so they say. Soon might be sometime in the next five years, maybe.
Welcome to the Green Drugstore, a normal pharmacy by day... and night as well. It's not the pharmacy that's strange. It's the employees. And the manager. And the manager's boyfriend. We might take a moment to mention that this series is the closest to shounen-ai that any CLAMP series in the states has ever come.
Kazahaya Kudo, found nearly unconcious in the snow one Christmas. Rikuo Himura, a Green Drugstore employee, picks him up and carries him to the store, where Kazahaya later begins working for room and board.
In addition to their general duties, the manager Kakei (no last name so far) offers them bonus jobs, jobs of an often strange, supernatural nature. Good thing both boys have powers of their own.
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CLAMP School
This section will cover CLAMP School Defenders and Detectives, and probably another that I'm forgetting.
Synopsis will be up later, as well as bios, etc.
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Character Bios will be added later, mistakes will be corrected, and all that jazz.
Meet Hideki Motosuwa, a broke college student. In a world where everyone seems to have a persocom (an android of sorts, a person-shaped personal computer) Hideki does not have the luxury of affording one.
But one day, to his surprise and delight, he finds a persocom that someone seems to have been just thrown away in the trash! He takes it in, and promptly realizes he know nothing about computers at all, let alone something as advanced as persocoms. After some fumbling around, he locates her on switch (you'll never guess where. ...Yup. There.). But something is wrong with this persocom- it has no files, no operating system, nothing! All it can even say is "Chi!"
Which then becomes her name. Chi learns quickly and Hideki is quite happy... but then strange things begin happening, and Hideki realizes he knows nothing about Chi. What is Chi's story? What is she really, and why was she thrown away like trash?
Could she really be a Chobit, a computer capable of feeling human emotions?
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Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura Kinomoto is an ordinary elementary school student. She's got a loving father and an annoying older brother. She has a close friend who's hobby is video recording and making elaborate costumes.
Oh, and she's also responsible for releasing a force that could bring forth terrible disaster. Whoops. Well, no one is perfect.
It happened when Sakura went into her father's study and found a magic book, which sprang open at her touch, freeing the cards inside. Each card is imbued with a different power, and each card, now that it's free, will wreak havoc until it's captured again.
And Sakura is the girl for the job. With the help of Kero, short for Cerberus, the guardian of the book, she learns to use her own magic to catch the cards.
Along the way, she picks up a rival, Syaoran Li. Syaoran is related to the magician who originally made the cards, so he feels he has the right to them. Sakura disagrees.
There is, in fact, a large cast of characters, almost all of who are important. In fact, there are several facets to the story that I can't get summarized very easily. I'll make a better attempt later.
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Angelic Layer
Synopsis will be up within a few days.
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Ah, my little Watanuki Kimihiro. Since his childhood, spirits have been attracted to him because of his blood. Some were dangerous and some weren't, but they've all been a bother for him. What he wouldn't give to have them gone!
And that's where Yuuko Ichihara's shop makes its appearance. If it's possible for our customer, we'll grant any wish.
For a price, of course.
Watanuki wishes he didn't have to see such strange things, that weird creatures wouldn't follow him anymore. And this wish, I can grant.
He now works for me until his debt is paid off, at which time I'll grant his wish. Cooking, dusting, fetching more liquor, running for various items I might need, and babysitting a 'black pork bun' named Mokona as well as my darling girls Maru and Moro... Ah, he's such a dedicated worker!
One thing is certain, and that is that Watanuki has big things ahead of him. I'll certainly help him through it- and add a bit onto his tab each time I do!
In addition to Mokona, Maru and Moro, there are other players in the game. There's Watanuki's little friend Himawari-chan, whom he adores, and his rival Doumeki-kun, whom he hates. Or so he says. He'd better get over that animosity soon, because Doumeki-kun can repel the spirits that plague him.
XXXHOLiC crosses over with Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. There are minor correlations at first, but later in the series, there are bigger connections, and in this one's opinion, it really is best to read them both.
Each volume comes with four full-color pages (Nice!) and a useful little glossary of translator's notes.
Character Bios
Watanuki Kimihiro

Yuuko Ichihara

Mokona (black)
(no picture yet)
Maru and Moro

Doumeki Shizuka

Kunogi Himawari

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Synopsis will be up within a few days.
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