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Guanajuato, Mexico
Member Since
Real Name
Unmei Vasaris
3rd place on my school's art exposition, getting into a shitty expensive college
Anime Fan Since
Since I remember watching Candy Candy
Favorite Anime
Currently, Ouran High School Host Club
Become an international translator, get my Japanese and french double major, go live in japan, and become a better artist
Drawing and Painting, and hanging out with friends
Art! and learning foreign languages
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Long time not here
Hey, just came to write something up really fast. Im on vacation in Mexico right now, its been really fun. I was gonna have a new puppy, but my mother didnt want her, she was like "you cant even clean up your own room!" I got really pissed.
I also hang out with a bunch of people, and my mom kind of hates this guy who hangs out with us, so she grounds me everytime she sees me with them. I got grounded 4 days out of 7 cuz of that.
I also went to Ixtapa for a week, it was fun, except the horse ride, ,my horse was evil.
All this vacation has given me alot of time to draw some fanart, well, my grounded time, I have over 20 already, as soon as I get back to the US Ill scan them and post them.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
The Worst Day of My Life
Finals ended, I tottally failed my French test, but I don't care.
I don't care about much right now. Last Saturday I had the worst news ever. My puppy, Kira, died. My mom was like "She died a week ago, your auntie called. But I didn't want to tell you cuz I know how sentimental you get and you were about to take your finals"
Kira was in Mexico, my mom doesn't want any pets here cuz our house is too small. So I have to wait a whole year to see my puppy. I only see her during the summer. I loved her soo much. She was my #1 reason to go to Mexico. I'm going there next week. But this time, when I open the door, she's not gonna run up to me and jump around me, wagging her tail. I'm gonna stop right here... wrinting this is making me cry again
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Monday, May 24, 2004
Final Exams
Last week of school... I should be celebrating, but why am I not? I got the week of terror coming to survive first.
Final exams are such a pain, and stress too. I just had my Physics final. I totally blanked out on an essay question: "Why is the Sky Blue?" the only thing I could write at that moment was "Because God made it that way" I had no more brains left to remember the correct answer, so I left it that way.
Now I just have English, Gym (O_O the teacher is giving us a final! I can't belive him!), Theology, Algebra, US History, and French. And then os off to freedom!
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
From sucking blood to a Wonderful evening
I finally have some time to relax.... the past two weeks were awful, but wonderful at the same time.
I've been trying to sell Affy Tapples and Krispy Kreme cards to cover for a Physics Day at Six Flags. Glad that's done with.
It was also time for progress reports, and, as usual, teachers were trying to get grades in by jamming the students with tests and quizzes.
Last week Monday there was a blood drive. There was this Social Service project we had to do for my Theology class. And my group had to do a Blood Drive. I hate blood.... I don't mind whatching it on tv and all, but when I see nurses stick a needle in someone's arm and take blood out, I freak out.... and I see this happen for the whole day... nu uh...
Then last Thursday, there was the Junior Ring Ceremony. It was cool. The part about getting my ring, I mean. But my mother kept recording us, it was somewhat embarrassing.
Friday was awesome. We had our Junior Ring Dance, and our class had the day off at school. The dance was fun too, my friends, my sister, and I all had a lot of fun.
On Satuday, I didn't want to wake up. I had returned from the dance kind of late, and I was tired. But I had to get up early to go to tech camp. I was worth it though. We went to the gaming lab. I don't have any consoles here, so I REALLY enjoyed the time at the lad. I wouldn't let anyone else play ^_^.
Now I'm a lot more relaxed. I actually made a couple fanarts, but I have issues with the scanner again -_-. And for good news, I only have three more weeks of school left, and then, BANG! Freedom! YEY!!
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
Just when I was Starting to enjoy it...
My Spring break is over.... *cries* is not fair! I was just gettin the hang on staying up till Cowboy Bebop ended nad then waking up till 11 am. I like my sleep.
But not anymore... I gotta go back to school tomorrow, wake up at 6 am. Ugh! I'm gonna fall asleep in class, I just know it.
Just to finish up, my ACT Scores came in the mail yesterday. And my scores.....
English! ---> 24!
Math!-------> 26!
Reading!----> 24!
Science!----> 23!
And my total score! ------> 24!
I did Better than I thought!
Oh! and I did do a fanart this week, but the scanner decided not to work -_- I hate when it does that..... As soon as I beat it up and make it work I'll post it ^_^
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004
And After The Storm.... comes another Storm
The ACT's were Horrible. HORRIBLE! I mean, first I'm all nervous, and by the time the test starts, I'm all out of nails. Then, I didn't have time to finish ANY of the tests, so I had to guess on a bunch of them. And also, during the test there were these crazy women outside the school sreaming their lungs out, and they aparently had this kid who was crying so loud and wouldn't shut up. So yeah... it was pretty bad. I'm gonna have to take tham again *shrudders*
There's algo good news!Sring Break starts on Thursday! so only one day and a half to go! Thursday were only gong for half a day, and we're having this liturgy, since its a catholic school and all, so we are gonna end up having 18 min. classes, which is like nothing. I don't see why we even bother going on thursday.
On the good ol' Sring break thinghy come the exams nightmare. All the teachers are trying to get their tests in before vacation because they want to start "fresh with a new topic" after break. It's awful, I'm stuck with four tests tomorrow cuz is the only day left with reasonable lenght class time.
ANYWAYS.... I'm sure I'll have enough time during break to make a fanart or two. so YEY for Spring Break!
And don't forget to visit The Other Side of theWell
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Thursday, April 1, 2004
Think Positive.....
Take the Spirit Quiz
I can do this... the teachers only make ACT's sound like a big deal to scare us... well that's not gonna work for me! I'm tired of getting worried because of this stupid test! If I keep acting like this I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown in the middle of the exam! I need to calm down! But nothing is working! Any ideas?
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Monday, March 29, 2004
One down.... Three to go
There! It's done! My english paper if finally done! No more english Torture! YEY!!
Now all I have to get through is a college fair on Thursday, Chrity day on Friday (my theology group is supposed to have a blood drive booth O_O), and the ACT's on Saturday @_@
Which Final Fantasy (IV-X) Character are you?
by steevi
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Just Wonderful.... -_-
My reportcard came in the mail today... I did good, very good if you ask me. I got fivr A's, one B, and one C (physics). But somehow my mom is not satidfied with that. She said she didn't like the C. I would like to see her taking that class (and that teacher) and getting a better grade than mine. Hmph!
Oh! and I have a website now! It's called "The Other Side of The Well" you shoud go check it out and sign the guestbook! CLICK HERE!!!
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Friday, March 26, 2004
I sooo can't wait for spring break.... only 9 more school days. School work is killing me. and to top it off... the ACT exams are next Saturday. I'm scared, in my english class, the teacher has been giving us practice exams and I failed all the punctuation part. it's scary, three hours sitting in a room taking a test... I'm gonna fail!! *cries*
Oh! and while inside this world of stress I managed to draw two fanarts, but one is in my math notebook which I happen to forget in my locker, and the other one I didn't get the chance to colour, but I added it in anyways ^_^.
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