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myOtaku.com: celestialcharm

Thursday, September 1, 2005

   September 1st???
It is finally September! I have to go to an auction at work (my cousin's making me go) and it's her mom's b-day today! Yay!

Yesterday, I registered for school. They messed up my schudule. I have grade 10 math (I passed with a fifty in summer school!) and Introduction to Anthro something and somethig else. My sis was all like, you guys have Anthro now?! But I was like, ya but, it's a useless subject for me because I wanted Geography! How am I sapossed to become a Geologist or Geographer if I don't take it in highschool?

So, basically, the line up on Tuesday at school, will be very, very long. Most people need to change their classes. I guess I won't be going to class for a day or two. Hopefully, I get a good lunch period. So far I have it 4th for first term and second. It might change though, because of the whole course changing thing.

Well, anyways I should at least attempt to finish my laundry.

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