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• celestialcharm
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• 1989-07-02
• Canada ^_~
Member Since
• 2005-01-03
• Student
Real Name
• Charlene
• being born(that's an achievement in my book)
Anime Fan Since
• hmm, I'm guessing '95(ah, that was a good year) I became a crazy fan in 2001
Favorite Anime
• Too many to count
• To be happy? I don't know about my goals in life anymore -_-'
• Watching tv, chatting on msn, writing, reading, drawing and painting occasionally
• Dancing, singing, looking cute ~_^
| celestialcharm
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Crazy Stalker Dude
I went to the grocery store. My eldest sister (the other one already left) needed some fod, so she wouldn't have to go shopping for a while at university. Let me tell you what happened before, we left the house. My sister called home from work 20 minutes before we (my brother, her and I) went to the store. She told use to get ready. I was still in my sleeping clothes as I was playing 'Harvest Moon', when she came home and told me to hurry up and get ready because some stalker man was waiting outside. It didn't hit me that it was a stalker because she always talks about stalkers. So I rushed to get ready, and I left the house with my hair all out, looking like a troll. I noticed a black car behind where my sister parked. it ended up that the black dude in it, got my sister's number when she was at work, followed her home because he wanted to go grocery shopping with her! So, the only reason she got me and my brother to go with her was because he was there! So as we turned into our driveway (the car was parked across the street) my mom came out the house, to tell us to buy some bread because she forgot to buy some earlier. Then she was all like whose that man, to my sis because she saw her talking to hime before. Then she's like 'I uno.' Then we left to go to the store. In the car, I told my sis to lose him (he was following us, but she said it's no use because he's a carrier, so he knows the roads. When we got into the store, my sis told my bro and I to get a cart. (Note: I told my bro not to call me Charlene, but Charlotte, my pen name, but nooo he calls me Charlene so I kicked his foot. I didn't want the dude to know my name.) And we kind of followed then around, as my bro said 'So he doesn't drug her or something' but, she got him to leave because she told him she was going to get into trouble because, as he left our house (he's probably a psychotic killer by the way -_-') he honked at my mom. You know when you acknolege (sp?) somebody you know while your driving, you honk at them (My parents do this all the time, as I call it a third world thing)
SO, my mom must of been thinking *add a west indian accent* 'Who is that man! And what does he want with my daughter'
So now, we we're now at the store 'Fortino's' by the way, and my dad, called my sis on her cell to ask who was that man. I think my mom must of said in her voice of distress to tell my dad that some man was following her daughter and to talk to her. And then, as my bro and I were looking at, some fruit or something, we see him leave. Then we go up to our sis and ask her where's he going and if he's gone for good. She's like she told him the whole i'm gonna get into trouble thing, and I was like 'You had us worried there, I might of had to fake a seisure(sp?) or something' and my bro was like 'And me a atsma(sp?) attack.)
Then we went on with our carefree lives, shopping for food. That's the end of my tale. Don't mind all the spelling errors. i'm on school mode so i'm super sleepy even though it's 11:52pm.
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