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i first saw DBZ
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
a question..
is it just me or has the art on the o been disappointing lately ?
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Monday, February 27, 2006
"We ain't got no place to go..."
yep well saturday was just..well just awesome..thats the best word for it i guess...even though i was kinda bummed out this weekend cause britter told me she was gunna come down here and see me..then she called and was like im not...*grumbles* but oh missed out britter ! but and Alan went up to Ireson's in Bristol and saw *Late Night Zero* and some other bands play..LNZ were effin awesome..i loved it..but bristol was funny im used to seein em over at Alans playin cards and stuff and yeh it was awesome seein em up on stage cause me and Alan were i think the only ones who knew em so we could be like yeh..we know those was fun...the band that went on after em was a little odd though..did a whole wrestling thing which was funny...and i guess since me and Alan were in front we were on TV somewhere..but ihave no idea where...anyways...i feel bad for Alan though..wasnt feelin good last night or this mornin..cause of all the headbangin and stuff heh..his neck/back was hurtin him bad ..i still have the red X's on my hands from them makin sure i wouldnt drink there...grr...
Yesterday was fun too..i feel like a bum though..i got up at like 130..and Alan came over on his lunch at like 2..then left at like 3 and yeah 330 the race came on so thats what i was doin...didnt even go outside at all yesterday till we had to go pickup josh at work..but the race was pretty ok..even tho jeff came in 13th i think....kenseth won which is cool cause i kinda like him too..but yeh
had a good surprise this mornin..well kinda..i got up here to the college and class was cancelled..kinda sucks though cause i coulda slept in..but oh well..ima prolly head back there and work on this pic im doin for Vangivens...<3...
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
*shakes head*
yeh well i cant believe i frickin missed it...i was sittin around at home allll day with NOTHING to do..and i missed the damn Daytona 500..ive been waitin since last season ended to watch a race and i MISSED IT *grumbles* i thought it was next sunday..but i guess theyre at CA then..i about to print out the schedule..even though im not supposed to since im at the college but oh well..this is important
i've been lookin for another Gordon sticker for my car too..since my last one faded and is half-gone cause i had a buncha ice on my rear windshield and yeh it got scraped off..i cant find one anywhere though..maybe im just lookin in the wrong places..or maybe im just blind
oh man i watch Skeleton Key last night with Alan..thats a weird movie..pretty good though..
ugh i think im gettin a cold too..i feel like shit and my nose is like..runnin ..its gross..real gross...
B u bday is comin up soon n im all excited cause i get to see everybody ..i really wanna go to that waterpark..itd just be cool when someone asks me what i did on my bday in march to say yeh ..i went to a waterpark...cause yeah its effin cold out
but anyways i gotta go...prolly gunna go over to Ann's and watch some of The Office
<333 Marbar
Your Heart Is Red" height="100" width="100">
You're a passionate lover - you always have a huge fire in your heart.
Too bad it's hard for you to be passionate about just one person!
Your flirting style: Outgoing and sexy
Your lucky first date: Drinks and dancing
Your dream lover: Is both stable and intense
What you bring to relationships: Honesty
What'>">What Color Heart Do You Have?" border="0" alt="Pink">
Pink Chii - What Color Chii Are You?"> Chobits - What Color Chii Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla">Quizilla>
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
"One Good Thing About Music, When It Hits You, You Feel No Pain"
well yeh..not too much has been goin on this week..but monday was me and Alan's 1mo anniversary..and he had the day off so i got to hang out with him all day which was awesome he wrote me another song (#4 !heh) and i made him sing it for me he hates doin it for some reason..but i think he sounds good
i got to meet his cousin Thomas from NC and hes a frickin beast..he can bench like..i dunno 490 or somethin like that and he's all tattooed up and stuff..but yeah hes pretty cool...
Alan's supposed to be gettin another tatt sometime soon..on his left calf...its gunna be a hammer with his dad's name runnin down the handle of it..i think its really sweet i got to help him pick out the font the other day and we brought it by his cousin stacy's...his cuz is gunna do it for him which is cool cause hes pretty good from what i've seen and he can trust him and all that stuff..
i hate not havin a job..i hate havin to ask my dad for money and stuff all the time cause i wanna be able to be down here and take care of myself..i just want my own money..and i hate that i ask for so much from my just really sucks..but i'll find a job soon enough..and then ill prolly complain about havin to work..but oh well thats just how it is
i got a letter back from my cuz/god-sis lacy the other day..i was all excited cause yeah i havent talked to her in YEArS...i just miss hangin out with her and stuff like way back in the day...good times lol i sent cricket, my old friend from NY a letter too..but im not sure if ill ever get on back..i havent written to her in years either..i hope i do get one though..
i need to just go by cvs later on or somethin hair is pissin me off cause its all faded..its like a really light brown and i dont like it i want my burgundy back but yeah i gotta find a better that'll last longer that 2 flippin weeks..errrRErreerr...
i cant wait till my bday ! ima go back up to madison and i dunno what ima do...i dont even care if i get anything i just wanna see everybody and stuff..cause i miss everybody up there..i dunno what to do though..i know my mom wants to bring me to this resturant and i def wanna go by Giovanna's and see Cindy and them ..but id be happy just hangin out somewhere..pokin some smot and watchin a movie or somethin with everybody..i dont want anyone to get bored though maybe ill think of somethin else *think think think*..yeah..madison sux........
but ima go and head to cvs ...
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Monday, January 30, 2006
Hot Topic turned EMO ?
well ok its like 11..and im sittin up here at the college and im bored outta my mind...theres really nothin to do..i just checked all of my stuff on here...but OH i just remembered somethin..ive got this gift card for 75$ for hot topic and ima try to see if i can use it online..since theres not hot topics around here..i hope i can..or ill be stuck waitin till the next time i go up to orange before i can use it...hmm...what do i want *thinks*
eww..all the models look all emo on there now..its not really a bad thing i guess..but its not the same..hmm...wonder why they did that...*ponders*
but now..i have a "curfew" well i guess i dont..anybody that wants to stay over kinda does..but anyways..i cant have anybody over at my apartment now past 1 cause my landlord is a stupid old woman who has nothing to do but stick her nose into w/e im doin..she even forced her way into my apartment..ok i have this little hook lock on the door that leads to her part of the house and yeah its broke clear off the door she pulled the damn thing so hard that she tore the hook thats pretty desperate..i dunno wtf i have down there that she wants so much..
but anyways..i drew a new pic..just finished it yesterday actually..but my laptop is still broken and yeah ihave no way of puttin it up on here..but maybe ill get it fixed soon i dunno..but ima run
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Monday, January 2, 2006
*yawn* has been pretty awesome..i've gotten to hang out with josh all day and i love it..even though we havent really been doin anything..its just awesome heh...but anyways..i posted the finished version of my self portrait earlier check it out please and comment if you have the time..i really appreciate it ^.^
Thought these were cute:
 What were YOU in your past life? (pictures, detailed results,everyone can take it) brought to you by Quizilla
 Where does Your Beauty Hide? Dark Pictures and Deep Results brought to you by Quizilla
 ...What kind of love do you have?...(amazing images!) brought to you by Quizilla
anyways..i really liked those heh
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Christmas is the Best
well im still up in ny..supposed to be going home tomm morning..but yeah there are some complications with my car...i need a new water pump cause mines all surprised i got up to my moms ok..cause the light in my dash has been on for weeks..couldnt figure out what it was at least now i anyways..i will be staying up here till about..ehh...friday maybe..or ihave to call in to work and hope that they dont fire me..even though walmart really effin sucks..but its still a job and i still get money from it...
but anyways..ny has been awesome..i got a bunch of awesome stuff for spoiled rotten and i love it but man i got so wasted last was sams bday and she just turned 18..but anyways..we went over to her friends and sat in this freezin ass cold garage with a tiny little kerosene heater..***Edited cause i know little ones get on here *******
it was fun until this dude started hittin on me..all he really kept sayin was "southern accents are hot..say ya'll c'mon say ya'll...i love southern accents..i should live in the somethin..i wanna hear you talk" and i thought that the fucker would get the hint after i totally ignored him multiple times, while he was in the middle of a rant, to say some pointless thing to sam...but i guess drunk people are dumber than i thought haha
but my dad was so cool about the whole going out last night..he was basically just like i know youre gunna be drinkin and stuff so if you need a ride just call me..and yeah he wasnt upset or anything and didnt say ANYTHING about last night..even after sam showed her mom the pics of her holdin the rum bottle right up next to her face...half empty by the way...yeah he even gave me 20$..that i didnt spend but dad is the shit
but i have to get off here cause im waiting on a phone call...should get it right about now...well they better call me..or ill be..yeah mad..but anyways...hope everyone is havin a good time..doin..whatever it is taht theyve been up to...yeah....
<3 marbar
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Friday, December 23, 2005
Off To Colder Climates
well this mornin at..5am i set out 4hours NE of my home..and i just arrived at my moms at about hmm..843..the drive SUCKED so bad..i was so bored and i kept thinkin about *things* that have been really stressin me out lately..i thought for 4 hours and i still have no idea what to do...gahh hewp me
anyways..i gotta leave here in about another hour to go up to PA and meet my dad so he can bring me up to NY for xmas ^.^ which will be really fun, i cant wait heh..but yeah gotta do alot of the thinkin thing again cause i REALLY need to come up with an answer to this problem..but i think i know what i might want to do..its just gunna be extremely hard and stressful to do it..but i gotta im thinking..anyways
time to get off here and switch all of my bags over to my moms car ..gunna take a little nap too before she gets back i think..even though ill prolly be sleepin all the way to pa..but oh well its all gravy..
i hope everyone's havin a good day ^.^
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Fun Stuff
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