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myOtaku.com: Celtic Guardian

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Holy Crap!!
Jesus, I thought I had completely forgotten about this thing..... >.>
and I'm still clueless on how to use it....
I can't even believe how long it's been. I mean sheesh, I used to be overtly addicted to this site, and now I am a TOTAL Gaia whore.
If you feel so inclined, add me. I'm [ Suicidal Slinky ] (don't ask about the origin of that name) If you do, PLEASE send me a PM or something telling me who you are, I don't accept all random friend requests
Peace, Love, and Pie
I'll probably end up updating sometime next century....
Celtic Guardian

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Which Naruto character do you fight like?(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeesh, I can't believe I keep forgetting to post here. I should probably try a little harder at that. Anyways, not much has happened over my way (except that I'm failing geometry, but that's a whole different story...) I'm thinking of posting another fanfic up here, after I finish actually writing it out. Then I'll retype it for all my adoring fans >^.^< heh heh, just kidding. Anyways, I should really get a new layout for my page, this one's getting rather boring...

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Saturday, September 3, 2005

Evanesence- Whether your a girl or
a boy...You can definitly relate to Amy Lee's
lyrics of sorrow and remorse. You like to have
a good time but stop to take some time for
yourself and maybe write a few songs. Your
style is also a little rebeled-out just like
Amy. This band is your heart and soul!!

what rock band best suits you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yay, it was nice to hear some people are still here. I'll be on as much as I can, if anyone still wants to talk. I'm on Gaia now, so that's where I'll be if I'm not here. ((By the way, I'm going to try and put a quiz result in as many posts as I can, they rok))


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Thursday, September 1, 2005

Well, who's still here?
You're a Goth... You Rock too!

Are you a Prep, Jock, Punk or Goth?
brought to you by Quizilla

It's rather strange to think, that,just a few months ago, there were a whole lotta people here. It seems that everyone has moved on. Yes, I have somewhat moved on too, but I come here every now and then to see if I have new PMs or something like that. Oh well, I guess everyone I used to talk to all the time, has left.

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Monday, July 18, 2005

   Heylo Again!!!!!
You're Kyou - the cat.

Which Fruits Basket Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Heylo everyone, didja miss me? I haven't been up to a whole lot lately, except for moving. I also went to Anime Expo 2005 in Anaheim. It was awesome, of course.

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