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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Sorry for the lack of posts.
I am soo sorry for not posting in so long. I've been rather busy with packing and crap like that. It's official, I'm moving to Fallbrook, CA on the seventeenth. My only problem with that is the leaving everything I've ever known behind. I mean, I've lived in this town for close to fourteen years now, and my whole life has been here. At least I will always have my friends on the Internet. I will be changing my e-mail address, so don't e-mail me at the address posted anymore (just planning for the future.) I do welcome Instant Messaging on msn though.
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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Well, I've just been TRYING to figure out my new Xanga site, and it has totally infuriated me. I think I'm going to just stick to the nice free sites that I'm already on. I know people here. It just bugs me a lot. Anyways, yesterday we went to the Scottish Highland Games in Livermore. It was quite fun until my Mom got into a bad mood. I got this awesome necklace that has a cross with a sword and crown on it. After the games, we went to the mall and I, of course, went to Hot Topic. I got a couple things with the remainder of my hard earned cash. I WAS saving up to go to the Anime Expo near where I will be moving to, but oh well. I have plenty of money making opportunites in the near future. Oh, did I also mention that Star Wars is out in FOUR MORE DAYS!!!! This waiting business is killing me. Well off to take over the world, bye.
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Monday, May 9, 2005

Not Too Bad
Well, my life has actually been not too bad lately. My grandparents were over this weekend, and that wasn't as horrible as it could have been. My grandpa has his own airplane, and he took us flying. That was pretty damn cool. Saturday was also Free Comic Book Day. Yes I know, I'm a comic book geek. But hey, I never say no to free manga. My grandma came over for mother's day, and she gave me a Slinky!! I hella love those, but I haven't played with one in years. Also, my new sunglasses are ready!! I'm all excited, because I wear glasses, so I can never wear real sunglasses, so I bought my first pair of prescription ones!! Yes, I've been having a good day today.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005

   Oh Man, You Don't Want To Know What I'm Thinking
Well, let's just say that I just got one of my favorite songs on a new CD from my friend. I can't say what it is though. I've been having a rather good day today. My mom bought Phantom of the Opera and National Treasure (both excellent.) Phantom came with the original novel, so that's what I'm reading now. Oh yes, it has been a VERY good day. My CD thing has a whole lot of Inuyasha songs on it too, so I'm very happy about that.
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Saturday, April 30, 2005

   Today is the day of my tiny little town's annual May Day Parade. Trust me, if you have never experienced 75 degree weather with a heavy wool band coat, it's not fun. We're gonna be leaving soon to go to the fair and have fun (you know, eating greasy food and stuff.) My brother and I are going on as many rides as our wallets (and stomachs) can handle. I have decided to start putting a 'quote of the day' in my posts just to have something to laugh at. If you don't find it funny eh well that's your problem.

Quote of the Day: "I Like Me" Caboose, Red Vs Blue

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Friday, April 22, 2005

As of today (or maybe yesterday, I wouldn't know.) I've had 200 visits to my site. I feel so loved now. I want to thank everyone who visited, but that would take too long, so I'll just say THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! Anyways, today has been rather good. My Earth Day fair thing didn't go quite as well as I had hoped, but hey, it was a start. Oh yeah, HAPPY EARTH DAY!!! I hope there are other hippies out there like me. My only problem with being a hippie, is not eating meat. I guess I can be a half hippie then. Cuz I will never give up meat (sorry to all those vegetarians out there.)

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Thursday, April 21, 2005

I Like Pointy Things
Like my title for the day concludes, I like pointy things. I AM cool like that thank you very much. Today has been OK, except for that my friend made me sing like a million times at PE. As a matter of fact, she's standing right next to me :). She keeps bugging me to type this thing ( I'm on a school computer by the way.)I'm gonna let her type something now so excuse the obnoxious chatspeak hi yall was up lol 2day was an ok day i guess how was urs i dnt knw y lauren doesnt like chatspeak its awesome lol i didnt even knw thts what it was called till now well im a go ttyl l8ers-*michelle* I swear to God that wasn't my imaginary friend!!!
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I'm done with standardized testing *does a happy dance.* If only it were Friday AFTER school gets out. I have to do this environmental thing that will be such a relief to get over with. Oh by the way, happy almost Earth Day!!! My friend and I are gonna do the whole hippie thing, and make jewelry and stuff out of recycled stuff. This holiday RULES!!! The only problem is, we only have two people coming out to give information. That's pretty sad, considering my mom's done a million events with a whole lot more presenters than mine. Oh well, it should still be awesome. Other than that, the forecast (outlook not weather) looks great. The only thing I really don't want to do this weekend is serve at this dinner thingy.
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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Why is it, that the school week always drags by, but the weekend is over in a snap? That sux big time. Well, our house is up for sale, and someone is coming over to tour it in a couple hours, I really REALLY don't want to move, no matter how good it is where we're moving. Oh well, enough about that. I haven't really had very much to talk about lately. I haven't really done anything. Except for Thursday night, when my brother threw a spoon at me and I got grounded for a day. That kinda sucked. Hopefully something interesting will happen to me this week so I have something better to talk about than my problems. Oh yeah, the fact that we're starting standardized testing this week just brightens my mood entirely *bangs head on table.* I hope that your guys' weekends are going better than mine.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Tuesday (Dang This Week Is Going By Slowly)
Well, I've discovered a new talent of mine. I can listen to a song and then (after a little bit of figuring it out) I can play it. I've now been bugging everyone I know with my flute. Just for Kitsune Foxfire, I will blow up a lawn gnome. They are creepy little things, aren't they? I have also seen the first Inuyasha movie. My friend let me borrow it, and I've been trying to figure out how to play the main theme thing. It's so high, it might be a piccolo part. Oh well. I hope I can find it.
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