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myOtaku.com: Celtic Guardian

Thursday, October 14, 2004

   My Story: Part 1
Please don't hate me if you hate the story. The first half has practically nothing to do with anime, but it will get better. I am new to this after all. This also has no title so please leave comments. So here goes.

A lone grey wolf sat on the crest of a hill. He sniffed the air, then rose. Was she coming? He howled, one clear, mournful note, to check. The sound echoed into the seemingly endless forest. Suddenly, a higher pitched howl rang out. It could only be his mate, Sylvencia, but had she brought their charge? A silvery coated wolf trotted out of the wood carrying a bundle wrapped in large leaves between her teeth. The male wolf, called Vanilor, padded down the hill to join her. She released the bundle and nuzzled her mate. He then picked up the bundle and they set off for their den. The two had found a crevice that was enclosed enough to shield them from the elements and unwanted guests, but large enough for them to live comfortably. Sylvencia lay down and wagged her tail as Vanilor dropped the bundle and started to unwrap it. He pushed away the leaves, revealing a polished black stone that glittered in the moonlight. He gently rolled it over to Sylvencia then lay next to her. The two wolves had separated from their pack when a power struggle with the alpha wolf had almost killed them both. Sylvencia had stayed by his side while the pack deserted them.

All right that's all I have for now but I'll post more tomorrow. Please comment and I'm sorry if there are any errors.

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