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myOtaku.com: Celtic Guardian

Monday, October 18, 2004

Part II
Ok so I lied, I didn't post a couple days ago but I'm posting today.

The next morning, Vanilor rose early. He stretched and left the warmth of their cave. He trotted to the river in the frosty morning. There was no snow to be found but everything was iced over. He lapped a few mouthfuls of the icy water before setting off to hunt. The sun, a golden jewel in the east peeked over the hills, casting a mystical glitter over the ice. Vanilor raised his head into the slight breeze. He caught a scent of deer. He turned into the wind and followed the scent until he reached a clearing. A herd of deer were grazing peacefully. Their hard hooves crunched over the crystalized grass. He crouched behind a bush and prepared to attack his target, a young doe with a twisted foot. He leapt lightly out and attacked. The healthy deer sprang off easily but the sickly one had no such luck. He brought it down easily and dragged it back to the crevice. Sylvencia greeted him with a nuzzle and a wag of her tail. The wolves tore away at the kill when suddenly, a crack like a gunshot echoed through the cave. They popped their heads up to see what it was. They began to approach the stone, the apparent source of the sound. Just as they reached the stone, it exploded. They had just enough time to hit the floor while razor sharp bits whizzed overhead, Sylvencia whimpered. In the place where the 'stone' once lay, a tiny black dragon shook off and stretched. It cracked open its eyelids, revealing ruby red eyes. Thus the birth of the red eyes black dragon.

Ok next part tomorrow (hopefully) sorry to leave you all in suspense but that's the way it goes. And this story is about Red Eyes as in Joey's. Since Blue Eyes always gets all the attention, I decided to do something on Red Eyes. And I've come up with a title, The Legend of Red Eyes. Adios

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