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myOtaku.com: Celtic Guardian

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Part IV
He raised his head and roared again. Blood slowly dripped from his talons. He sniffed the air, he smelled another. He crashed into the forest to find another hunter crouched behind a bush. The dragon roared and reared onto his hind legs. The hunter screamed and ran for his life. The dragon lowered his head once he was gone and walked back to Vanilor's body. He gently scooped the dead wolf into his teeth and headed back to Sylvencia. When he arrived back, he lay Vanilor on the ground before her. Sylvencia looked at Vanilor, then the dragon. She let out a howl of anguish. Her anguish soon changed to fury. She believed that he had killed Vanilor. The dragon roared at this. Sylvencia attacked him but she was no match for the dragon. She soon retreated and raced off into the forest. The dragon roared again and took to the sky. He kept his head low in his despair. He could not cry although he wanted to. He flew for hours until his wings ached and night had fallen. He landed in a meadow to sleep. He rested uneasily that night, for grief and fear kept him awake. What would he do now? He had no idea. The next morning his wings ached too much to fly so set off on foot. He covered a lot of ground that day. He had not decided to head east until he was stopped by something better than this. The dragon flew every other day so he had time to rest his wings. One day he camped by a lake, he had taken to swimming while he stayed there. This would be a useful skill if he had to cross large bodies of water and was too tired to fly. After spending several days at the lake, he flew again. He flew over mountains and rivers and soon arrived at the sea. He saw people for the first time since the hunters. He automatically assumed that they were all the same. At first he avoided them but he was itching to leave. So he walked down the coastline until they were out of sight. He then took off and flew over the sea. He flew and swam for several days before he sighted dry land.
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