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myOtaku.com: Celtic Guardian

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Part XII
The group turned and stared at the dragon. Terask wore an extremely serious expression. He moved down into a hole that had been covered by the sands. It would have been a long way down but the sands had built up in a pile so it was a soft landing. The others shrugged and followed him. 'This was once the palace,' Terask said gravely. 'But the sands of time slowly took hold.' he continued. The others were awestruck at how well this building was preserved. Everything was faded but still beautiful. 'This was the great hall, where celebrations and festivals were held.' he said. 'Come with me.' The group followed Terask as he headed for a large door. He pushed the door open with his armored head and it slowly creaked open. They followed him into a smaller chamber. Dusty furniture and trappings adorned this room. Most of what they could tell were furs and bowls of foods were eaten away. Only gaunt remains still stood in what would have been a grand room. 'This was the Pharoah's room, my room. This was where I was raised.'

I'm so happy cuz not only did I post more of the story (I'm gettin good at this.) I got a GBA SP for an early Christmas present. I got Kingdom Hearts for it and I'm doing pretty good on it :)

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