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myOtaku.com: Celtic Guardian

Monday, January 24, 2005

Hey what's up everyone? Sorry for not posting sooner. I can't think of any further plot for the story so if anyone wants to add a bit, do whatever you want.

Well as for my life, my life has been rather crappy at the moment. I'vr been sick since Friday and my mom won't let me stay home. I was stuck staying with my grandma while my parents were at the president's thingy in Washington D.C. So in other words I had a really bad week last week. The good things about these last couple days is that I started a new story on Seto-Kaiba.com and I have a whole plot for it so it will most likely be finished. And the last good thing that happened to me is this: I founda dollar on the locker room floor in PE isn't that exciting?!? Well after the weeks I had, you'd be happy for a dollar too. ^_^

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