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myOtaku.com: Celtic Guardian

Monday, February 7, 2005

   The Seagull Army Is Upon Us
Well, today was somewhat entertaining. After a very loud round of "It's A Small World After All," my friend, Daniel, and I had a fight over his chips. He wouldn't share so I tackled him and tried to tear them out of his hands. I did get some chips, but not before I got pushed onto the floor. The people who sit at my table found this strangely entertaining. After that little episode, I found out that there was chip crap ALL over my favorite sweatshirt. Yes, I was very pissed at Daniel, yes I was. Well then we went outside and the seagull army started their attack. That was kinda scary so my friends and I ran for cover. My other friend told Daniel that, when he least expected it, the seagulls would pick him up and drop him on his head. Yes, I have very strange friends. But they're not quite as strange as the boy who talks to the seagulls. I swear, he has a friggen conversation with the damn birds. -_- Oh well, at least they're entertaining.
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