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myOtaku.com: Celtic Guardian

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Well, I've just been TRYING to figure out my new Xanga site, and it has totally infuriated me. I think I'm going to just stick to the nice free sites that I'm already on. I know people here. It just bugs me a lot. Anyways, yesterday we went to the Scottish Highland Games in Livermore. It was quite fun until my Mom got into a bad mood. I got this awesome necklace that has a cross with a sword and crown on it. After the games, we went to the mall and I, of course, went to Hot Topic. I got a couple things with the remainder of my hard earned cash. I WAS saving up to go to the Anime Expo near where I will be moving to, but oh well. I have plenty of money making opportunites in the near future. Oh, did I also mention that Star Wars is out in FOUR MORE DAYS!!!! This waiting business is killing me. Well off to take over the world, bye.
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