Sunday, October 3, 2004
om gah he is like so sexy!!!!!!!!
heehee they no me so well!lol im not a whore!!!
fuckin ha-lar-i-ous!!!
Saturday, September 25, 2004
heehee hes hot!!
oh fame city bitch!!!!!!!
oh my gah he was the hottest one!!!!!!
 Glamour Beauty! You prefer to work for your beauty with Make-Up and the right clothes and the result is it worth, no question, you're pretty but maybe you should pay more attention on your inner beauty. Let your soul shine as pretty as your face!
What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
Meet James!!!!!1
Double element Meteor. Mix of Fire and Earth. You are hot headed as the fire and strong as him, but you love the other creaature around you just like the Earth. Your power amplifier is the Universe, your protective stone is the Onix. You don't like the Moon and your special power is that you can live in everywhere. Sorry, I don't have any pic that fit this one.
Which element (or double element) control your mind and heart?(with anime girls pics) brought to you by Quizilla
lovedove!!! lol gag!!!!!!! naw i love love!!!!!! What Personality Do You Have?
i dunno!!!!!!!!!!!
 You're a Shape Shifter. You're very intreasting, very odd, and very clever. You have strange attitudes, because they always seem to switch. One minute you're good, second you're a bad *beep*. Actaully it all depends on yourself, after all the power is within you. XD How chessy is that?
What would you be in your fighting group? brought to you by Quizilla
im tough bitch!!!!
Which Resident Evil movie character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Philip J. Fry
What Futurama Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
ugh this fuckin sux!
 Which Family Guy character are you?
see im not all heartless bitch!
 How evil are you?
spike is hott!!!
 You are Spike. Insane, but extremely cute.
Which Buffy Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
hehe! What Sanrio Character Are You?
kinky hoe
K Kind
I Intelligent
N Nice
K Keen
Y Yucky
H Humorous
O Orderly
E Edgy
Friday, September 24, 2004
hi you doin!?
How YOU doin? You're Joey Tribiani. You are promiscuous and don't really know where your life is going to take you! Have fun, and don't get a VD.
Which Friends Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday, September 11, 2004
 You'd turn into a Panther! Mysterious, srong, refined and aggressive you are a force to be reckoned with. You don't really care about much and prefer to be solitary, however the mystery and strength that surrounds you tends to attract people to you, though you see to it that they dont stay long. You dont have many friends but are protective towards the few you have. Feirce but at the same time refined when fighting people dont stand a chance against you.
What animal would you turn into? brought to you by Quizilla
 You'd like "The Pickle" the best!! In this movie, Katie goes into the dark scary forest and meets the giant floating Pickle. The Pickle kills Katie's friend Lizzy and posessed the poor dead body. He comes back to kill katie but when he comes out of Lizzy's body, Katie shoots him with the Possessed Giant Pickle Killer gun. In the end, the camera man get's attacked by the Pickle.
What Home Video of Mine You Like?(Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
me again
You're like CAYLA!!! You're the prettiest one of you're friends and even though you may not think so, you are. you're really energetic but can get depressed easily. You fall into denial sometimes but you're still an awesome person. your friends love you and would never get rid of you. :) And like Amy and Lydia, you have you're own set of rules 4 urself (The Cayla Code)
Which one of my friends are you?( for gurls ) brought to you by Quizilla
more of me
You laff because i'm different. I laff becasue you're all the same're different and proud of it! hot topic is prolly your fave store.
What quote should I give you? brought to you by Quizilla
u read me like a book,
but dont look,
for u might see,
who im starting to be,
youve changed me,
into something i dont want to be, why dont you just leave,
you manipulate me,
why didnt you let me be?
i want my life back,
now ill just pack,
ill run away,
ill let ur heart sway,
ill make u feel meager,
ill make you feel null,
without me ur life will be dull, i hope u like it,
now ur nothin but shit.
sry i really need to put more on here but a lot of ish has been goin on sry!
im autumn
 You're an Autum. You're much more laid back then most and you're very comfortable in new situations. You rather let things go with the flow than try to change them. You have a lot of close friends who love you because you can help them with their problems. You're a very patient person and it take a lot to get you rattled. You're deffinately a lover not a hater.
What season are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
wat angel i am!
 You're a "Pink Angel". Now, just because it may be a little bit of a feminin color doesn't mean you're all girly and whiney. You're very self-less and love to bring good news to people because you like seeing people happy. You have better manners than most and people love how polite you can be. You're friends love that they hardley ever get in arguments with you and can barely get mad at you! You're friends and family mean so much to you and it takes more than a fight to break you away from them.
What Color Angel Are You? (PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, September 10, 2004
see mike
dark lord koga
Love Level: 82%
ooo im so sexy!
How to make a cgirl
3 parts intelligence
5 parts courage
3 parts energy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of fitness and enjoy!