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Under your pillow
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Being dead to the world?
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Anime Fan Since
Its been longer then three years +_+
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Gundam Wing, Hellsing, PetShop of Horrors, Berserk, Trigun, Battle Angel Alita, Vampire Hurter D, Tenchi Muyo, Blood, Blue Gender, Inuyasha, Big O, and so on
To find a goal or two or six ^-^
Drawing, reading books with pics, writing poetry, and.... Um is music a hobbie?
| chainedangel
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
heh i'm a messy up... its 3:46am and i cant stop puking i've stressed myself to the breaking. oops! now i cant stop shaking and i'm hot along with other feelings. AH bathroom *runs away*
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
How do you know if you've lost your mind if it is lost?
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
.::Happy Birthday The Vampire Ed::.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
*pulls on hair* >< I.....I'm never going to babysit thoes kids again. I have to sleep over this ladies house to watch her kids from 6 in the morning to like 7:15pm >< 3 kids and a dog. About 13 or more hours of hell. The kids are 4(girl) 7(boy) 10(boy puppy they scream and cry and jump all over everything. and all i get is 35 dollars... I'm done. I've watched her kids 2 times and thats enough for me. And because of those kids i cant have kids myself "things" tied itself together ^^ *rubs tummy* good body good body
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
*slowly walks in and waves* i'm still alive. i dont know if thats good or bad. how are things going with you guys with mum and i opened up a ceramice shop >< so i'm always there running things. its called "platypus paint a piece" you guys should come see me and paint something. just dont come the 25th i have a party over 15 screaming little 7 to 9 year old girls well be there. partys are good they bring in a lot of money for me. cause i dont make a lot through the month maybe 2 or 3 people will walk in and paint some 6 dollar item >< you dont make a lot on 6 to 12 dollar items. anyways i love you guys and i think i might start coming around to see you all... just tell me alittle about whats going on good or bad news i wanna hear it all
by the way i hope so confused cause i miss being called gabe. i miss a lot of things and my dear lemon i changed it to hide from lots of things but not you..
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
I have fan art of me... who freaky is that *huggles* I hope you guys are all still drawing and writting and enjoying what little bit of life you have. humdeedum

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Thursday, March 10, 2005
*holds up a sign* hello
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
I think I'm on gaia to much. I'm never here anymore. I'm sure your not to sad about that but yeah whatever right. I also work a lot too if I'm not working at the studio I'm on gaia I've gotten so bad I got on gaia while I'm at the studio
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
What do you have on right now socks, shoes and socks, just shoes. I just have little white socks on... Bet you guys thought I was kinding about the Bonephone/Puppy Cell as you can see I wasn't
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
*sighs* guess none of you likedd my lazy way to update I was going to tell you about the Puppy Cellphone but I wont now. I have missed you all but I'm working 2 jobs now and I'm so tired by the time I get home. And Working 2 jobs I really don't have anything to say. Yep boring so good-bye everyone
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