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Being dead to the world?
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Its been longer then three years +_+
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Gundam Wing, Hellsing, PetShop of Horrors, Berserk, Trigun, Battle Angel Alita, Vampire Hurter D, Tenchi Muyo, Blood, Blue Gender, Inuyasha, Big O, and so on
To find a goal or two or six ^-^
Drawing, reading books with pics, writing poetry, and.... Um is music a hobbie?
| chainedangel
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Thursday, April 22, 2004
I got a new tool knife thingy!!! It's so pretty it's pink and it's made by Husky. My stepdad got it for me. AND! Guess what else I got! Yep that's right I got a new belly ring
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Why do people make promises they can't keep?
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Did you guys miss me? I really need to stop not posting stuff. I've missed you guys so much! *BIG HUG* Guess what! I'm growing again! My legs hurt so bad! I really don't need my legs any longer then they are right now. It's already really hard to find pants. My waist is like a 20 and my legs are almost 34 (I think) they don't make pants that size... So my pants are always falling off my waist and sitting on my BIG hips. I'm so glad I have hips if it wasn't for them I don't think I could hold my pants half way up. It's hard to find skirts too. Because most of the short skirts I find that fit really well in the hips. Become mini skirts because my legs are so long. And these skirts on anyone else would be like somewhere close to the knees.... But not on me. *giggles* My mum use to not let me wear skirts because my legs are so long but after 4 years for talking her into it she's now almost willing to let me wear them. I like my legs. Not to skinny not to fat just right. Now all I need is a tan.
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Friday, April 9, 2004
GAME: The Cheshire cat Willow drew for me is not from the game... Looks this one is from the game 
It's skinny, has tattoos, and has an earring. Oh and don't for get the bloody smile (that's really sexy)
BOOK: Willow's Cheshire Cat looks like he has more of a human face to it. And in the book the cat has more of a human face...SEE

So I think willow looked at the book and drew it from there..... I think it's very cute I love it. Thank you again
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Look what Willow drew for me! I asked her to a while ago and she really did it ^__^ how wickid is that? Willow is so wickid! (I mean that in the best way) (wickid is my word of the day) THANK YOU!!! *jumps up and down and in the middle of the jumping* *hugs willow* *goes back to the jumping* *stops* Sorry I'm kind hyper right now. This is a first! I never get hyper. I think every time I listen to coal chamber I get hyper... They make me want to get up and dance. (I love to dance) ^__^Well I have to run now *sniffles* time for work :( bye-bye wuv you!

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Friday, April 2, 2004

Has anyone seen Fullmetal Alchemist?
If so is it any good? I'm thinking about getting it but I don't know if I should or not. I know its about two boys that are 10 and 11 and they lose their mommy. *cries* So sad. It most be a Disney movie. Hahahaha... Okay for those who haven't noticed yet but in most of the Disney movies the mum always dies or is dead
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004

This isn't a very good pic of me but o well. My step-dad took the pic and he was mad cause my hair was in my face. So he told me to brush it out of my face and then he was mad cause I never looked at the camera... *giggles* I told you guys I was ugly. You guys are lucky I'm not facing the camera. I'm saving you the pain... YOUR WELCOME!
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Friday, March 26, 2004
I went shopping and I got some new dresses. Can you believe it me in a dress? I sure can't. My mum never lets me wear stuff like this. Their almost short dresses too and tight. (Skin tight) I got three black dresses and one of them has pink on it. So very cute and sexy. I'm going to model them off this weekend and get some new pics of me. Would you guys like to see how ugly I am?
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
I was taken a bubble bath this morning and I remember that I haven't been on this site in a while. You guys most think I'm dead or something. *sits in your lap* Hi! Mind if I site here?(no) Good! As you can see I'm alive and kicked! Well, not kicking to lazy to kick. I don't get that saying "alive and kicking" I most be stupid. Dose anyone else get it? Oh by the way... Do you guys like my dollie I adopted? She's NAKED! How sweet is that? A hot chink taking a bubble bath NAKED. *sighs* She reminded me of "someone". Now who could that "someone" be... ME!
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I got a head cold and I just didn't feel like it.
I got my hair cut. Its now long and all in my face before I was just long. I got some new DVDs too. I got Underworld and School of Rock. My stepdad got some new DVDs to but their war movies boring *falls asleep* zzZZzz
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