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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Question for the day...
Q: What colour are your underpants?
Me: Black with a drawing of hubba hubba bubble gum on them
Thought for the day...
T: Puppy Cellphone, the Bone Phone
Me: *giggles* Is this real or not? Tell me your thoughts on the puppy cellphone the bone phone.
Web page for the day....
W: Click me
Me: Hope you enjoyed the website for the day
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Friday, January 21, 2005
*claps* Tonight I think I'll be home before 6:30 ^_^ I hope. Mean I wont be to tired to stop by your guys sites and post on them... I got a lot to say to some of you well not really but yeah. I miss you all. *huggles the 1st person I see* MINE! Wait... Who are you?! Your not part of this site *runs away screaming* I HUGGLED SOMEONE I DONT KNOW! AHAHAHAHHH *hopes into the shower* AH! The water is COLD!
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Alright I need you all to update me on your lives cause I read some of your sites and I have no clue whats going on. So please help me so it'll be easier on my little mind ^_^ My life is going down the hill fast but it's okay. I'm glad you all like my tattoo and think its scary its on my back on the shoulder bone. The yellow hurt cause there is like 2 other layers of colour before it came... You skin starts to get pissy if you go over it to much with the same needle.
Careful Darke I just got a new hole put in my ear wanna see it? *flicks Darke's ear*
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Good bye everyone I'll see you next year. I hope you guys never have a night like I did last night. I'm still shaking from me. Happy new year everyone ^_^ Enjoy yourself please
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
Alright here's something most of you have been waiting for... If you hate it please tell me if you like it then I guess you can tell me that too. Dose it look a little 3D to you guys or is it just me?

And it didnt hurt... Well the yellow hurt >_< but other then that it was fine *pouts* I wanted to cry and moan and it didnt happen
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
NO tattoo yet... The one I wanted was going to be to big so BLAH! I'm going to just get my madhatter naked fairy then! he boobies are better anyways. Sorry I havent been here for awhile I'm just so busy and depressed. Shshsh dont tell anyone that last part though. *sniffles* I would have been here sooner but as soon as I saw Onokij leave without a good-bye I didnt want to come back. I'm worried that you guys will leave me without a good-bye as well. I hope tonight after I get home for work or this art show I'll get to go around and see you guys :) *huggles*
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
*sighs* The people I really want to be with today are all so far away. The one that I wish I could be with the most right now is to busy for me. And others are just going through some stuff and need sometime alone. Everyone has a job and most of you are still studying. *huggles* Just know I miss you guys a lot...
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
*sighs* I'm sorry guys I'm just not in the mood to code pics anymore. I found Lilims Kisse here We are on Chapter 11. I do hope you guys enjoy it. Wish me luck guys tomorrow I'm getting my tattoo
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
mwa hahah... My b-day is coming up and I'm getting a tattoo. I'm going to get a dragon/human/girl looking thing. Anyone want to draw me one? I havent started on her yet. I'd like for her to be sitting... I'm going to have it on my back over that shoulder bone on the right side.
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Monday, November 15, 2004
I've missed you guys... My internet died >_< its been out all week. *hugs you* I've really missed you guys I own you one more chapter huh
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