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| chainedangel
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Wow I didn't think so many of you guys would have commented. I'm going to try something different and reply to them all here (I saw Darkeangel do this)
To Mr. Onokij's 2 comments: Food taste so dull now. I no longer feel hungry when I am. Its really hard to remember to eat when you dont feel hungry. The mangas were so cool I'm still in the middle of reading them... You always find the best stuff Thank you so much *huggles*
To Tepocoora's comment: *takes a tiny bite of the ice cream* AH! its to cold! *hands it to my step-dad to eat* My step-dad loves ice cream. I wouldn't mind my life dull my food already taste that way.
To Purqatory's comment: *sniffles* Its so hard. I don't know whets harder going through this or eating... EATING! Gungrave most see hmm maybe Mr. Onokij has it ^_-
To Una Maxwell 02's comment: Try something new. Hmm that dose sound good. I'm trying to talk its just so hard....
To SammyJoe's comment: *hugs back and pats your back cause I can't breathe* Your hugging just a little to tightly..... I know people love me I think that's why this is so hard. And I have to go to church and its not helping at all I do not see the love at the church I have to go to. And thank you for your kind words I might take you up for that and talk your ear off...
To Nikorasu's 2 comments: ^_^ Thank you so much for reminded me to eat... I'm glad to know someone is looking after me a little. Dude I bet your with yourself more them I'm with myself. I'm always lost in a daydream
To Autumncatamity's comment: Alright I'll stay alive just so you can sit through my stupid journal I'll post some pics for you today ^_^
::Photo time:: (like this post cant be any longer I'm going to add pics to it now) *sighs*
Hey look me before I cut my hair off

I told you guys I'd show you a pic of the showers Matt gave me so here you go... Sorry it took me so long to get them

How would you guys like to see my room? I got somewhat cool stuff and my room is messy Now you know you guys wanna see a messy room ^_^
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Sorry I haven't posted in a while... I've been pretty stressed out over things still. I dont understand them. And I dont understand my own actions. Is it bad when you dont understand yourself? Yeah I didn't think so. I'm trying to hard to eat again I stopped eating for while food just taste so dull... I dont feel hungry anymore I use to enjoy eating like if I was bored I'd eat now I just sit there wondering what to do. I've lost a lot of weight in the passed 2 or 3 weeks. But your starting to be able to see my ribs more and more each day
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
This girl from church (I like church I just dont like this church I have to go to they dont believe the someway I do) asked... "oh okie you agree with gay marriage? or abortion? 1st of what is oh okie dokie? Is that a pet name is this chick hitting on me! *looks for a place to hide* I dont wanna be with her *fake cries* *giggles* Anyway I told her "I dont agree with it... but if that's what they want to do then i think they should get to ... cause I'm not the one that's going to be facing god they are ... if being together like that makes them happy then that's all thate matters right now. I talk to a lot of people that a gay... I dont agree with it but it dose make them happy ... people should get to feel happy just once in their lives to fall in love love is really hard to find and if they find it in the same sex so be it..." After she left I think I'm fine with the gay marriage its just that how to you tell a bible thumper that. As long as your in love nothing else matters! Oh what do I care.... The girl that I said this to just said oh my your going to church to night right I hope you are.. What dose that mean! Is she going to hit on me again?
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
hahaha I have the best thing to tell you... *giggles* If I can tell you without laughing... *takes a deep breath and talks really fast* Okay! This guy is trying to sell me call waitting or whatever phone stuff right and I was like I dont know how much i pay my mum pays it. I'm never on the phone I hate phones and the guy trying to sell me phone stuff said yeah me too *falls out of the chair laughing*
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Friday, July 23, 2004
Yeah um about the pics I can't find my camera right now so as soon as I find it again I'll post them. By the way I'm never going asleep again I had a scary dream
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
I got it from Niko's site! He said it was hard to get blah... Click click and you got it yay I'd do my sexy happy dance but I still have coffee in my hands
The University of Blogging
Presents to Chainedangel
An Honorary Bachelor of Psychotic Ranting
Majoring in Babbling
Blogging Degree From
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*sings* I thought I saw a man brought to life, he was warm he came around and he was dignified he showed me what it was to cry. Well you couldn't be that man I adored You don't seem to know seem to care what your heart is for I don't know him anymore.
There's nothing where he used to lie the conversation has run dry that's what's goin' on
Nothing's fine I'm torn I'm all out of faith this is how I feel I'm cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor. lllusion never changed into something real I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn. You're a little late I'm already torn and I can see....*sighs* I've listened to the same song for 9 hours now... is that bad? *sings again* So I guess the fortune teller's right I should have seen just what was there and not some Holy light but you crawled beneath my veins and now I don't care - I have no luck - I don't miss it all that much there's just so many things...... *sniffles* This is the best mp3 thank you sweater! Then again a lot of the Mp3s I get from Ani are awesome ^_^ sadly I'm going to stop singing for a little while and drink my coffee it's 7am!! By the way Matt sent me my 1st set of roses this week... Isn't that sweet? It made me smile then but it could have been cause my mommy was shaking for an hour or so that was wicked have to see that again some time. I wish I didn't cry when I looked at my roses right now there so pretty I took a pic of them i'll post later today much later!
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
*sighs* *crawls out of bed walks into the bathroom and brushes my teeth and hair* *slowly walks back out and back into my room picks up a sigh* *and holds it up for all to see what it says* THERE I HAVE UPDATED! @ 8:39am +_+
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Monday, July 12, 2004
liked this pic more them the other pics he said it was more sad and stuff cause I was looking for a depressing pic...
But I think this pic fits my life better... Dont you think I'm sure me all boowho is very annoying you guys all want to bite off my head.. dude in pic says"AHAHA I hungry"
Your alright... You all say the true I've been reading your guys comments over and over again and just crying cause I know their all true and I have to face it. That's kind why I haven't been coming to your guys sites and commenting on your sites cause by the time I get ready to comment on yours I'm crying so hard I can't see the screen anymore I'm very sorry. I miss coming to your sites. I'm going to come to them today ^_^ Cause I miss you guys you've helped me and shown me that I'm loved and I wanna do the same for you guys... To bad on one can love someone the same way as someone else did. Love is so strong but so weak at the sometime... This is why I truly believe love is nothing but a mask pain wears. ^_^ Do you like that Quote? "Love is just a mask pain wears" I thought of that
myself it's my quote by me

This pic made me cry she's so happy and in love.... lucky!
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
Maybe this isn't the best thing to take a quiz.
 Depressed.. Your sad about alot of things.. life seems piontless... everything is going wrong and this STUPID WORLD IS FULL OF IDOITS!
What type of girl are you?? ~anime pics~ brought to you by Quizilla
I not always depressed am I? And the world isn't full of stupid idoits. It's more like broken hearts. Mine feels like its being ripped into two. Awesome huh yeppers. Humdeedum
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