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Its been longer then three years +_+
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Gundam Wing, Hellsing, PetShop of Horrors, Berserk, Trigun, Battle Angel Alita, Vampire Hurter D, Tenchi Muyo, Blood, Blue Gender, Inuyasha, Big O, and so on
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Drawing, reading books with pics, writing poetry, and.... Um is music a hobbie?
| chainedangel
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Saturday, June 19, 2004
To day I played laser tag and took pics at the sametime today. It's really hard to shot a gun with your left hand while taking pics with your right. And on top of that I hate playing games so I'm very bad at playing *cries* I hate 12 year old girls with bouncy balls too. And I wasn't the only one. While the girls throw their bouncy balls around the guys got a hold of them and started thawing them hard. One guy got hide in between the eyes and that started bleeding. That was so funny ^_^ The guy I was sitting next to on the bus wasn't throwing the balls but he did say "All these balls are driving me nets" It was so funny he was talking about the bouncy balls but yeah *giggles*
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
My mum has done nothing else but yell at me all morning...The phone rings a 8am it's my mum's mommy and she's singing happy b-day to me thinking it's mum. And mum is screaming "WHO THE FUCK IS IT" and going on and on about that. While I'm trying to talk to both of them at the sametime. And no one is listening to me. After I got off the phone I ran back into my room my eyes haven't dryed up yet. I can't stop crying. My mum is so moody today just because it's her b-day she's now 33 and she's all ek I'm old. Oh whatever that is so not old.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
There's a cell phone virus now?! Wicked ^_^ I don't have a cell phone so I can't get it. I bet you can get it by all that download. The songs and stuff. That's funny. My step-dad wants a cell phone that he can download songs and whatever if your not careful you'll get it. How can you be careful with a cell phone though? There isn't anything to stop a virus like you can on a computer is there?
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I can put make up on now! ^_^ My eyes stand out. I still feel ugly but my eyes get to feel pretty. My mum keeps telling me I'm not putting any make up on cause she can't see it. But she always says my eyes look like they stand out more. ^_^ So hahah.. I got make up on. Anyway I got to playing with my camera last night and took two pics of myself... They look crappie but o well. I'm only showing one of them cause it's not of my face.

Can you guess wot part of my body that is?
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
Sorry I haven't been around for a while... My mother bored burned out had to get a new computer. I have no clue how I fried it. It was only 4 years old or so. I really hope my hard drives are okay all my draws are on them. I don't wanna lose those. Half my drawings you guys have never seen. I'm shy when it comes to showing stuff off. Anyways I got some new DVDs ^_^ guess wot they are. Yep their Anime! Guess wot Anime. No not Tigun. No not Cowboy Bepop. *sighs* I'll just tell you.... It's Lain ^_^
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
I got a hair cut... Yep it's all short and spiky now as soon as the lady gets me pink hair dye and dyes it for me I'll get you guys a pic of me again ^_^
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Sunday, June 6, 2004

*sighs* Yesterday went by fast I did so much walking around. I didn't know I could walk in my boots 4 inches without them hurting me feet I was in them for 13 hours. Well, shopping suck... Everywhere we went was out of stuff *cries* But oh well I got new computer speakers and a Cold Chamber CD. I guess I had fun. My step-dad pointed out 15 guys that were drooling over me and 2 of them really were drooling. It was funny and scary at the sometime. I don't know how I always miss the guys looking at me or following me around. *cries* Dose this mean I'm not as ugly as I thought I was? And my boobs are really an okay size?
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Friday, June 4, 2004
^_^ Thankz to Niko I know how to take pics of my desktop now. This is wot I have on it now... The big guy reminds me of someone. And I want to be the girl isnt she the cutest?

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heh... My step dad is taking me out tomorrow. For lunch and whatever else I want. Wot should I ask for?
1: Go pantie and bra shopping ^_^
2: music shopping
3: manga and art book shopping
4: shoes shopping
5: find belly ring and earrings shopping
6: to the mall with step dad *sighs*
Okay now that you told me were to shop how about where to eat
1: food
2: some stupid chained food pleace
3: Japanese food
Thank you for all your help ^_^ I'll tell you how my day went.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
I'm 17 years old and I now have a bedtime. I haven't had a bedtime since I was 14. Why do I have to have one now? So wot if I sleep half the day away. There is nothing I can't do in the daytime that I can't do at night. My stepdad is upset because I never want to go out to lunch with him anymore. I'm so sick of always being around family for one I'd like to be around someone my age. Has anyone's skin ever burned to be cut? Like already feel like this being sliced open. Like you can almost feel the blood running down your arm. Without doing a thing (anyone else scared? I'm scaring myself)
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