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Under your pillow
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Being dead to the world?
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Its been longer then three years +_+
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Gundam Wing, Hellsing, PetShop of Horrors, Berserk, Trigun, Battle Angel Alita, Vampire Hurter D, Tenchi Muyo, Blood, Blue Gender, Inuyasha, Big O, and so on
To find a goal or two or six ^-^
Drawing, reading books with pics, writing poetry, and.... Um is music a hobbie?
| chainedangel
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
I have 504 Visits now.... Joy? *dose a slow depressing happy dance* I took a nape today and since then I've been so sad. I'm crying and I don't understand why. O well I should be use to this by now. Mr. Onokij said something that I can't stop thinking about. I asked him why do others hold the key (If your wondering wot I'm talking about you should go read Onokij's post for today.) And he told me cause sometimes people can figure us out and know something about us that we do not... So I was wondering if you guys see something about me that I don't know. I'm sure there is I don't know myself very well to tell ya the truth I hate myself
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Monday, May 31, 2004
My friend sent this to me. She wuvs me!

Get Well!
hey becca, just wanted to say i hope you feel better...i know how it is to be a sucks sometimes. Feel better soon
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Sunday, May 30, 2004
I'm going to stay under the bed with Mr. Weaver. Anyone want to join us? *closes eyes and slowly falls back a sleep on Mr. Weaver's tummy*
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
One of my friends comes to see me every night he watches over me while I sleep. Mr Onokij knows how he comes him and I talked about this before. ^_^ Anyway my friend Matt told me I was crying all night long. Guess wot else Matty told me..... Yep you guessed it on top of all the crying I elbowed him in the chest. He's got a nice booboo now. *drops my head* Sorry Matty. In my dream I think I lost my love cause I saw his hand so I was running to in from down this long hallway (don't you hate those their like never ending hallways) The closer I got to his hand the redder the hallway turned. I drop to my knee and grab his hand but there was nothing there and everything because so red I couldn't see... I woke up screaming his name (good thing I had my door closed) and everything in my room way gray for a sec then went back to being dark (no lights in my room) I only see gray when someone dies or is in love... I know it wasn't love because I was scared out of my mind. Well to tell you the truth I'm still scared
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Friday, May 28, 2004
I've changing this post about the "Report Artwork" because now I understand why its there.... And I'm made cause my post about me working has yesterdays date on it... So I'm going to post in it place of this one.
I hate being a girl it's painful! THANK GOD I HAVE DRUGS!
I had to work today I didn't get my ice cream coffee... I love my ice cream coffee and I didn't get one. But my boss and I played strip poker. It was awesome! I won! (cause we didn't really play) I've very good at poker... (but I've never played before) Anyone want to play with me? My drugs are yummy good thing I don't have to take them all the time ^_^ (yes I've lost my mind. It's gone to the pain killing king and queen) Wuv me!
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
I'm still under my bed hiding from all of you. I know deep down inside you guys hate me... Everyone around me thinks I need to change who I am. What I believe. I'm staying under this bed till the people that want me to change move far, far away. Or till someone grabs me and pulls me out from under this bed and carries me far, far away..... Whatever comes 1st
And yes I have Benny under the bed with me. So If your going to pull me out and carry me away you can't forget Benny. *hugs my Benny tightly*
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
I've joined a rpg thingy... Can you believe it? I can't. I've never done anything like this before. My friends talk about it all the time though they said it's lots of fun... If it's not I can kill my friends that said it was (right?) ^__^ Good! I get your wondering what rpg thingy I joined. huh? It's Blue laguna you can laugh at me if you want to I know Ani is going to tell me I have no life and stuff so yeah. *crawls under my bed and cries* You people are mean! (sometimes) (that was for the people that laughed at me if your not laughing at me I wuv you)

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Sunday, May 23, 2004
I got this in my email... I thought I should share it with you. Thank you Elijah
(I never can remember his name) Enjoy my long ass post ^__^
>1. First Name: Rebecca
>2. Were you named after anyone? I'm not sure my dad told me this long story on how I got my game but I was to busy puking to listen
>3. Which finger is your favorite? Middle I wish I had more then two ^__^
>4. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday
>5. Do you like your handwriting? NO! It's ugly
>7. What is your favorite lunch meat? Turkey? Maybe?
>8. Any bad habits? Yep (who dosen't)
>9. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? Linkin Park *eye twitches*
>10. If you were another person, would YOU be friends w/ you? Hell no I'm so blah I should shoot myself so people don't have to be around me.
>11. Are you a daredevil? If you want me to be okay.. I'll be in this corner away from everything eatting my chips and drinking my soda
>12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? Not that I can remember... I like to keep people's trust
>13. Do looks matter? For dating no.. To drool over yes *kisses Die* I LOVE YOU MAN! KEEP PLAYING THAT GUITAR ^__^
>14. How do you release anger? Sleep
>15. Where is your second home? Here.. My 1st is far far away
>16. Do you trust others easily? No.... Why should I?
>17. What was your favorite childhood toy? I don't remember. I got my 1st teddy bear about 3 weeks ago I named it Benny
>18. What class in school do you think is totally useless? I don't go to class
>19. Do you have a journal? Yep their online I have no life
>20. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Maybe
>21. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Yep I think I've been in 2 or 4
>22. What do you look for in a guy/girl? I've stopped looking
>23. Who is your favorite singer? *cries* I don't have one
>24. What are your nicknames? Kitten, Teddy, Becca, Freak, Evil Creature, Gabe, Girl, Hey you... I'm sure there is more but I can't think of them right now
>25. Would you bungee jump? mmhmmm
>26. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Sometimes
>27. Do you think that you are strong? No
>28. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Coffee
>29. Shoe Size? 7 1/2
>30. What are your favorite colors? Grey because it reminds me of death and love
>31. What is your least favorite thing? Family?
>32. How many wisdom teeth do you have? I dont know I try not to talk to my teeth
>33. How many people have a crush on you right now? People like me? Funny anytime I find out someone loves me I piss them off I dont mean to but It happens everytime
>34. Who do you miss most right now? I miss to many right now.... I wonder wot Scot is up to I haven't seen him in months
> 35. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? Okay...
>36. What color pants are you wearing? pants? I don't have pants on I got panties on though their blue
>37. What are you listening to right now? Chobits
>38. Last thing you ate? Chip
>39. If you were a crayon, what color would be? I'd be a broken color crayon it dosen't matter wot color I was no one would want to color with me
>40. What is the weather like right now? The stars are pretty ^__^ I don't know about the weather though I haven't been outside
>41. Last person you talked to on the phone? G-ma
>42. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Nose, then peircings
>43. Do you like the person who sent you this? If I don't he'll kill me
>44. How Are You Today? Blah
>45. Favorite Drink? Soda?
>46. Favorite Alcoholic Drink? Wine (I'm pickY but not to picky)
>47. Favorite Sport? Swimming I'm a fishie
>48. Hair Color? redish dark blonde soon to be pink ^__^
>49. Eye Color? greyish with a touch of green sometimes
>50. Do You Wear Contacts? Yep.. But their not in now
>51. Siblings? Kittie
>52. Favorite Month? Yellow
>53. Favorite Food? FOOD IS GOOD!
>54.The last Movie You Watched? Chobits
>55. Favorite Day of the Year? My day?
>56. Are You Too Shy To Ask Someone Out? mmhmm
>57. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Scary Movies are funny
>58. Summer Or Winter? Winter
>59. Hugs Or Kisses? Kissing fun
>60. Relationships Or One Night Stands? Relationships
>61. Do You Want Your Friends To Write Back? Okay
>62. Who Is Most Likely To Respond? Kittie
>63. Who Is Least Likely To Respond? Kittie
>64. Living Arrangements? ZZZZZZZzzz
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Friday, May 21, 2004
If I get this poem to sound good I'll send it in to get it published. I got a place waiting on me to send a poem. Lucky me. NOT but I have to send it in cause it makes my mommy happy. *cries* So if you think of anything to make this poem better tell me... Thank you. I hope you guys little my dollie ^__^

I am a broken toy
Tossed aside
Never to be played with
Never to be looked at
I will never be able to bring joy
My paint is chipped, a leg, and arm are missing
I used to be your favorite toy
But never again
Because I am broken
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
You guys know how I love to adopt little things right? ^__^ Well today I'm adopting a little Die. He comes to your door step naked... So you have to buy him clothes... And with a push of a button his hair will grow long and then you can have fun time and cut it all off ^__^
He can play the guitar for you all night while he walks around in his high heels. Die's fav thing to do is to have a tickle fight but if you hit him with a pillow it'll well become war! PILLOW FIGHT ahahAHAHAHH!
Step one coming to your door step:
Step two dress up: 
Step three there is no step three is fun time now!!! If you get a Die don't forget he's alive too and needs food and drinks just like you (don't for get nap time) ^__~
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