Panda (12/05/07)
Thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guest book. Your place here is really nice, I like your choice of colors. Hope all is well and I'll see you around the site. Take care!
silver star rose (12/05/07)
thanks for adding me and signgin my guestbook ^^
i'll add you toooo!!
i love the colours on your sight!!
hope you're good and i'll see you around theO!
ja ne! X-♥-X
AnimeAngel993 (12/05/07)
Hey thanks for signing my GB ^^ I like your site! It's very colorful! Pm me anytime you wanna talk, Cya~
Miko of Life (04/06/07)
hey cool site i like the bg! hey im having a naruto fav chareter vote on my site so if u want ur chareter to win the vote please come and vote and if u want sighn my gb or sumtin well cyah l8ter
_miko of life
Rennac (03/20/07)
cool site
LazieNinjaFrog (02/19/07)
Hello! Thanx for sighning my GB.
arlihama (02/19/07)
eow pow! Nice Name!
Crap! That is such a freakin' awesome bg!!! ahh! Not a talented person??? You must have some talent! It's dark? You don't know where you are? Try pinching the air to your left, probably, you might pinch a person who's lost in the dark too! Haha. then when you find out the location...well...no need to call...hehe
so anywayz, see you around!
Mr Sword (02/18/07)
thanks for sighning my guest book, you have an intresting site.
well, c you arround.
have fun.
xXHyugaXx (02/17/07)
Hey! Thanks for sighing my site ! love your background, i'll add u to my friends list ! and u know what i cant spell for crap eather ! well got to go ! see ya !
~ Rukia Hyuga ~
Ps: can i have a cookie ?
NaeNae (02/17/07)
Heeeey! Loved your icon and kick-arse background, too! Gonna add ya back; thanks for the sign and add. See ya around~! ;D