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myOtaku.com: chaoticmaiden

Sunday, January 2, 2005

   �^^� yu know what?
well...happy new year everyone...didnt do much.....went to my aunts and there was a party...had a coupld of shots and smirnoff.......my cuzin was buzzed....although she seemed.....drunk...lol......so yah...about that story....i think i will put it here....itll be the same one i started on my old lj....so...ill start it again here....maybe this time someone else will read it yu know?....lol....i was watchin george lopezs show thing called "why are you crying?" its really funny....lol....okee...so yah....i would write it now but its kinda late and id have to go lookin through my backpack......awe shit.....which reminds me...school starts on monday for me....that fuckin sux.....::sigh:: so....i saw achorman again and nepolean dynamite twice and supersize me and golden state....and.....some random shit that was on tv.....good weekend....yup....^^;.....tsk.....imma go now....laters
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