Char:The Great
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
its midnight!
being it midnight and still talking to people can be fun! specially when you have the time to like on a weekend! anyone getting good grades this period? for us its about to end... i hope i can manage at least 2 90's!
... if u ever think of doing drugs just remember, drugs hurts the church
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
BAD bush, go sit in a corner!
*cries* darn bush wins again! Well i guess that nothin can get much worse that he can do in 4 years right? Unless he somehow starts WW3 and...
Well halloween is over now, thanksgiving is a better holiday anyway ! Cause you get to shove stuffing up a turkeys butt sometimes ... maybe thats why!
I think my computer is pretty much working now but if i goto turn it off it might not turn on again without going through all the stuff i did before O.O
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Computer broken
Hey guys, I havent been on in a while, not because im lazy but because my computer is broken. If i can get it all the way to windows, like right now, it will only stay for a few mintues, so im writing this fast just to tell ya that im not really gone :) i think it might almost be fixed already though...
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
halloween spirit
Yesterday when i walked to school i saw this clown in a truck honking his horn and i was like wtf?! Then in school my friend josh was telling me that he has violent dreams every night, and he fell asleep in academic support and he had a violent dream... he said that when he has those dreams he twitches, and this kid saw him and though he was having a seizure.
On the was out of school i also saw SANTA! this kid went up and hugged santa too... then i realized that its because of halloween...
I am so sloww....
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
I have no subject! it needs none!
Today in math it was fun, we had a good time. They did this thing where some people brang in some food and we got to eat and do some other stuff. But my annoyning idiot friend, pierre, he was talking about how it was mean how we couldnt wear costumes into school on halloween, and the teacher was explaining and she also said something like the girls hardly wear any clothes, and use a costume as an excuse. And so he was like eeewwwwww thats gross
*everybody in classroom stares at him strange*
the teacher is like, your supposed to say, SWEET, there almost waering nothing.
everybody thought pierre was gay. he tried being like thats not what i meant it was funny lol.
and then there is this too
: Plastic surgery: thousands of dollars, Buying candy to kidna a kid:$2, Micheal Jackson the child molester: priceless
For everyone else, theres MASTER ASIA

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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
um........................................EGGS!!!! mmmmm eggs...!!!!!!!!!! if anybody thinks eggs are bad then that will be there dinner for the rest of THEIR LIVES!
y'know how some people (like me) don't belive in god? and people think they should take it out of the pledge? which, really is a load of crap.... but if they did............... it should be ONE NATION UNDER EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!weeeeee!

OOOH and this is how u say it

eggs in
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
It's almost halloween
Time sure has flown this month. It seems only last week it was september. So i decided to get up the halloween stuff on my site before it was too late :)
I hope I don't fail the test for french on monday, I was going to study, but I left my books at school. So now i just have to rely on learning this stuff before french class in academic support. Im gonna die :( *french teacher walks up* U SUCK! *stabs me* ow, that is one violent french teacher.
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Its almost haloween
:) almost halloween, o'course i got bored of trick or treating bout 2 years ago... but its the spirit that counts :)
Today i did something really stupid.... I was eating lunch and my friend was like HOVERCAR! weeee! and it wasnt really funny but aparently it is when... your insane? well anyway, i spit my milk out and it almost went across the table, it was funny, after the choking on milk was over. Everyone was looking at me O.O
la la lalalalala! i have nothing else to talk about so buh bye for now :P
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Monday, October 18, 2004
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Today was wrong
Today in school, i was sitting in history class, and i overheard these people saying that there was a thong on the ground in the hall, i checked, and there was. It was very strange. Then after the robotics class that i signed up for today(looks to be very fun :D :D) my friend said he saw the janitor shove it in his pocket... is our janitor a pedophile? creeeeeepy...
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