Char:The Great
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
I saw MORE movies...
:D Yesterday, I went to a drive in movie. They were showing Shark tale and Sky captain. My mom fell asleep half way through the first movie, like usual.
We won a large pizza there, but we didnt want a pizza, so we walked up to someone and gave it to them!
I got my report card thing... I almost failed my french class >.< and the rest of my classes were like two 70's and 3 80's or something like that. Very bad they were >.<
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
^.^ yey im happy for a stupid reason... EGGS!
EGG garage door :) I got 2 new things today, new glasses and new garage door and opener. Now that it is more insulated my room will be warmer. And none of that stuff i used to do, now I will be too lazy to try and open the garage door without a opener like i had to for years, just hope this one doesnt break like the last one did o.O
It is almost zeeee weekend! that means I will spend time chatting with you guys...or whoever happens to be on SX chat. that means FUN!
I went and saw a movie yesterday... it was called TAXI! It got 1 and a half stars, but i thought it was good. Then on friday im going to see 2 movies! double yey!*does a little danse*
Ok well, talk to you people later.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
New games!
Yey i rented some video games on sunday. me Rented STARWARS BATTLE FRONT... and i went on ps2 online and figured out that ps2 online is REALLY laggy compared to xbox!
I also rented gundam seed battle assult. That games cool, but I think its missing something, but i dont know what.
I really dont have that much to talk about, or maybe its just that i want to stop typing and start playing a game sense i just got home. sooo um *talks in really loud voice* CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?!...oops...(person on other side went deaf)
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
Hey I acually did stuff
I am saying this while half asleep as I have been chatting with staulkler X for 3 hours or so, I feel like I got something done today though. Besides messing with peoples minds. hehehe im not gonna say it though, I dont want to remind.
but so anywayz, I acually got music on, and sense it almost being winter, a snowflake! I cant wait till winter comes soon, And I will hhave to be the one who walks to school in it.
I will be getting my picture up soon for those of you who have wondered what I look like, If you even care. Bah im going to bed. cyaz later!
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
Retarded movie!
so maybe its not retarded as much as its funny, i watched this movie on japan religion, and in it, this kid offscreen came runing and rammed his head into a table! and i heard a thud.
Well any way soooo GREAT I FEEL GREAT!
*random otaku guy stumbles upon site*
person- WTF?! Im leaving here now! because this guy is doing some serious drugs...
me-not bad...
See thats what its like, if you cant relate to my insanity, or if you cannot tolorate nor understand what i say, you shouldnt be in here reading this, ok?
* this just in* local foreigner( doesnt make sense ) mistakes eggy for normal egg and eats, here is Char now on the site...
They appear to have large pitchforks and are chanting "give us back our god!" am i missing something? *back to news room*
Dont tell char its about eggs...
*overhears* EGGGS???! did you say EGGS?! *knocks over video camera guy* EGGS!
and in other other news, samich, smae pice of samich, and samich again 
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
you sure it is??? ok what ever.
:garma: *sings* im 2 6y 4 my purple hair, 2 6y 4 my hookers, 2 6y 4 DOZLE!
:char:really, can i have them?
:garma: SUREEEE
:char:ooooh *grows purple bush on head*
:garma: EGGS 99 cent!
:char: *forgets that he writing a conversation*
mmmmmmmmm...... EGGGS!!!

and in other news... i have thought of a theme for today! OCTOBER 5th shall now mean STUPID PEOPLE DAY!!! idiots are fun are fun!... why are people laughing at me...:(

and so....
in other other news.... USEFUL
emp3 player: a device that stores music. when turned on it does not play the music, but it turns off all electronics within a certin range :D
P.S.: pins.... MEAT!
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
so i just took this quiz
i had to, saw everyone else did it...
You Know It's All About You (Over 100 Questions) | Created by niney123 and taken 3751 times on bzoink! | .:General Info:. | Name: | They call me... CHAR | Age: | 14 | Gender: | Male | Height: | 5 foot, dont squish me! | Birthday: | EGGS | Hair Color: | EGGS-er brown | Describe yourself in one word: | EGGS( you guessed it) | Describe your personality in one word: | crazy-random (see it one word, i swear!) | .:School Life:. | What grade are you in: | 9th | What school do you go to: | Liverpool High | And where is that: | IN LIVERPOOL STUPID! in ny | Do you get good grades: | 80s | Favorite Subject: | Certainly not GYM! | .:Love Life:. | Sexual Preference: | GIRLS | Do you have a bf/gf: | NO | If so,what is their name: | NO | How long have you been dating: | NO | Do you consider yourself in love with them: | NO | If so,why: | WHAT? | Have you had your first kiss: | NO | If so,when: | WHAT? | Do you have a crush: | EGGS | If so,what is their name: | EGGS | Why do you like them: | EGGS | Do they know you: | EGGS | Do they know that you like them: | EGGS | How long have you known them: | er... EGGS | .:Friends:. | Best Friend(s): | Shane (staulkler X) an JOSH!!! an EGGS. Tim pierre ahhh the list goes on | How long have you been friends: | shane=uhhhh, i lost count after EGGS. Josh =4th grade others = 2 years | Do you consider yourself a good friend: | YES | How many friends do you think you have: | anywhere from 20-50, I forgot | Most popular: | Shane | Most conceited: | Shane... no joking! um my ego! | Friendliest: | uhhhhhhhhhh | Meanest: | I know this answer but im not saying it | Prettiest: | Josh.... rofl just kidding! | Craziest: | Shizane! | Oldest: | Ronald McDonald! | Youngest: | some annoying little kid | Most recent: | .... | Smartest: | maybe pierre, him an me are iin advanced classes | .:Favorites:. | Food: | EGGS | Person: | KELLY LAZNER, because its the valvro! | Number: | 3665 | Show: | GUNDAM OF COURSE | Letter: | Q | Song: | stupid gundam songs that have been BURNED into my head | Band/Singer: | Do as infinity | Place in the world: | JAPAN! | Season: | fall or winter, less sports! | .:Your-:. | Dream Vacation: | JAPAN!ive been to disney too many times | Dream House: | EGG | Dream Room: | VIDEO GAME ROOM! | Location: | JAPAN | .:Last Time You:. | EGGS | Watched T.V.: | 30 min ago | Went to the bathroom: | 2 sec ago..... | Ate: | 5 min ago | Slept: | 2 hours ago | Listened to music: | 5 min ago | Used the phone: | yesterday, noone to call this early! | IMed someone/Got an IM: | .... noone that i care about has it! | Went to school: | sadly... friday | Played a game: | continuum :D :D :D last night, 12 hours | Took a shower: | this morning | Hugged someone: | NEED MORE! | Went on a date: | *sniff**sniff* | Wrote a letter: | Camp | Cried: | Seems like i should cry when im laughing instead... but im to crazy | .:Last Person You:. | Hugged: | *sniff* no clue | Kissed: | *sniff* no clue | Laughed at: | Shane | Cried over: | what? | IMed/Got an IM from: | many years ago... | Hurt: | MC HAMMER! | Talked to: | on continuum?! | Spoke to on the phone: | Shananae hehehe | Ate with: | EGGS, that was my breakfast | Spent time with: | doob? | Saw: | EGGS | Missed: | *drool* | Heard: | WHAT? I CANT HEAR YOU! SPEAK UP! | Played with: | I dont think we use that term anymore unless your talking about... | .:Have You Ever:. | Been out of the country: | disney cruise line, bahamas man! | Been out of state/province: | florida | Done drugs: | illegal substances! just kidding! i ment stretera | Done anything illegal: | I looked good... before someone stole my comb, *EGO* | Slapped someone: | "i hit.... your mom, oooooohhhhh" -josh t. | Cut yourself: | BLOOOOOD | Played an instrument: | heheheh, i farted! | Hurt someone for no reason: | Garma, he was being a sissy man! | Hurt someone: | 4$NY&PYO | Killed an insect/bug: | EEK! SPIDER !!! *RUNS* | Gotten stung by a bee: | not that I knew of | Lied to your parents: | EVERYWHERE | Stole Something: | I stole ur ego | Kissed Someone: | *sniff* | .:This Or That:. | Rock or Rap: | ROCK | Singing or Songwriting: | SINGING? | Tennis Shoes or Sandals: | TENNIS | Phone or Computer: | COMPUTER BITCH | Biking or Skating: | BIKING | Analog or Digital: | DIGITAL | Coke or Pepsi: | PEPSI | Sprite or Sierra Mist: | SIERRA MIST | MTV or VH1: | .....*DROOLS* | R&B or Country: | I LIKE CAPS LOCK! | Cingular or T-Mobile: | VERIZON | Cats or Dogs: | CATS | AIM or Yahoo: | AIM | Bzoink or Quizilla: | ... DONT HURT ME | .:Word Association:. | Birthday: | august 18th 1990 | Peanut: | brittle | Good Charlotte: | good chocolate? | Ravioli: | chef scares me | President Bush: | ANYONE BUT BUSH! | T.V.: | GUNDAM! | Rock: | LIKE A ROCK OOOOH LIKE A ROCK GARY IS AS THICK AS A ROCK! | Rap: | AAAAHHHHHH TASTLESS | Chef: | *runs away screaming* | Boys: | boy bands | Girls: | yey! | Calendar: | BURN | Fan: | BURN | Evil: | YEY, BURN | .:Right Now: | Eating: | EGGS | Drinking: | TAZO TEA | Watching: | THIS DAMN COMPUTER | What is on your mousepad: | CATS! | What are you doing: | THE COMPUTER,IM DOING THE COMPUTER | What song are you listening to: | I AM???? | What's in your CD player: | 160 SONG CD OF STUFF! | Wearing: | NOTHING!... | Time: | 12:25 pm | Month: | OCTOBER | Day of the Month: | 3 | Year: | 2004 | Day of the week: | SUNDAY | What website are you on: | DUH! | .:Random Things:. | What color is your mousepad: | BLUE | What color is your keyboard: | CRAP | What is the phrase you use the most online: | EGGS, OR "LALALALALALALALALA" | Did you like this survey: | YES FUN! | Are you sad that it's over: | YES BURN! | What are you gonna do after this survey is over: | NO | Do you like pop-up ads: | NO | How long have you been online: | HOUR | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Im tired, the day before school
I always seem to put off my homework until the last day. but hey, i dont want to do it i the first place! well, whatever. I have gotten into updating every other day, but the computer wasnt working yesterday so i couldnt. I went to a dance yesterday and it was weird, and there was this one girl there with really really hairy legs, and it scared me. Now i am off to go an enjoy EGGS!
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
I Have Nothing to Talk About Cept the Voices In My Head
Ok so im back with EGGS again today, cept there are no eggs pictures, its just that i wanted to say eggs...
special?... thought so
*jason comes in with a chain saw*
Jason: bloood BLOOOOD! .... yummmm:) *hissss*
me: Holy shit... eggs?
Me:....i have 10 finger y'know
Jason:.............. really?
ME: yeah wanna see?
Jason: sure *both walk off*
ok since ive got nothing to talk about today since im bored and stuff ill just leave some pictures

MMMMMMMM CHICKEN *stabs shane in the neck for no reason* CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN
Hey shane, what does this remind you of?
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
updating updating, yeah im UPDATING!
so there goes another few days of my life. Tpday my french teacher spoke english and got carried away for half of our class talking about her hilarious life.
apperently she had a baby that she was reading to with a thermometer in her moth and the baby pushed the book into her face and the thermometer into her mouth and she could have died. then she had and ear ache and the next day woke up paralized in her face. and so she said that the thermometer caused a puncture wound in her throught or something...
it was fun to sit around and do nothing. and now for the picture of the day ----> 
*brought to you by the egg worshipers of america*
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