Char:The Great
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
EGGY!!! the turquoise EGGY!
So yeah I had shane over last night and we were playing more gundam oriented games and my ferret somehow lodged itself deep into my stove, and then moved onto my dishwasher!
It was a very strange night indeed, and the strangest part was that garma kept on following us an saying "THE TROJAN HORSE!"
Hahahaha, I have also got a funny picture. This picture is a picture of what ??:JT just might look like heheh!

Now im going off to play continuum because that is all I do!
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Ok im back on sites now!
So I couldnt get on to update recently and then when I could the computer wouldnt work. But now that i am back on its all better. Im back to my dark little cave with a computer that I call home ( and a way of life )
And i noticed that my site was green and so was my text and I was like, how the hell? But i fixed that. And thanks to staulkler getting his answers of transparancy from his friends and him telling me i finnaly figured it out, it was too easy i feel kinda stupid now.
Hey! I am happy now, cause I finnaly got to exo!! I walked up to him and im like I KNOW YOU! so he looks around for a second, then he looks donw and ACUALLY sees me :D hahaha. And im like, do you have any clue who i am and he didnt and i told him and he was like WOW you ARE short! Its a gift, I know. and then i was like shit and I had to go to class and I ran away.
But so yeah, my day was eventful, besides being pelted with footballs in gym class O.O . If you didnt know already you do now: I suck at sports, and i hate sports and footballs hurt! why do they have to make it 84 minutes long?! and so after having hundreds of practice throws and having my whole arm go numb, i think its over!
ok this is just my other highlight of the day... I FOUND OUT HOW TO PUT PICTURES ON!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
School, who needs it
So my math teacher was like, "his projector smells like fish every day, and the first class, i thought that it was a kid that smelled really bad." and all this time she is yapping im thinking FIIIIISH... good old megaman jumpy thingys, ok... you don't know what im talking about. And then she keeps on sayin "use the F word" and im thining oh f*ck i have to use the F word, oh sh*t i just said f*ck. but then she says "the new f word, factoring" and it was strange.
and then i saw staulkler x and he was wearing his army shirt, again, but my friend had to commment on it and say" why does he wear that shirt every day?" and im thinking ... 1: because he looks better than you with your sucky sense of fashon... and whimpy kid wearing sports shorts, those plastic ones(which i think looks really queer on anyone and i wouldnt be stupid enough to wear em) and 2 because they were given to him by his girl friend and ehhh, he washes em really fast?
well that is all for now i guess, yeah!
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Monday, September 20, 2004
Celebrate *cough* ouch
Im getting mixed feelings now, i am in pain but im happy about it. I have just checked and I now have 100 visits. Thank you everyone for visiting my site!
I am home from school which also makes me happy but it hurts! I have slept until 3pm and I just woke up to find this. My gym teachers policy paper said if you miss a class you have to make it up, like what after school for gym? are they out of there minds. gm or gym, which would I like more.
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Im doing ...something today
Weeeee its a saturday! for me that means its lazy day x2 or time to ask shane if he wants to do something :D But im going to a birthday party today at 6pm even though i was up till 2 am talking to pins and staulkler. Ok now im going to eat the poor and use hy head as a hammer!
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Friday, September 17, 2004
I was going to put up a gundam seed wallpaper but unfortunaltly THERE ARE NO GOOD ONES! sooo, i guess ill just find something better, which i should have done so in the first place. Thankfully it is the weekend.
And i would like to announce that my friend Josh had just turned 14 this week. I will be going to his birthday party tomorrow, i told him to rent gundam federation vs zeon if he wanted to but it would be a good idea because then we could have fun on a veryy awsome 2 player game, and i would beat everyone there and shove it in there face because they havent had 2 years of practice like me and shane have. im suprised me and staulkler dont break the ps2 when we play it because were so good. that reminds me that THE DEVIL CAME OUT!
I really think instead of having dance dance tournaments at gaming stores, they should have gundam federation vs zeon tournaments at stores. Me and shane would be tied for first, and then I would probably lose to him but only be like 30 or someting out of 500-600 health, damn you staulkler! lol unless it was a co-op thingy then we would win, WE NEED COMPETITION!!!! hahaahaha
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
Wow this sucks
yes school is easy, but i have to do 5 things, go to and from school, do homework update site and play continuum to hang with my squad, and there is just not enough time to get the fun out of the site and continuum with all the school work, er at least thats what it seems like to me and i have to go somewhere tonight so that is even worse. I keep on seeing exo and its making me mad bcause he is to far away for me to catch up to in the crowd and he walks down to the b pod from the c pod and im following him, but he doesnt see me -_- ok now, for no reason i shall give a new backround to my site, and um find a new avitart cause everyone is changing theres latly including pins changing every other day. I just want to know one thing of some of you that acually read what i say, shall the new backround be of gundam stardust memoories, or of gundam seed?
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
EGGS are solid
yes indeed they are. I saw my buddy from school er elementary school buddy named josh t but im gonna call him mr t. He used to be tall but now i saw him and he is almost as short as me
and so my friend josh wilson and i ran up to him and when he was about to leave he said i hit, your MOM , OOOOHHHHHH!!! and i was like, was that even an insult? cause ur a stupid head would have worked better.
i dunno why i was ever his friend anyway cause he would never STAY nice.
I also got a chatter box thingy now Yey!
i should probably do my hw, and watch my toonami shows now
and lastly, i must do a little dance now and go ice fishing for washcloths and tigers. so i guess ... yeah
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Monday, September 13, 2004
dont underestimate my laziness
Yes i finally got to updating, i will try to update again tomorrow, god im so forgetful. I hate that stualkler X isnt in my classes, at least i no where his locker is now. I had a strange incounter with my french teacher on friday. She talks ALL french and half of it i dont know so she was talking about a cat or something and how some family didnt like them and she jumped up on a chair and the rest was like : AHHHHH blah blah blah madame DiVico blah cat blah dislike eoryvpaerypqyunqbyr die... meow meow. So it was realy wierd. I just got one of those atari controllers that play pong and 10 other games or something and its fun, when im not playing something more modern. I a person staulkler told me about named segar and today i walked up to him and i was like : I KNOW YOU! and he just looked at me wierd and didnt say anything O.O . and I think i saw another one of shanes friends, i think it was exo, but i wasnt sure and i didnt say andything but i also was going to say : i KNOW YOU! so if you see someone walk up to you and your a friend of staulkler it is probably me. I realy need something interesting on my site ...
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
Damn, school again, and eggs
Ok so its 6am right now and im updating my site and i gave myself a half hour extra time in the morning when i could update mysite everyday maybe? So I shall walk to school and perhaps get ran over by a car while crossing the road, or maybe rolled over by a car. Or maybe ill just spontaniously combust before I get to wetzel road. Ok maybe not. But I think I was a little stupid having shane over and not sleeping the day b4 school started! But yes me and stualkler and his friends shall all be eggs warshipers and I shall bow to my saphire colored glass egg at home. EGGS! And now a word of wisdom from a stupid person, dont type in dom on google if ur looking for gundam, it gives you everything on google images. and on top of that, im being killed by my kittens  You are being stalked by kittens! Isn't that great? Theyll probobly kill you in your sleep too! Yeah there evil kittens. No wait evil must be cutified. ebil kittens! yeah...
What are you being stalked by? brought to you by Quizilla oh and no smokeing eggs NOTE: z | No smoking around EGGS. Thankyou for your co-operation. |
E | Enchanting | G | Graceful | G | Gloomy | S | Silly |
Name Acronym Generator From
C | Cheesy | H | Hilarious | A | Arty | R | Relaxing |
Name Acronym Generator From
The University of Blogging
Presents to Char
An Honorary Bachelor of Quiz Addiction
Majoring in Psychotic Ranting
Blogging Degree From
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