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North Carolina
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Aircraft MX Scheduler - USAF
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Jessica, Jess, Squishy... whatever you want.
Uh... all of my successful drawings!
Anime Fan Since
I guess I'll say since I was about... 10 y/o!
Favorite Anime
Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Death Note, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, FLCL, Tenchi Muyo, Black Cat, Samuria Champloo, Ninja Nonscene, and much more...
Improve my artistic skills.
Drawing, playing basketball, video games, music
Pretty much all of the above! ^^*
| CheekiSquirrel
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Finally, after a long wait, I got a scanner! I can now start posting artwork. YAY!
I know I said I completed the pictures of my characters, but now when I look at them, they look like crap.... so I'm gonna draw them better. I know, that just pissed some of you off, but I'm putting forth more effort in my work now. I'm gonna start taking my time coloring them and even adding detailed backgrounds.
So, sorry for the delay, but they should be up farely soon, in this or the up and coming week.
P.S. My new scanner kicks major ass!!!
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
OKie Dokie!!!!
So... I'm finally all settled into my dorm room and I'll have time to use the computer more often now.
First off, I know a few of you have been awaiting me to put out character designs for my characters in my original story Unchaste. Well, they're done... but I don't have a scanner yet. I plan on getting one this weekend, but we'll see how things work out.
Second, the story itself is partially on paper. I'm tweeking a few thing but I'm gonna start typing it and putting out a chapter at a time so you all can read it.
Uhh... that's about all for now. I want to thank all of my true friends here on theOtaku, who have been there for my since day one and the others who have jumped on the bandwagon.
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Thursday, December 6, 2007
Moving Again...
Sorry I keep doing this to you all. Just two more days, then I can finally get settled (I'll be there for a good two years). I'm never gonna stop drawing... it's my anti-drug. So you don't really have to worry about never seeing my art again. I'll find a scanner and put my pictures up asap.
I know a lot of you have been looking forward to my original story called Unchaste. These pictures are next on my list to draw. Both their angel and demon forms, I have them in mind, I just haven't put them on paper yet. I might just brake down and make a manga. Not a bad idea, huh?
So I'll talk to you all after I move and I'll let you know how my new base is. :)
Chow for now!
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Good News!!!!
Well, now that I'm back mone, (for about two weeks)... that means I have my scanner and THAT MEANS... I can scan and upload the few pictures I drew in tech school. YAY!
I just want to say thank you to all of my true friends out there, who waited for me to return and have given me the support to go on.
I should have a few pics up tomorrow afternoon and I have plenty of time to draw new pics, including those who I still owe prizes to from my contest a while back.
Well, since I have some time, I guess I can explain what a hellish time I had in basic training. I didn't get any sleep the first week there. I also barely go anything to eat, bacause of the stupid "sit, eat, and get out" rule, (which basically gave you a whopping 3 min the eat). Maybe that's why I lost some weight there. The PT (physical training)sucked as well. Talk about being pushed to your limits. And the other crap in the middle like the inspections and drill/marching wasn't all that bad to me. I could go on and on, but it's pretty confidential stuff so that's about as detailed as I can get. I'm not here to recuit, I'm just going to say this was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.
*yawn* It's 11:02pm and I just finished watching the first epi of Death Note... what have I been missing?!?!?! *oogles the computer and finds more epis*
Good night!!!
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
I'mmmmmm Back!!!
Hey ya'll! It's been a while. I'm sorry I left you, but I got me a computer and now I can go online and reestablish old friendships. SO I'm gonna make this short and say howdy for now. Tell me how you've been and I'll elaberate on my fun time in bootcamp next post!
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
And the Winners are...
Ok... this was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make.
THANK YOU EVERYONE for entering in my contest!!! If I had enough time I would draw everyone a picture, BUT I'm restricted on time (going in to air force in a month).
I also want to thank my assistant judges for helping. Without your guys help, I wouldn't have known were to start.
Here they are... the top winners!
1st place = rakka-chan
 Cheeki Contest 2 Hosted By
The coloring was gorgeous! The pose was cute and original. The automail color was off, but she got Carmen's shin tone down! I love how they look much older than they are as well.
2nd place = fungee
 Back 2 Back (ed/carmen) Hosted By
One word... KAWAII! I LOVE that the outfits were switched up a bit, but still displayed their colors. Ed's expression and pose = smexy! :D Carmen's dress rocks! And I love the whole date picture idea.
3rd place = fullmetal crazzy
 Cheeki Contest Hosted By
The picture is so simple, but that's all you need sometimes. It's an adorable pose amd the coloring is solid. Your style always did resemble that of the FMA style, which is hard to do. That's a bonus!
1st place = blackwings
 The Women Are Home Hosted By
The coloring is STUNNING! Lightening the coloring coloring for depth perception was a great idea. And the concept for the picture is sweet as well! ^-^ You got skillz!
2nd place = PinkChii009
 Cheekicontest Hosted By
I'm very impressed that it was done on paint! Kiyoko looks so cute blushing. *^-^* Nice job on the background too. It's not to complex, but you still get the feel of the surroundings.
3rd place = vampire kiss
 For Cheeki Contest- I Heart U Hosted By
This is such a touching picture. They look like they really love each other. Not to mention that the coloring is phenomenal! (I just love how you color and shade hair!) The style brings a bit of reality to them, which is pretty cool as well!
1st place = Wowie
 Contest Entry: Cheekisqurriel Hosted By
I was speakless when I saw this! To start, the coloring was fantastic! I love the lyrics you used, they're perfect for the picture (It's kinda freaky because that song is playing on the radio right now as I type!) Their expressions are so cute, they look so happy together!
2nd place = priestesspower444
 Cheeki Contest Hosted By
SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!1!11!! I don't know if it was intentional, but I love the younger look they have! I still want to know how you color, how you get such a dractic change in lights and darks but still look so smooth? Great pose nontheless!
3rd place TIE! = Charlie Manson & midnightstars
 Kouga & Nozomi Hosted By
 Kougaxnozomi Hosted By
They both have such adorable poses and nice, I just decided to tie them! Both are really unique and dsplay great affection!
So those are the winners and my brain is drained. Don't think that thoses of you didn't win are losers!!! Everyone did a great job and THANK YOU for your awesome entries!!!
***Runners up: japanese kitten, caosgoth, fire fox sakurie, chibitarded
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
Contest Judging Time!
So today was the deadline for all entries. I got a really good turn out on this contest and I want to thank every single one of you for making it possible.
Here are all of the contestants that I have to choose from:
japanese kitten
Charlie Manson
fullmetal crazzy
kankuro love
Fillmetal Pikachu
Kurai Nakigo
Cat-Eyed Alchemist
Snow Pheonix
Anonymous Wolfie
Charlie Manson
angle of music
vampire kiss
Fire Fox Sakurie
japanese kitten
Charlie Manson
Twilight Princess
Give me a couple of days to filter these out... and hire some assistant judged. (-.-)"
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Back from Japan!
Hello Otaku! I'm back and... sad to be back. I fell in love... with Japan! I'll explain everything in detail later, this is just a "let you know I'm alive" message.
I've noticed that I have a lot of entries in my contest, and I thank you all!!! They all look awesome. And kudos for those who entered in more than one category! I have to go and comment/vote/ fav all of them now. If you know someone who hasn't entered yet, beg them to. I found some cool things in Japan that would make cool 1st prize... prizes!
Chow for now!
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
Dewa Mata!
Well, this will be last message to everyone before I'm shipped off to Japan in the morning. I'll be sure to take oodles of pictures! (^-^)
My contest is still open. Anyone can join. The rules are stated above. Here are some questions that aren't answered in the rule (or people just haven't taken the time to read them).
Q. Does the picture have to be colored?
A. If you want to have a better chance at winning, I suggest it.
Q. Can I enter more that once?
A. Yes. There are 3 different categories (my 3 contest couples). You can enter in all if you wish.
Q. Where do I submit the picture?
A. You submit it like any other picture here, just be sure to pm me when you do so I know. Remember, I won't be here for TWO WEEKS!
I hope that helps some of you.
Well, I guess this is so long for now! Enjoy you summer (if you're out of school) while I'm gone!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I finally made it! After 13 years of hell... I"M FREE!
I made a slide show, please check it out. This is one of the most memorable days of my life and I wanted to share it with you guys.
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