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North Carolina
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Aircraft MX Scheduler - USAF
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Jessica, Jess, Squishy... whatever you want.
Uh... all of my successful drawings!
Anime Fan Since
I guess I'll say since I was about... 10 y/o!
Favorite Anime
Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Death Note, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, FLCL, Tenchi Muyo, Black Cat, Samuria Champloo, Ninja Nonscene, and much more...
Improve my artistic skills.
Drawing, playing basketball, video games, music
Pretty much all of the above! ^^*
| CheekiSquirrel
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Thank You!
 Thank You! Hosted By
First, I want to apologize for my behaviors early. I should have handled that like the adult... that I am. Apparently, someone hacked into her account and... long story short, everythings ok now.
Second, I want to thank everyone for helping me reach a grand total of 5000+ votes. I can't believe I actually made this many votes. It's all because of you guys, my friends!
I never intended on using this picture for this reason. I was just in a tight cramp for time and slapped the writting on it. Sorry if it's "to releaving" for some people. I like drawing the human anatomy, sorry!
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
Graduation/ Bitch Rant
The time has finally come. What I have waited 13 miserable years in school for. GRADUATION!
On May 22, 2007, I will be walking across my school's football field (in cap and gown), shaking hands with my principal and receiving my diploma. It's is a sad and joyous day for all seniors. Because we part ways with our dear friends and get kicked out into the real world.
NO MORE IMMATURE FRESHMAN!!! (no offence fellow otakuites)
A mere 5 days later, on the 27... I will be flying out to JAPAN!!! Oh YEAH! I'll be gone for two weeks. I cannot contain my excitement.
On another note, I have been agruing with a low life who goes by the name of Koneko-sensei. I let her know that the comment she left in my guestbook wasn't very nice and it escalated form there. I don't care if this is breaking any rules but I will post our conversation to show you why this person need some help. (this gets pretty bad)
Her guestbook entry:
"Hi, Tilden here.
I'm sorry, but you know how everyone says your art is amazing and all that?
It's only your coloring!
You left this in my guestbook... are you trying to insult me or something? It's not ONLY my coloring you know. I can draw like no one's business, you better learn how to give a comment or don't leave on at all.
I know I left this in your guestbook. What, you think I don't know how to use a computer?
Actually, yes it IS only your coloring. My friend (nameless) actually thinks so too, she's a very good artist and hates you.
I know how to leave a comment. You read my comment, you can't deny it. That wold be pretty kindergarten-ish of you.
Excuse me, but it's you leaving a dumb ass remark like that in my guestbook that is kiddish and I don't give a fuck about your "friend". It IS in kindergarden when you learn "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Give that a thought! I'm degrading myself by having this conversation with you.
Actually, if/when you find out which friend said that, you would give a fuck about it.
I'm following that, I'm giving constructive criticism. Learn to recognize it.
Aww, poor cheeki. All she cares about is her reputation. I hope you get bombed in the air-force.
First of all, want you gave wasn't any kind of constructive criticism. Telling someone it's only "my coloring" thats good? Yeah, that's real constructive! And reputation? I could give a fuck about that too. All I want to do is draw, I really don't care if someone doesn't like my stuff, that's their problem, not mine. And FUCK YOU! You're fucking sick for wishing someone to die in the first place. You're seriously fucked up.
That IS constructive criticism, genius.
Just quoting my friend, who you think is your friend.
Wow, it seems like the only cuss word you know is "fuck". That's pretty sad.
Me(form memory):
Stop being a pussy and give me her name.
I can't, she'd kill me. I'd rather have her truat than yours, to be frank.
Me(from memory):
Yeah, whatever, you're both cowards.
And that's the far. If you are this "friend" she keeps talking about, I hope that you have read this and feel ashamed.
If you know this Koneko-sensei, please prey for her sick mind... she actually wants me to get bombed in the air force... WHAT A BITCH!!!
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Friday, May 4, 2007
Poll Time!
I wanted to create a poll. Now that I have a suitable number of o.c. couples, I want to find the best!
The picture should be up soon, so you can base you vote on that.
Thank you for your votes!
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Trip is Set!
Well, the date is set for my trip to Japan. I'm departing May 27 and coming back two weeks later... July 10? I'm so excited! This is a once in a life time event here!
I just thought I'll let everyone know.
I've been so busy, school is almost over and all of my teachers think its funny to drench seniors with work at the end of the year. SO MANY TESTS!!! TT.TT
P.S. I know I still have a couple of art trades to finish, don't worry! I'm working on those! ^^*
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Friday, April 20, 2007
Consider me LAME!
After time and time again, of everyone begging me, I finally got a myspace. *sighs* I swore to myself that I would NEVER get one... but I gave in.
PM me if you're interested in seeing my page.
I'll have some more pictures soon. Sorry for the long wait.
P.S. HAPPY 4/20! *grins*
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Friday, April 6, 2007
Almost caught up!
Well, I have a few more art trades to do, then I'll be totally free to draw what I want. Request and Art trades are fun, but they get boring after a while. I like drawing what I want to. Sometimes I go brain dead when I have to do pictures for people.
Anywho, I finished blackwings' art trade. It's Scar and Songbird.
That's the link to it. I guess there was too much nudity for them to put it on this site. Not really "nudity", I guess to much skin. It's not perfect... whatever. TT.TT
Thanks for stopping by,
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
Just an Update.
I'm not going to fall behind on my work this time!!!
Here are the art trades I have in progress right now:
*PinkChii009- Ed/Winry*
1.Cat-Eye Alchemist- Aurora
2.Anonymous Wolfie- William & Jessie random- Daisuke
4.Kakashi1993- Mizuku
5.blackwings- Scar & Songbird
6.Kiki777352- Kiki & Sasuke
7.priestestpower777- Ed/Envy
Most of these I already have sketched out, I just take forever with my coloring. I want it to look nice!
Thank you for those who have completed their half of the art trade. I appreciate the time and effort you put into these pictures... just for me. *tear*
I'll be pumping the pictures out every once and a while, I'll pm you when they're done as well.
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Happy Anniversary!
Well, yesterday was my one year anniversary with the Otaku. (I wish I knew this yesterday.)YEAH! ^^*
I know so many of you are waiting patiently for me to post some pictures and (hopefully) that day will be tomorrow. I have someone looking at the computer (in the living room) right now and they're re-connecting stuff so the computer can run smoother.
I also have some news for all who care about my pathetic life. I'm going to Japan! YEAH! It's an exchange program at my school. I will be visiting Tokyo first, then Kame (or Kami) city, where I will stay with my host family. It will be for a week and a half. Not until the end of June... AFTER I GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL. (another thing to look forward to.)
Last, (sorry for boring you) I have joined the US Airforce! I hadn't really a clue what to do with my life after school, so I joined. I'll be able to go to college for free in the airforce. YEAH!
Thank you for sitting through this boring overview of my life. Look forward for some pictures soon!
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I'm still alive!!!
Hello, my fellow Otakuites! Sorry for my sudden disappearence. I'm hear to drop some bad news.
Once again, I am swamped with requests and I feel like I'm not getting anything done. This might disappoint some of you, but feel like it's something I have to do. I'm going to drop the million of requests I have and just open for art trades.
I know, I know, most of you won't want to be my friend anymore, but if you just liked me because I was going to draw you some picture, you don't deserve one anywho. I'll still draw pictures for my REAL friends here (as a little surprise or something) so look out you guys. (^.')
I'm really sorry you guys, but it's my senior year in school and I am swamped with reserch papers and... other whatnot to do.
I did finish some of my requests (not much) but they'll be up in a couple of days. Apparently my printer/scanner wasn't broken, there was just something wrong with the ink cartrige!!! I could of be scanning picture this whole time. (You can thank my mom for that one).
Sorry once more,
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
Bad News.
Well, the worst has finally happened. My printer/scanner had to go to the hospital yesterday. I won't be able to load any pictures for a while. I won't quit drawing your requests, they just won't be put up any time soon.
Sorry for the inconvenients,
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