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if i put 30 secs ago would u belive me?
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haha i just read what i wrote under 'anime fan since..' my friend lauren wrote that in 7th grade! 3 years ago! oh my gosh ahha. My favorites are Death Note, Naruto, Kanon, and Air.
| cheerCHICK963
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/06/06:
What's The Girl Inside of You? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. (UPDATED!)
 You are Dark
You are a dark person. Secretive, and a bit depressed. It's either by problems in your life, or your attitude towards things. People feel depressed or sad whenever they're around you, but it's what you think right? Don't care about what other people think? I agree with you on that, but do take care.
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Result Posted on 06/06/06:
What is Your Bottled-Up Fear (Detailed Results, Anime Pics)
 Never SuccedingYou fear that you will never ever conquer your dreams. They posses you, and overpower you mind. You dont want to be the one wondering when that new job is coming. You want to have that job. (that was an example) but sometimes your hopes of succeeding take over you. you may become so hurt of not succeeding that you cry at night wondering why you are so pathetic. You are NOT pathetic. I mean that. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/06/06:
Who are you at heart? (Anime Pictures, and detailed results)
 Slipping AwayYou are leaving reality. You dont want to be here anymore, you pretend everything is okay on the outside, but inside you are slowly killing yourself. For if you continue to do this there will be nothing left of you soon enough. Maybe the reason is you have no one to turn to. You can not talk to anyone because they would not understand. You may hurt yourself of the outside too, but i hope you dont. For mostly you are hurting on the inside and if you continue to bottle up your emotions you will explode. You are slipping away from everyone and everything and wish you were anywhere but where you are or where you are headed. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/06/06:
What Emotion Are You? (8 Results, Detailed Results, Anime Pictures)
 LonelinessYou are lonley. You may not think people love you. You may not be excepted into other's lives. Maybe you are called a freak and shunned for whatever reason. There is someone out there that will except you for who and whatever you are. And who the hell cares what the other's say?!! they dont freaking know a thing about you! You should lift your head high and show that you dont care about what they say. (i had to do it many a time last year.) and you will see much of a difference in yourself. =) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/06/06:
this describes me perfectly!
Who are you at heart? (Anime Pictures, and detailed results)
 Slipping AwayYou are leaving reality. You dont want to be here anymore, you pretend everything is okay on the outside, but inside you are slowly killing yourself. For if you continue to do this there will be nothing left of you soon enough. Maybe the reason is you have no one to turn to. You can not talk to anyone because they would not understand. You may hurt yourself of the outside too, but i hope you dont. For mostly you are hurting on the inside and if you continue to bottle up your emotions you will explode. You are slipping away from everyone and everything and wish you were anywhere but where you are or where you are headed. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/03/06:
Cool i'm Misuzu!
Which AIR Girl Are You? [from the anime AIR, with pics]
 You're Kamio Misuzu!You want to just be normal. You like to have fun with friends and to be loved. You also like freedom and dinosaurs. You sometimes pretend to be happy when you're actually very down. You often laugh like "NIHAHA" and says "GAO" for no reasons. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/03/06:
What kind of wings does YOUR soul have?(anime pics!!)
 Your soul has Amazing wings! Your always very determined to get whatyou want, and you never seem to give up.Your very good at the things you do, and you can always make a friendsmile.Your wings give off a strength that no oneelse could ever have, no matter how hard they try.
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Result Posted on 04/15/06:
hehe that about sums me up...cept i'm not that depressed all the tiem! ilike to have fun some times! lol ^^
what's your level in emotion? UPDATED ,GREAT PICS
 Your H.I.D.D.E.N Emotion. You have the hidden emotion meaning you're hiding your feeling from the world. You look normal, you act normal. People see you as a happy person. When inside you're suffering of depression. You hide this feeling because you don't want your family,friends to worry about you.Like me ,I hide my feeling of sad,lonely and depressed.Tip:-_- Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/15/06:
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!!
 ~VIOLET OR PURPLE~You're very mysterous and rare. You're usally laid back and very quite. You're shy,cool,calm and lazy. You always seem like your hidding a big secert. You keep to yourself alot, even with friends.Rate^-^ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/14/06:
Which anime pic are you most like?girls only sorry(no results taken from other quizzes!!)
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