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North Dakota
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if i put 30 secs ago would u belive me?
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haha i just read what i wrote under 'anime fan since..' my friend lauren wrote that in 7th grade! 3 years ago! oh my gosh ahha. My favorites are Death Note, Naruto, Kanon, and Air.
| cheerCHICK963
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/11/06:
i always get water!!! but sometimes i get air! but i olike water the best! ^_^
 You're Water. Soft and emotional, you're the
dramatic one of the elements. You tend to
exaggerate a lot, which means you're a wreck
when you're upset, but scary when you're mad.
You like it best when you're calm, even if
you can't stay like that for long. Just like
water in a river, you're always moving, so
sometimes it's hard to keep up with your
constantly changing mood and outlook.
What's Your Element? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/10/06:
 Your soul is Blue. Blue Souls are excellent at
writing and poetry. They are very artistic
and seem to have a photographic memory. Blue
Souls are most compatible with Green Souls.
What color is your Soul? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/10/06:
 Cancer Symbolism
Ruling Planet: The Moon
Element: Water
Symbol: The Crab
Flowers: Lily, Tarragon
Colors: Silver, Lavender
Gemstone: The Pearl
Traits: Emotional, Protective
What does your zodiac say about you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/06/06:
 People see you as a Shy Rich Girl. Now, whether you
are rich or not is not the issue. The fact is
you are shy and full of innocence. I wouldn't
be suprised if there is some stuffed animals
hanging around in your room. Girlish
innocence is hard to find in this day and age
so don't loose it. You radiate sophistication
and prettinees. Enjoy the lace, frills, and
pink my friend!
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/06/06:
 Shy Type: Your anime personality is the shy type.
For the most part, you have a pure soul, and
come off as being timid. You have trouble
conversing with others, because you're afraid
that they may not like you, so you find it
easier to not say anything at all. If you do
develop a crush on the opposite sex, you are
seldom to tell them how you feel. Don't be
afraid to tell others how you feel. It's
better to let yourself be heard than to live
an empty life.
Element: Water
Weapon: Long Pole
Pet Peeve: Never being heard
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(Personality) What anime psyche conveys YOUR personality? (With Awesome Pix) brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 03/06/06:
 Can you handle what life throws at you? Your
greatest fear is change. You might have gone
through massive change when you were younger,
like moving far away, or losing someone close
that has shaken your grip on things. This
makes you despise change. You may also have a
fairly good life so far, but something in
your life is threatening to take all that
away. What would you do if you had to leave
it all behind?
Element: Water
Sacred animal: Frog
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(Personality) What's your GREATEST fear? (With Awesome Pix) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/06/06:
 Intelligent Type: Your anime personality is the
Intelligent Type. You tend to enjoy books,
and learning. You usually keep to yourself,
but are loud when needed to be. You aren't
afraid to think outside the box, and people
are likely to come to you for help, because
of your intellect. You may also have labels
such as "geek" or "nerd,"
but fear not! The geeks of today are going to
rule the world tomorrow.
Element: Wind
Weapon: Spear
Pet Peeve: People who act smarter than you
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(Personality) What anime psyche conveys YOUR personality? (With Awesome Pix) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
this pic is very cute!
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
 Your elven name is Istimiel which means "the
learned one".You are a very inteligent
person,down-to-earth and hard-working.You've
probably been labeld by the others as nerd or
geek,but you don't care,you know that
studying will take you far in life and after
some years you will laugh in the faces of
thoes that once made fun of you.In your group
of friends you are probably the smart one or
the advice-giver.Your hobbies include
reading,writing or just enjoying a walk in
Colors that suit you:blues and greens.
Clothing style that suits you:comfortable clothes.
What's your elven name and what does it mean?*Girls only**10 different results* brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
i luv this pic!!
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