The damsel in distress! Yes that's you. The either
hot, annoying, or crazy person who usually
starts out pretty sane in the beginning but
then gets so paranoid that they either go
crazy and then get murdered, or break away
from the group because they don't trust them
anymore and get killed. You tend to scream a
lot and definately do a lot of screaming in
your final scene. You're one of the most
missed characters, but in some cases you can
be so annoying that viewers are actually
relieved when you kick the bucket. Your death
scenes are usually discrete and quick. Or, in
rare cases, we never get to see you die but
instead other characters in the movie find
you dead in a closet or something. Have a
nice day!
Who would you be if you were in a horror film?( Now with great anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla