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myOtaku.com: cheetahstar03

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I'm bored. Therz nothing 2 do. But its Sunday, a holy day. What'd u expect? I can't do anything sinful today, not that i do sinful things *hmmmm wink wink* I have 2 go back on my regular school schedule 2day. And by that i mean goiong back 2 bed at 9 *i'm gonna beg 2 extend it though* Well at least i don't have 2 wake up at 6 *yet*

I bought a new CD yesterday. It's Danity Kane. U know from Making the Band 3 for all u losers who don't watch MTV. I'll still like u even if u don't. Anyway it's awesome! All the somgs were really good *even thogh most to all of them were about love with the exeption of "Show Stopper"*

I can't wait until Thursday. I'm getting my hair and nails done *all 4 my birthday* I'm getting a french manicure. OK it might be a little outdated but its just 2 start with. Also the VMAs r on that day too. VMA stands 4 Video Music Awards if u didn't know. Learn ur acronyms! But on a down note i have 2 go 2 the dentist 2 get a small cavity filled. And the worst part is they have to numb my mouth. Someone could literally punch me and i wouldn't feel a thing!

Well that's pretty much it. L8r


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