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myOtaku.com: Cherri

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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animeangel37 (01/25/05)

Hey, whats up!!
I really like ur site.
Its awesome.
Stop by mine when u get a chance.
Hope u don't mind if I add u.

Ruriruri (01/23/05)

Hi.I like your VERY YELLOW site.So cherry.I see your a link/Zelda fan.Ive never heard of it.Stop by if you want and bye.

Ed the Alchemist (01/13/05)

hello, thanks for stopping by my site and adding me as a friend, you're site is like sunshine, very cheery like. I guess it's a girl thing...ok well i'll add you as a friend

ShaniKun (01/01/05)

Another Zelda/Link fan here! I like how clean it is, and the content. Plus, you have great pictures.

Jinjo Delfino (12/31/04)

Hi! Wow, u have a very yellow site(obviously)-i like it! Yay-u like Zelda and SSBM too! I'll add u as a friend, u can visit my site if u want, but don't expect much, as i am still adding...
~Jinjo Delfino~

wolfluver394 (12/31/04)

thanks for signing my gb and adding me as a friend. kirbygirl is leaving? do you know what her username is going to be changed to? if so plz tell me^^ thanks a bunch i'll add you as a friend too

BlackMagicianGrl (12/30/04)

Nice site, drop by mine when you can.
See ya around

yuna2008 (12/21/04)

Hi There ^_^.

Hey you ask about my Zoid Zero wall, the one in blue, His name is Brad. He's a real cuttie ^_^. Well...bai bai for now ^_^.

HeartOfSword (12/16/04)

Hey there, you're on Kataryu's site a lot, so I figured I would drop by. My and her are like...really really good friends...so, I like the site layout. It reminds me of either bananas or vanilla. I dunno which, but I see that you like Zelda too! It's an awesome game. Anyway, I'll add you as a friend if you don't mind. Ja ne!

female outlaw (12/15/04)

i disagree with shiek and zelda thing plus aren't they the same person....well that's what fanfiction is for...*sigh* .well anyways i like ur site cherri and i argee that link and zelda make a great couple. adding u as a friend thanks bye!!!!

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