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My fantasy world in my head...
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Silvatine! No, really, guess.
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Long, long, long, long time ago
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Reading, playing video games, goin' on the internet, updating my site, etc.
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Like the new style?
Yup, changed the style again! I want to call it a layout (me and my web designing skills - click here!)but it's not. Anyways, I performed at my first "recital"! Actually, it was Acheivements Night, where you can show off your talents. Well, I played Swan Lake (I don't know the writer's name) and Bouree by Bach. And that's all! Bye! =D~Cherri | Sprinkle Starr
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
I'm still alive! And I'm not grounded anymore! Dang, nobody's updateing anymore that much. Hope everyhting's okay! Not much, as I have a very boring life, but here are some links to my sites! ^^;; Oh, and can you guys tag on my tag-baord? It's here and please sign my site's guestbook!
Sprinkle Starr | ButterFLY
And that's all!~Cherri | Sprinkle Starr
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Hey, they have a cosplay part of TheO now too? Wow. I looked at some they were really awesome! I especially liked one of Talim (even though I don't have any idea who she is. XD). I fixed the posts too and I've checked out some of your sites who updated. I'll see you guys soon!~Cherri | Sprinkle Starr
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Okay, I don't have much time to do this, but...I'm grounded!!!!! Oh, was that too big? Sorry! lol Yeah, I got grounded right before my birthday(the 18th, happy birthday to me!)...and I'm only on because my mom wanted me to find tickets for a concert. Hee hee! *cough* Anyways, I'm not gonna be here for a while, so talk to you guys later! Oh and what was so amazing was I didn't go on the comp for one whole day!!!! *gasps* I'm inproving!! lol Okay, I'm going!
I sound crazy don't I? ~Cherri | Sprinkle Starr
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Friday, April 15, 2005
I've had a very boring day. My Mom and sibs went to Wal-Mart to buy some stuff so my bro can go camping. He's going somewhere with his Civil Air Patrol club or whatever it is. I had to clean most of the house so my friends could come over today. I'm b-day's on Monday!! ^^^^^^ I'm so happy! *looks around* <.< Yeah, I'll finally be 13. lol Anyways, my two of my three best friends are coming over!!! w00t!!! Made-2-Mosh and Tay!Yesterday I was talking to my friend Made-2-Mosh(Snoelle) about my sleepover party, and she told me she had a website, sorta.
Snoelle: Hey, I have a website, sort of.
Cherri: You do? What's the URL?
Snoelle: I don't really know, but I know how you can find it. Okay type in "www." (By the way, I was on the net when talking to Snoelle on the phone)
Cherri: Yeah?
Snoelle: Then put "my."
Cherri: Yeah, what's next?
Snoelle: How did you spell "my?"
Cherri: Uh, (me: ???) m-y.
Snoelle: Okay, 'cuz Dodo didn't know how to spell it.
Cherri: She didn't? *laugh*
*(I skipped a part of our conversation to make this shorter)*
Snoelle: Anyways, put in "ot."
*(This is the funny part [well, to me it was funny] )*
Cherri: Oh my gosh, you have a myotaku account!!
Snoelle: do you pronounce it?
Cherri: MyOtaku, I think. That's so cool, you have a account! I do too!
*(I didn't tell her I had one!)*
Cherri: What's your username?
Snoelle: Made-2-Mosh.
Cherri: With hyphens? Like on D-Land?
Snoelle: Yeah, so what's yours?
Cherri: Cherri.
Snoelle: Like the regular cherry? Or you, Cherri?
Cherri: Me, cherri!
*(If you don't get this part, my nick on- and offline is Cherri to everyone)*
So that was about it. That's all. Oh, have you guys seen the Naruto AMV posted on the updates at TheOtaku? Cool. lol
~Cherri | Sprinkle Starr
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I Promise...
to update as soon as I can and visit or sites somtime this week!!! Sorry I can't right now! Don't be mad!~Cherri | Sprinkle Starr
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Happy Easter!!!!
Weeeeee! Time for hard boiled eggs and candy!!!! My church had an early service. Some people went to a church member's house to help do some stuff, but I stayed at home to watch my [sleeping] sisters. I'm [what my mom likes to say] a build-in baby sister. *cough* Yeah....Anyways, do you guys know what Easter's all about? Besides the "Easter Bunny" and candy and eggs? It's about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. See, He was curcified on the cross but three days later he rose again [Easter] and that's what it's all about!!! [It's true too!!!] But not many ppl celebrate Easter for that reason. I feel sorry for them, though. Well, that's all!! G2G! P.S. I'm waiting for a PM Kataryu! ~Cherri | Sprinkle Starr
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Friday, March 25, 2005
My name is Cherish, but you can call me Cherri! (That's my nick anyways) Yeah, I haven't been on MyO that lately can am hoping for more time to get on. I like anime, manga, and video games! I have long black hair, and I'm really tall. I'm asian and I'm not telling you anything else about me!Okay, was that freaky for you guys? lol Yeah, so I haven't been here for a while. My parents just went to a funeral for someone at my church and I finally got on. So, guess what? I got The Legend of Zela: The Minish Cap!!!! w00t!! It's so awesome! I like the thought of Link and Zelda going to the festival together. Besides that, not much has happened since I last came. I wanna get to your sites but I don't know if I have time. I wanna make a layout for a contest so I'm gonna go now! Oh yeah, I'm gonna change my theme so, give my your thoughts! Yeah, and I'm not gonna make a blog, I'll just use this one! By the way, three new friends! Kuroi Shinzo, Redfield, and Unspoken Memories.~Cherri | Sprinkle Starr
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
Don't worry!
I'm still alive!! lol Even if I'm not here to post and prove I am. ^^; Well, Sprinkle Starr, my site, has a new layout! w00t!! It took forever to make though. =/ Ha! But it turned out great! Go see it! Yeah, well, that's all for today!~Cherri | Sprinkle Starr
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
I'm back!!
Again. Well, I changed my post style so posts will be in a scroll box. (tutorial for scroll boxes)I had a great weekend! I went to a reunion for summer missionaries! I even took so friends from church with me. =D It was so fun! If you're a Christian, you would've loved it! There were games, songs, sports, and all those other stuff I forgot. There was a speaker that come and talked to us. He told us stories of love and some funny ones about his daughter at home. Once, he taught us about the good Samartian and made this funny story about it! Man, it was great! Can't wait to be a missionary in the summer! Well, that's all for now. Till later, ~Cherri | Sprinkle Starr
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