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Sunday, July 10, 2005
My eye feels better!!!!!^_^
heehee.paw print.

I saw madagascar today!yay!I like melmen.^_^And the lemur king.And the crazy penguins.heehee."you didnt see anything..."I love that penguin!or "I like to move it ,move it,You like to move it move,We like too...MOVE IT!!"giggle,giggle.^_^Lemurs rule.HEY PEOPLE!!!!anyone like Rave Master??????ANYONE??????Its goooooood!!!Its a manga!!!
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sorry that other post didnt work. x_-
I have somrthing in my eye
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hi.I went to a party yesterday.so i'm bored rite now...Anyone wanna join the new mew project?read the rules on one of my past day entries.PM me, briar rose90,and DiceMaster to join.thanks,bye
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Attention!Rules for New Mew Project!
I'm a Elit member,so hear are the rules to join this club!PM me,briear rose90,and or other elite members.For those that would like to join a new club called "The New Mew Project" please pm me. This club will be for those of us who have made our own mews and would like to be able to show them. We will start this club in one day(s). Those who pm me within those one day(s) will become "Elite Members" any who join after that will be regular members.
To join-
1. You must have a pic of your character, at least ready to submit when we start this up.
2. You must have a name for your character- i.e. Ichigo Momomiya- and a mew name-i.e. Mew Ichigo- and the animal that your characters' genes are infused with.
3. You also must have an attack- include what the attack is called- and a weapon- also include the name of the weapon or what it is.
4.You cannot have these animals: white tiger, snow leopard, red wolf, red panda, jungle ocelot, hampster, gargoyle, black panther, dog.
briar rose90,and Cherryshock,and DiceMaster.
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otakugirl03's club banner
PM her to join!I wont update alot untill tommarow,I'm at my cuz's!so here's the banner!
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
hey everyone!
whatsup?I'm doing great!I hope you like the stuff I added on my page!I'll make my friends links with pictures too.as you see I already have quite few up!heeheehee!I'm going to change my stlye almost everyday now,its fun to try it out!does anyone like pita-ten or ravemaster?Rave master is one of my fav mangas!Evan tho its shonen(boi manga(-_-)
sadly!I like it!!!heehee!I'm reeeeaaaly strange!=^____________^=
And I'm proud of it!I like hamsters.
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hello peoples!^^
start the morning with a quiz result!! You are a happy anime girl.You are carefree and are always happy even through the toughest times you manage to stay happy and you always think happy thoughts.You are very popular and are cared for a bunch.You are a good friend and you can cheer people up in an instant.You can fool around but be serious at times.Ok umm You are probably always hyper and jumping off of the walls.You also love everybody and everything^_^ bada bop bop bah i'm loving it.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
wow,Its sooooooo shiny*******
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
sweet neko
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cursors never come up!
they never do!:(
Cursor from http://serenedesigns.firetiger.org/
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