Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/12/05:
Result Posted on 07/23/05:
whoa,cool,^_^I'm as cute as a button!weehee!
 Your a sweet catgirl.
Shugary sweet and always trying to do the right thing, helping out the needy and and smiling sweety are what you do best. But your never going to brag, thats why people love you so much. Except..when your driving us insane with your over amout of kindness.
What Anime Cat-girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/04/05:
um..I made this quiz so I like it!!^^ please try oput dis quiz that I made!!
Result Posted on 05/15/05:
Whoa....thats cute/creepy..I HAVE A LITTLE PERSON INSIDE ME!!!!!NYA!!!!yay!
Result Posted on 05/13/05:
cool I'm furry!!!YAY!!!!GO KITTYS!!!!I'm going to take dat testie quizzy thingy again it was so fun!!!
 Your a REAL neko
Your insane, but still INSANELY cute! W00t! Go you! You like batting at butterflys and laying in the sunshine, string is your friend and you are abnormally cute. Some people would like to kill you, but thats what you have claws for ^-^
What Anime Cat-girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/08/05:
COOLIE!!!NYA!!!!WEEEEEEEE!!MASAYA ROX MY SOX!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!GO CATS!!!!*huggles a stray cat*oooouucchhhhiiieessss!!!!!*cat bites my nose*
Result Posted on 05/08/05:
cool!!!<------I'm cool??Who cares..*walks away*
 Coolness! You are a peacemaker. You are able to smooth every fight. You are neutral and you don't see just black and white.Nothing worries you, you're always cool and calm.
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/07/05:
I think I'm a sakura!!^^YAY!!!!
 You are Kinomoto Sakura You are kind and generous, often underestimating your own abilities. Though you may not often know it, you have a lot of talent. Relying on your friends is both your strong point and your weakness. Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz |
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