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My mind is lost in my own dreams of endless bliss...
Member Since
Student Artist/Writer
Real Name
Lydia, Nicknames: Ceres, Artemis, Salem, Nel, Pika, Cheshire, Morphine.
I draw everyday. I make straight A's. I've been in a relationship with my own reall life bishie for more than 2 years. I am a happy person.
Anime Fan Since
Probably when I first watched speed racer. That show was the bomb, and the other old Japanese shows. Like Gatchaman. I loved that show.
Favorite Anime
Love Monster, and many others. Just ask.
To get appreciated for my art, or At least become a Psychiatrist. Graduate high school and earn my doctors degree in college so I can be called Dr.(whatever my name shall be)
Drawing, Studying interesting things that intrigue me. Watching & reading anime/manga. Playing Squaresoft games, and nome Spyro games. Horror movies, or anthing with horror. Helping out people who are failing a class. Sleeping for hours upon hours.
Drawing, Painting, Coloring, Writing. Good with some animals... See stuff out of the normal. Going with my gut feeling. Being lazy. Sleeping. Straight A student. Dreaming of some type of story for a manga/fanfict. I still have a little fan girl in me.
| Cheshire Cat
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I made a new icon.
It's Morphine.
This is the only site it works on.
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
My b-day!
Yep my B-day ish today, the 25th.
Give me art gifts!
:p Haha.
Just joking but it'd be nice.
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
I dressed up as the Cheshire cat.
This isn't my full costume. I have fake pink and purple hair extensions I'll put in. I am goign to do sceneary pictures with my friend who is playing Alice. I am happy taht my new hair will go good with it to. :3
My hair will also be in pigtails.

I love my shoes. :3

Then I found a wig of mine.

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New hair!
Wooo, so I wanted to dye my hair black but first I wanted to try the temporary stuff first,a nd I had a few peices of hair that were blonde.
As I put the stuff on it comes otu a deep purple. The thing says it doesn't come out as vibrant, but once I washed it otu it became a dark brown witha purple hue and my blonde turned the most beautifullest shade of purple.
I am happy now.
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Sunday, October 28, 2007
So I have finally organized all of my art.
It took me quite a few hours.
It took forever and was pretty fun and I found some of my older stuff.
I was happy.
Don't worry guys I am not dead!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
New icon!
I havea new icon.
A friend of mine made it for me, while I animated it. It's based off of my new character Morphine.
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Woot! Woot!
I am coming on here more and more. Yay!
And I have a new picture up also.
It's of me.
I love my little blueness. It makes me happy. Also in the process I have created a new character.
Here she is.
It's me dressed up as he but you get the idea.

I look like a child but don't let that fool you. I am actually 17, just 5'2 in height sadly.
But anywho.
My charcter shall be pretty pretty!
Love you all,
Ceres Pandara
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Friday, June 29, 2007
Wvoot! Wvoot!
I am pretty happy, cause in a few days we get a pool table. I love pool so much, but my friend who also loves it is goign to California for the summer to visit his mom so I am a little bummed.
On a lighter note I am goign to read Harry Potter teh 5th one. I just never finished it so I'll start over so yeah... I also want to read the book before the movie.
Well summer has been alright persay.
Hmmm... Anywho. I will try to update as much as possible now. It gets confusing when you don't know if your DA or Otaku account has which pictures up.
btw... Yes I do ahve a DA. I've had it for a while now. Over a year atleast.
My sn it TAULHA.
Oh! My cousin's wedding is in October and I found a really pretty dress! It took forever for my mom to stop whining. The wedding is taking place at this really fancy place, so yeah... I found a few spiffy outfits but my mom said be more conservative. @.@ I am an artist who likes to stand out how teh heck can I be conservative. Bah... So confusing. Anywho here is the dress I got. I love it.
So pretty! I will definitely do a Ceres in this dress! I love it. I might make it her battle dress. Haha.
I just hope I'll look good in it. My body isn't exactly normal. It's so weird...I am working out though so yeah! And I am short so I'll have to get it tailored but I love it! ANd it'll double over as a prom dress maybe and is really cheap. :p So Happy!
Now go look me up and add me.
Love you all,
Ceres Pandara
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Monday, June 25, 2007
I really need to get on here more often and I haven't updated in forever.
Anywho my summer is really boring and It's driving me insane, but I have been keeping up with some manga.
I have fallen in love with Love Monster.
It is so adorable and has a nice and spicy wolfboy in it who seems to have back luck with girl.
But he is only a minor character but I don't care. >.<
Anyways... I hope you guys are all good!
And I hope I can speak with many of you guys again.
I miss you all!
Ceres Pandara
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
I am here to say... I am not dead, just kind of off doing stuff for schoola nd otehr things. It's so much krap. >.< Bahness! And I've gotten so bad at the weekly stuff. I am sure once all my test for the end of teh year and stuff liek that is all done and Summer is here, everythign will be back to normal.
I'm sorry guys for being gone for so lond. >.<
.~*~. Ceres Pandara.~*~.
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