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My mind is lost in my own dreams of endless bliss...
Member Since
Student Artist/Writer
Real Name
Lydia, Nicknames: Ceres, Artemis, Salem, Nel, Pika, Cheshire, Morphine.
I draw everyday. I make straight A's. I've been in a relationship with my own reall life bishie for more than 2 years. I am a happy person.
Anime Fan Since
Probably when I first watched speed racer. That show was the bomb, and the other old Japanese shows. Like Gatchaman. I loved that show.
Favorite Anime
Love Monster, and many others. Just ask.
To get appreciated for my art, or At least become a Psychiatrist. Graduate high school and earn my doctors degree in college so I can be called Dr.(whatever my name shall be)
Drawing, Studying interesting things that intrigue me. Watching & reading anime/manga. Playing Squaresoft games, and nome Spyro games. Horror movies, or anthing with horror. Helping out people who are failing a class. Sleeping for hours upon hours.
Drawing, Painting, Coloring, Writing. Good with some animals... See stuff out of the normal. Going with my gut feeling. Being lazy. Sleeping. Straight A student. Dreaming of some type of story for a manga/fanfict. I still have a little fan girl in me.
| Cheshire Cat
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, June 30, 2006
I am really bored. And this summer is going by really really fast....So how is everyone else's summer going?
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Saturday, June 17, 2006
Hey If you guys really really love me you'll give me a yes vote on one of my pictures that are at 0% at this moment. I don't like when my percent goes down from me adding a lot of pictures at one time.

^ I am curious as to what she is from... ^
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I edited a lot of my works to bring out more of the color and all that good stuff, but this 200 kb, and 700 x 1000, is really killing me and so annoying to have to resize every piece, I have to resize them all with photobucket, because my computer doesn't have it to where I can resize. God is this annoying. You lose so much nice detail with the picture being so small. It's quite sad.
Here's an apple for thise of you who actaully read thesea nd reply.

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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Update on my pointless life
Wow summertime has bored me out of my mind and made me become extremely insane and lazy. First off my bf is in Cali with his mom, which sucks to the max hardcore. And I haven't talked to some of my friends for awhile, but just last week they got me to go into a river. I had made a commitment to never swim anywhere except in a pool/hot tub. Yeah it kind of broke but oh well. How is everyone else's summer going?
Update! :I will post a picture on here in a few days, or maybe tommorow, for a commision that's due then.
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Oz myz goz
I have a new picture up that I think you all will be proud of.
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
Weeehooo!!! iT's summer... and you know what... it doesn't feel like it at all.... it still hasn't processed in my head...
damn this sucks....
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
my new obbsession
he looks like one of my friends, if my friend had red hair which he will this summer cause i get to color it.... he he! and besides i am a softy for perves... especialy him...also i would liek to say i am not an obbssessive fangirl just a little crushing obbsession ya know? And how can i say no to a smoker...and a leecher at that he he...

Sha Gojyo from Saiyuki
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Friday, May 5, 2006
I am so bored.
My life is borning.... That is all.
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Wow. I've been on this site for 2 years now. I just saw when I signed up on here and it was in '04 and now it's '06... wow, it's weird how time goes by so so fast. I happy to say thanks to all who have supported me threw these 2 years.
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
sorry for all of this
I don't post pics up here anymore..... they are to picky about size and to annoying for me to resize stuff all the time, especially if you want to post 10 quickly within 30 mins, but it would take 2 hours for here but i advise you all to get Deviantart accounts....
reach me here... or check out my stuff and you can still leave comments here.
there i posted a few things i could post on here....
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