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My mind is lost in my own dreams of endless bliss...
Member Since
Student Artist/Writer
Real Name
Lydia, Nicknames: Ceres, Artemis, Salem, Nel, Pika, Cheshire, Morphine.
I draw everyday. I make straight A's. I've been in a relationship with my own reall life bishie for more than 2 years. I am a happy person.
Anime Fan Since
Probably when I first watched speed racer. That show was the bomb, and the other old Japanese shows. Like Gatchaman. I loved that show.
Favorite Anime
Love Monster, and many others. Just ask.
To get appreciated for my art, or At least become a Psychiatrist. Graduate high school and earn my doctors degree in college so I can be called Dr.(whatever my name shall be)
Drawing, Studying interesting things that intrigue me. Watching & reading anime/manga. Playing Squaresoft games, and nome Spyro games. Horror movies, or anthing with horror. Helping out people who are failing a class. Sleeping for hours upon hours.
Drawing, Painting, Coloring, Writing. Good with some animals... See stuff out of the normal. Going with my gut feeling. Being lazy. Sleeping. Straight A student. Dreaming of some type of story for a manga/fanfict. I still have a little fan girl in me.
| Cheshire Cat
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Friday, February 10, 2006
I really gotta update....
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
I haven't posted anything in awhile but meh oh well...umm if you guys want to see any new pictures I did. I would advise to check out my Deviant Art page at i got bored one day and started scanning. I can't put them up here because there to picky about the size. I hate to resize stuff really small. It can really screw up alot of detail and stuff...oh but if you guys are bored here is a short story i had to do for English II...please give some criticizism.
Lydia Merchant
“Now you feel my pain!” The girl leaped at the half naked man.
“Come on Alice…you know you don’t want to do this.” He joked as he barely missed the edge of her scythe.
“Alice! Don’t you dare kill him or even lay a scratch on him!” A voice that screeched to the tune of nails on a chalkboard.
“Do you ever shut up?” her piercing blue eyes looked straight through him.
Looking around she noticed that she had lost the other half naked man. Slightly tilting her scythe, she waited a moment and accidentally got lost in her thoughts. Her vision blurred, she slipped away and saw a huge screen that began to play the first moments of her life. The first time she had awoken in the aquarium tube.
“Doctor! She has awoken!” “Doctor hurry! Come quick!” Their obnoxious voices were heard all around.
Her confined tube exploded. “Where am I?” her eyes glazing to reveal the dark flames that haunted her unresponsive eyes.
“My, my Alice you are spectacular.” a menacing grin appeared as he examined her inch by inch. She hated the way they stared. They were an annoyance to her. That’s her name for them, the Annoyances.
“ALICE!” returned with a spook. Her spine shivering as a cat’s on Halloween when the man screamed.
“Damien. I have had quite enough of your intolerable games. Let’s get this done now.” Snapping the scythe out with a flick of her wrist.
“Ah…my charming Alice, why must you torment me with your evilness.” Damien grinned as he revealed his fangs longing to sink them into some form of flesh.
His body ached to shred her flesh. He wanted to see all the small bits of wire and metal that made her inners. Torpedoing towards her, knowing he never required any bit of artillery. He began slashing at his victim.
“I guess he never really did equip you with a few things.” Taunting his ear alongside her lips as he came in for a slice.
He stopped, and stood there for a moment. The shadowy emerald eyes mixed with the black. Swirling. Then the black took over. He dashed again and again, like a shark that is insane after the fresh smell of blood. His anger was beyond limits. He seemed a train reaching over the limits and about to collide with the fire in his path.
“I’ll show you how much more advanced I am than you! I will show you who the true higher intelligence is!” the android sliced at her again.
“Why waste such idiotic time on me? It is your fault you caused our souls to get trapped in these bodies of synthetic flesh and metal, or do you not remember?” the glaze of her eyes returned this time she spoke.
“ The date was November 30, 2067. It was Thursday. You wouldn’t stop stalking Kano and I until we agreed to visit the lake with you. We went and ended up in a secluded area. I felt weird there and then I heard the scream of Kano. I didn’t see him on the boat. You then came after me and made me say I loved you but I refused. You shattered my heart with the bullet. 50 yrs later our bodies were found, our DNA was all configured and we became these artificial beings. Ring any bells now?” an ice blue hit her eyes.
“If you had only loved me then we could have lived like normal humans, but now you refuse again and I must kill you.” His eyes were covered in his shoulder length brown hair.
He was a funny site actually. His hair was wet and in tangles. He wore only the white shorts given to him in the tube. The nails were of wolf DNA. His eyes were the red of blood in the pumping veins in his mechanical body. Scars shown from when he was human. He was branded with two bar codes, one on his right bicep, and right foot. He was an average build, but was very tall. He towered over six feet and five inches.
Alice wasn’t at all the same. Her hair was unusual. It was raven’s dark black and blue, she had two braids formed from her longer pieces of hair, but her hair was precisely to her shoulders. She wore a miraculous blue sapphire that enhanced her eyes; it was her communicator that she used to talk to that irritating doctor. She wore a black shirt with cat ears on the hood and a long black and red striped sleeved shirt underneath. Her pants were regular blue jeans but loose with checkers along the border of the side. Her DNA was also animal but with a cat like influence. Her build was smaller and she always was short. She was about four feet and eleven inches. She gained incredibly fast speed from her height and weight.
“Children please stop and listen to me! I can’t have you both killed. I need you to spawn a new generation of humans.” The annoyance jumped in to interrupt.
“Twitch. Twitch. Did he just say I am here to be a breeder? Alright I am pissed and he’s going down first, bloody dog.” Alice’s eye was twitching with rage.
“What the hell?” Damien was shocked and confused, “I thought this was a battle of toughness not breeding!”
“Damien…I forgive you. But unless you want to go with his plan, I’ll have to disintegrate you.” The cattiness started to appear in her voice
“Sorry, I am all for it.” Smiling like the brat that always gets their candy when then cry.
“Alright…” was the last word the Annoyance heard.
Bouncing on the ground was the decapitated head of the Doctor. It rolled like a soccer ball after a final pass to the goal. Alice could not help but laugh.
“Let’s go you stupid cat!” His claws seemed to ache for her skin.
A flash of light revealed a gash on his abdomen.
“Damien why must you always do stupid things like this? You know I did love you but you had to get jealous over my friend…my best friend. If you only knew how much I cared for you on that day. But seeing Kano’s eyes once I saw them flash at me. I knew then and there I would kill you in every life or chance I would get. I find it ironic now, that the cat is chasing the wolf.”
“Alice please…we can begin again. Even Kano is still alive.”
Her eyes nearly teared up at the name. She wasn’t sure if to believe him or not. Did they get his DNA to?
“What do you mean he’s still alive?”
“I remember waking up and seeing him next to me in the tube. He should be awake in a few hours a day at the most.”
He stood there then fell to his knees coughing. Alice stood staring not sure if it was true. She had to get to him before the other Annoyances got to him.
“Now…I have a question. Can I trust you this time not to hurt anyone?”
She put her hand up to his face. He rubbed against it feeling how warm and soft she was for an android. He knew the circuits allowed them to be like real people but never this real. He now wondered. Could he cry?
“Alice, I promise you can trust me. I am so s-sorry.”
“You’re crying!” she was shocked to see this.
She bent down to hug him. She didn’t care what he did before, she remembered what her mother said “If you love someone once they will never leave your heart no matter what unless someone with stronger love is there to make up for what was lost.” She never did understand it until then.
“Since it’s all situated I think it’s time to save Kano.”
They got to the lab. Got Kano from the giant stampede of the elephant sized Annoyances and guards. Kano has forgotten a lot but as time goes on he remembers many things. They are all wanted across the world as the Rouge Androids, but they didn’t know that soon many followed them. Soon there were so many they were intermingled with humans. Neither human nor android could tell which is which. But after 5 years after their escape no one really does know what has happened to them. But they are always in the hearts of millions of android and humans.
“ Oh and I have something to say, don’t ever get an android mad if you want to only use them for breeding and your enjoyment, because we know how to make you our toys to…it’s funny, most of you don’t know how many of you are already toys now.”
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Friday, September 9, 2005
ok guys i won't have any pictures up for awhile until maybe in june when school gets out so i can scan a bunch and stuff....but thanks for all your supports and stuff! hopefully i will come back once in a while to say about what i am doing and how my progress far i am takes 3 art classes, artII painting, artII sculpting, and artII drawing and they all go to art III classes to and for my senior yeah i get to take one class that will put them all together so i can get a portfoilio ready for college....weeehooo! art college here is come! also if you get mad and stuff then i will be forced to stab you with the scissors...see the scorpiond and penguin got they got what was coming...>.>..........
<.<..what don't look at me like that!.........>.<

P.S. i don't liek penguins and scorpions....also no real penguins were hurt...only and evil scorpions was killed...
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I am now signing my name as Taulha/Salem on my pics!
2 new pics are up!
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
i have a Deviant Art account now! woot! if you wanna add me go to my site
yeah it has all the same stuff from here but not as many unfinished line art haha.
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Friday, August 12, 2005
>.< w00t!
i may not be a hardcore religious fan but still! 666 visits!!! come one it's funny! and besides this number is now a lucky number of shows up to me alot...and i am not sure why...
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Friday, July 15, 2005
if you all love me you will do this...
» I committed suicide:
» I said I liked you:
» I kissed you:
» I lived next door to you:
» I stole something:
» I was hospitalized:
» I ran away from home:
» I got into a fight and you weren't there:
» Personality:
» Eyes:
» Face:
» Hair:
» Clothes:
» Mannerisms:
[1] Who are you?
[2] Are we friends?
[3] When and how did we meet?
[4] How have I affected you?
[5] What do you think of me?
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
[8] Do you love me?
[9] Have I ever hurt you?
[10] Would you hug me?
[11] Would you kiss me?
[12] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
[13] Are we close?
[14] Emotionally, what stands out?
[15] Do you wish I was cooler?
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
[18] Am I loveable?
[19] How long have you known me?
[20] Describe me in one word.
[21] What was your first impression?
[22] Do you still think that way about me now?
[23] What do you think my weakness is?
[24] Do you think I'll get married?
[25] What about me makes you happy?
[26] What about me makes you sad?
[27] What reminds you of me?
[28] What's something you would change about me?
[29] How well do you know me?
[30] Do you think I would kill someone?
[31] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
i finally have 500 votes and i would like to thank you alll...not my next goal is to get 1000, but that'll take awhile so i am happy now! i will make a pic soon to thank you all!
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
my comp is recovering! so i may be able to scan things again! yay!
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
my comp is krappy...
ok my computer isn't working with me right now and so i have to use my parents...but i will also be away for a few days...and i think my comp got a virius but i can;t scan it because it freezes before i can but anyways thanks for the vots i am so close to 500 and i still need more! but i won't be able to have pics up for awhile unless i hook the scanner up to my parents comp...well i wanted to show you guys my colored version of the moon goddess is my best by far...she is stunning and amazing looking...but you will see it eventually i swear...
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