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My mind is lost in my own dreams of endless bliss...
Member Since
Student Artist/Writer
Real Name
Lydia, Nicknames: Ceres, Artemis, Salem, Nel, Pika, Cheshire, Morphine.
I draw everyday. I make straight A's. I've been in a relationship with my own reall life bishie for more than 2 years. I am a happy person.
Anime Fan Since
Probably when I first watched speed racer. That show was the bomb, and the other old Japanese shows. Like Gatchaman. I loved that show.
Favorite Anime
Love Monster, and many others. Just ask.
To get appreciated for my art, or At least become a Psychiatrist. Graduate high school and earn my doctors degree in college so I can be called Dr.(whatever my name shall be)
Drawing, Studying interesting things that intrigue me. Watching & reading anime/manga. Playing Squaresoft games, and nome Spyro games. Horror movies, or anthing with horror. Helping out people who are failing a class. Sleeping for hours upon hours.
Drawing, Painting, Coloring, Writing. Good with some animals... See stuff out of the normal. Going with my gut feeling. Being lazy. Sleeping. Straight A student. Dreaming of some type of story for a manga/fanfict. I still have a little fan girl in me.
| Cheshire Cat
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
dreamy time!
ok my dream takes place at some highschool but i see alot of people i know and i get transported to a different world, but going underwater some how. Bailey, Chelsea, and I are all suck here and can't go unless we destroy this evil creature. i got the power of fire, chelsea had water adnd bailey had wind. my fire was red, chelsea's water was Blue and bailey's wind had greenish/ blueish green tones. we used our powers that we were granted and attack this huge green forest type of blob thingy (oversize earth golem?). we killed it and we all celebrated with a feast. i swear i could taste the food. then there was this guy that helped us along the way that liked me (i swear he looked like scott, but had dark green hair). i walked outside with him and just as i did chelsea and bailey told me a vortex was opening up to our world. i said good bye and jumped in,as did everyone else. i came back to the school only to figure out someone was stalking me and killing people that skipped class. i decided to skip to find out who this guy was because he killed someone i knew. i had no luck. i just had TJ pull up in a car freaking out about me. he said there was someone they though was me that was killed. i ran back to the school and saw the body. i was so afraid. so i changed to a purple corset and a flowing sort of pink skirt(battle iniform? idk.). then i was in the girls locker room and the hall way from where the door opens was dark and a girl name Priscilla said hi and said to me it was one of her friends(so she thought). then the voice became demonic and low and i rushed everyone out the other door. i attacked the guy full on.he had red hair that covered his eyes(seemed pretty cute), and he had black on, and also had pointy ears and 2 horns. i asked him why he is trying to kill me. he replied that i was the reason for him dying. i was obviously confused. he said that i/or someone that looked like me tried to kill me. it hit when he siad that, i was in that weird place desposing of the monster. your from that other world i said. he said yes and that i had killed his only friend, the rock/tree monster. so i asked why only go after me? the other 2 are here. he said he wanted a rival to die first. ok now this guy was seriously confusing me. rival? how am i your rival? he said i was the one who took the fire stone from the creature. i never took it. it came to me. he said i lied. but i remember after the creature went down a voice spoke to me and said thank you and this is your prise for saving me, and then the jewel appeared in my hands( what's funny i never dreampt of this butit came liek memory). the guy still attacked i kicked because i had boots on and then he was a little to strong for me so i had no choice but to run. i ran into an open doorway and closed it behind me. it was to a bathroom stall and there was a window in there. i opened the window and slipped out. then i turned around to see flames coming off of the guy as he blasted the wall w/ the window open. he reminded me of TJ is some way, maybe it was the hair or the fire i don't know but i couldn't run away at the sight of him. all i could do now was grab the necklace with the red jewel on it and hope that the fire would also protect me. then i woke up. the beginning reminds me of magic night rayearth when they go to the other side. and everything else was just weird, but in no way was i afraid.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Threw the Demon’s Eyes
Kai Aoisaki
gender: female
age/grade: 15 going into 10th
eyes: light blue
hair:blue w/black underneath, about knee length
b-day: feb 13, 1990
likes: art, fish, the colors pink and purple
dislikes: math and squash
elemental power: water
height: 5'0
type: cat demon
personality:caring and sweet, and has her hyper moments with Misturi.
Naki Katsumasti
age/grade: 15 going to 10th
eyes: violet
hair: dark green
b-day: jan 29, 1990
likes: gym, ice cream, and the color red
dislikes: english and sushi
elemental power: wind
height: 5'3
type: magical human
personality: protective of kai, he's a big brother to her and doesn't like Yoru or Misturi.
Yoru Akisuka
age/grade: 16 going to 11th
eyes: green
hair: silver/white
b-day: nov. 17, 1989
likes: math, pocky and the color black
dislikes: history and carrots
elemental power: earth
height: 5'5
type: angel
personality: very quiet and fast, usually is caught spying on kai.
Misturi Hiyukionna
age/grade: 17 going to 12th
eyes: red
hair color: black
b-day: dec. 18, 1988
likes: history, sweets, and the color green
dislikes: art and limes
elemental power: fire
height: 5'7
type: neutral one angel wing and one demon wing/ a modified human
personality:can be hyper active at times but always knows what coming...more of the psychic type.
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
new pics! and my songs are up!
yeah i finallt finish a few actaul fanart pieces...and i finally have tracks of me singing recorded if any of you guys wanted to here's the site:
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
The Hatred N Between
this is my band..tracks willbe up so i hope you will enjoy our music here at these sites:
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
wow i feel special
i got a perfect score on my english test for semester exams...and i also got a $100 gift card in a drawings for my was cool..
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

ahh it's my school pic! my hair is shorter(like my wonerland pic) i will grow it out!!!
i finally have a nice sexy pic of him! he's so freaking hot and so cute!

hey if any of you got any anime pics that look like him please tell me! i need to find a guy that looks like him in anime.
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Monday, May 16, 2005
character profiles complete!
i have completed it!
character#1 description:
name:Kai Aoisaki
eye color: right green, left icy blue
hair color: longer than waist, black w/ red underneath(i get's cut later)
b-day:feb. 13, 1989
fav. subject: art
least fav.: math
fav. food: sushi/fish
least fav.: squash
fav. color: red
least fav.: orange
likes: cats, animals, her guardians, her bf(NOT hiei or kurama)
dislikes:bugs, heights over 6 ft, worms, scorpions, spiders.
personality: nice, have a split personality, the otehr side is a fire cat demon named Salem. Becomes best friends with hiei and kurama and the whole gang.
element: wind, fire, and water(don't trust her around plants)
name: Naki Misturi
eye color:yellow
hair color: silver
b-day: dec 18, 1988
fav. subject: math
least fav.: history
fav. food: cheese
least fav.: oranges
fav. color: black
least fav.: neon yellow/
likes: not to much...
dislikes: when people make fun of his pointy ears not a big fan of water...
personality:not much is know of him, but he is very protective over kai...
element: earth and water
tell me your comments on what you think! i should have pic drawn of both but sometime soon...and Naki is a guy for your info....
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
awww...someone made my percentage go down...i'm so sad now...i must scan more my score will go up! please vote yes! please...please....or tell why you don't like it that much....
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Monday, May 2, 2005
angel of death!
whoah! this is walter from hellsing when he was younger! he's so freakin hot!
this one is cute
but i think this one is even cuter!
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come on we all think there so cute and love them to death!
i am curious on whta show she is on...but i think she is so awesome! hey i had my hair cut like her's before haha!
surprisingly this is really close to how i look now but i have black underneath my hair
she has always caught my attention...this is actaully what the really salem almost looks like...
another one...
don't know why i liek this one but it's pretty...
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