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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Bishie of the Week!
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Name: Genjo Sanzo
Age: 23
Height: 5'10
Blood type: A

Past: Sanzo is an orphan who was found by Komyou Sanzo. Komyou Named Sanzo Koryuu. At the age of 13 Sanzo became Genjo Sanzo. That same night his guardian Komyou died. He met Goku who Goku wouldn't shut up calling out his name. They both later meet Hakkai and Gojyo at the time Hakkai was a wanted criminal, But her was later forgiven, and some they stayed 'friends' as you could say for a while. But three years later they were put out to go West.

Personality: He's auite sarcastic and loves to shoot his gun around and say 'I'll kill you' quite a bit. He's never really been attacted to anyone except Komyou. Some thing he's gay, but he gets quite pissy when someone says such a thing. He'll blow your head off before ou try that stuff on him. But as girls go.. It's still quite a curious matter. I think her loves his smokes better that anything. He likes to show his caringness in a different way. Liek hitting Goku in the head. But hes a nice guy, as long as your going his way and not the human or youkai way. He always has a way with animals, which is odd.

Like: Sanzo loves his smokes and liquor. Strange for a buddhist priest (you heard me... BUDDHIST priest). To have his sleep and not have Goku anooying him while he's sleeping, not being annoyed. The quietness. Reading the newspaper. I swear almost every few episodes he's read that damn paper, but I guess someone must keep up with the world events...He loves his gun and fan way to much... Hitting people with his fan.

Dislikes: Animals... He's allergic to cats, believe it or not, but he may be over it! 0.0. He hates women who climb all over him, gay guys hitting on him (no Joke! This happened in one of the episodes...) Annoying people. When one of his allies decide to be stupid and wonder off alone and then get caught (I swear this happens way to many times.)

All in all he's quite the badass character, well one of my favorites from Saiyuki. The creator is Minekura Kazuya (I think...). And all this time I thought a guy made this show, but no she's a female.

To you Yaoi lovers out there. You know the author never ment for her characters to be gay, but to your loving fantasies I guess have your digusting fun... I swear half of the yaoi lovers out tehre would freak out if two guys randomly started to do things in real life. I know many would. Ahh.. Ok I am not against Yaoi, just don;t shove it down my throat... The end.

(For your info. I am not an annoying fan girl yellign about how he's mine, just how badass some of these bishies are. So ha!)

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