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• to finish Awakening sometime this...year
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| Cheza the slayer
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Awakening:Chapter one
nope this isn't the roleplay guys its Fanfic and I might be considering submitting it so if you guy should tell me what you think that'd be awesome okay here it is
*********************Chapter one
I leaned against my shower wall watching the water trickle down my face, obviously I was daydreaming again, I was daydreaming about the day before and how it would have been if I hadn't spent it working...wait a minute why is the water so cold now?
"DERU YOU'VE BEEN IN THE SHOWER FOR OVER AN HOUR! GET OUT ALREADY! a voice cries from outside the bathroom, I get out the shower....not because the voice told me to, just because I had to go somewhere and had been unaware of how long I had been daydreaming
I walk out of the bathroom; greeted by the woman who had been yelling at me.
Her name was Laura and unfortunately she was my boss AND roommate
"about time! you have a job tonight remember?!" she yells at me, obviously irritated because of what I did yesterday, I didn't get paid for my job cause I refused to kill my bounty, but for the love of the gods I already told the vampyre who hired me that I wouldn't kill the guy!!! I'm a bounty hunter yes but I specifically told the vampyre before I took the job that I wouldn't kill him!
no matter how much the pay was
and because I refused to kill him and didn't get paid Laura is really ticked off at me because she thinks I can't pay the bills because I don't do one job
Pfft! I could care less
"I'm not doing' that job tonight Laura I'm celebrating my nineteenth birthday, which was yesterday remember?" I reply
it was true I turned nineteen yesterday and my gift was, getting chased out of a vampyres office because I refused to kill someone... Happy Birthday
I walk down to my car, Laura's chases after me trying to get me to take another job; she apparently didn't know me that well
"But its just this once please Deru?" like that'll work, Laura's never said please in her life but still I'm not going to do it
"better luck next time Laura" I reply with a smirk on my face "see ya later" I close the door to my car and drive off to the nightclub I was going to
It was called "The Bronx" after the old city in New York, which was weird because I live in what used to be known as L.A. back in the 2000's... now it was called the "Vampyre vacation spot" because every vampyre came here to suck on people's blood...
I honestly find the fact that vampyres actually live here is stupid because I heard there was a vampyre slayer living here�
hmph oh well I'm not a vampyre or a girl who can't defend herself from them so who cares.
I arrive at the nightclub, immediately sit at the bar and order a drink, I look at the people to the side of me, a man and a woman are now trying to see who can drink more without puking
That�s not that interesting
I look to my left and see a guy in a crowd of people dancing; he's holding a strange machine that for some reason is pointing at me...wait a minute
I've seen that device before and it isn�t a good thing
I run out into the bathroom hoping that guy holding the machine didn�t see who it was pointed towards but I can't take the chance. I look to the window that�s in the bathroom and see a fire escape, that's a weird spot to put that there but it is saving my butt today so whatever
I climb down the fire escape but I soon learn that I was still seen.... the guy with that device had spotted me go in the bathroom and he was starting to climb down the fire escape as well
...Oh crap as if yesterday wasn't bad enough now this
I go in the nearest door that I see and in it I find one of the biggest shocks of my life
There were about a thousand vampyres dancing around while blood showers on them right in front of me....."Looks like I found a vampyre's nest. Lucky me" I say with a sarcastic tone
I am so dead now
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