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myOtaku.com: Chiaki chan

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Welcome to my "sort of" blog!! Here you can read about me! Woah, doesn't that sound exciting?? XD~ Either way, try to enjoy your stay, and have some pocky while you're here.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I'm going through some serious Naruto withdrawal!!! I NEED more Naruto, alas I haven't been able to get my grubby hands on it for a while. T_T; Oh well, I shall survive! But of course, to add to the fact that I'm without my precious, I've also got to deal with annoying nOObs. <_<

Blatantly spamming, ignoring other members, posting sigs the size of WALLPAPERS when the rules say they can be no larger then 400x100!!?? What's wrong with these people? <_<; Of course, I can't say that I don't enjoy yelling at them a little, but I'm resonable. But they are treading on thin ice at the moment. One more false move, and they'll be getting a warn. Once their warn level reaches 50%, it'll be time for a serious chat. I just hope it doesn't go that far.

See!!! See what being without your favourite manga can do?

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Wednesday, April 28, 2004

So far two people (Kisho and chex) have told me to put art up. XD~ I'll get to that, but so far I'm still working on FINISHING a piece of art. What can I say, I'm a perfectionist, even when my stuff doesn't really look that great.

That aside, I'm sick, which sucks. It's almost impossible to breath because my nose keeps getting plugged up!! >_<; That was probably to much info for you guys though. :P

Aside from being sick, I'm also really happy and excited. Happy because I got a spiderman poster today (don't ask, really) and excited because I can't wait for the new FF movie to come out. I've got a feeling this one won't be like the other one. Or at least I hope. Since it's based on one of my favourite FF's of all time, I'm hoping it can't be all to bad. I'm mostly looking forward to seeing Vincent (hanyan!!!!!) in live action though. ^_~

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Sunday, April 25, 2004

Back again....
To add some quizzes and such.

I have issues with...
Take Word Association Test

INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
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personality tests by similarminds.com

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   Groove to the beat y'all!!
I haven't heard the Hamster Dance song in such a long time!! But it's soooooooo much fun! No one should be without that song. Another cool song is The Ketchup Song by Las Ketchup. I really like spanish sounding songs.

I'm really happy, because I got to read the CCS manga. Although, now I want there to be a sequel!!! They can't just leave it like that! But I suppose that's why CLAMP is making TRC. Although, I'm not sure I'll be able to get my paws on it. But I'll try.

The thing is, I'm saving up for a graphic tablet right now, so I can't offord to buy things whenever I want them. The one I want is about 150$ Canadian, so I'll be saving for a while. <_<; It's a wacom Graphire3. I figure since it's my first one, I'm not going to go for one of the really expensive ones. Those can be somewhere around 700+. I don't have that kind of money!! T_T

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wOOt! I'm happy to be Van. ^^;
O_o; I'm like Riku and Risa? That's..creepy.
Yeah! I've got a mullet though...