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myOtaku.com: Chiaki chan

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

lutaru (03/21/07)

I like the colors on ur site. It's very nice. I came across it when I was browzing the back of the DNAngel fan art section. U did a nice job on the coloring even if u traced it.

Would you come check out my site sometime and sign my GB?

Pls & Thxs,


Inutaishosgrl (05/04/05)

I love the colors to your site^^ *go you*

Love ya,


Shamangirl6593 (01/30/05)

hiya! i got here through your fanart and i like your fanart! and i was wondering if you knew how to get paintshop that you used to color your fanartin ^^ well i like your site, and your avatar is pretty! i've never seen evangallion but i like megaman! and Shaman King! and i've seen the DNAngel books but i never could get one...... i get books for all ages.... well, visit my site sometime and vote on my pictures please!

dream (11/09/04)

U defenitly don't know me at all,But U rock.I luv yur art! I am so adding u 2 my friends list!

DaRk DeAtH (05/12/04)

Thanx 4 commetnin on mai art work i really appreciate it ^^ kk well hope u dont mind me addin u as a friend...kk well nice site i luv it kk well gtg bub bye

chex (04/28/04)

you don't know me probably,but i'm adding you as a friend, ok? (i'm doin g it anyways...^_^)pleaeaeaeaseee visit my site and do all that signing & friend-adding please.oh,you should add some pics..

kisho (04/22/04)

Thanks for signing my pic! I like your site, even if you don't have any pics :)!!! BTW, if you have time, could you stop by, check out the rest of my pics, and sign my gb. I'm glad that I finally found somebody who can appreciate red Link!!! I'm gonna add you as a friend, bye bye-yos!!