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myOtaku.com: Chibi-sbg

Friday, December 16, 2005

Well, i know my site was sopose to be ALL Soul Blazer but i had to put my avitar as it is now. I love Envy cantcha tell? ^^ And my Code Lyoko animation. Love that show also. Finally its Friday and i have no school tomorrow. I've been wakeing up at 5:30 every morning for the past 2 weeks. So im tired. Today we had a 2 hour delay, i knew we were going to have one since it rained yesterday and got below freezeing. Water + below freezing temps = ice = delay or no school! See i can do math. *smiles chilishly. Im going to some party tomorrow. Gah. At least i wont be lonely there. I'll have my friend Harleigh there. Shes awesome. We are going as twins tomorrow for the hell of it. Hmm. Nothing else to say, maybe i'll sign some guest books. Got 55 mins until Reoku gets on. ^^ Later.
-Chibi Soul Blazer Girl

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