Gothic anime (12/31/05)
i like ur site!!!!!
IluvTrevor (12/12/05)
hi!! i Luv ur site!!!!! Cool we're the same age!!!!! i hope we can b really good friends!!!!!! \(*O_o*)/
FMA-fan (08/03/05)
cool site i love azu manga daioh and yotsuba there soo cute i like your avi later
ChibiMana (07/29/05)
Hello ^^ I like your site! It's very kawaii ^^ I like the bg. Thanks for signing my gb! Ja ne!
msyugioh123 (07/23/05)
hello you have a nice site
AnimeFantasy (07/19/05)
Hiya! Thanks for signing my gb! ^^ Your site is so cute!! ^^ The avatar is cute too! ^^ Added you as a freind! Later!
Darkchild0 (07/19/05)
Cool and weird BAckground- YEah about mi bkgd Sakura is the MOM- Sasuske is the dad- and Naruto is the kid.
Colette123 (07/19/05)
Hi! ^-^
Thanks for signing my guestbook. ^-^
I like your site. ^-^
Your avatar is really funny. ^-^
I added you as a friend too. ^-^
I'm so glad I found another Tales of Symphonia fan. ^-^
As you can see, my favorite character is Colette. ^-^
Bye! ^-^
Rurounigirl123 (07/19/05)
Hiya!! Cool site u got here! Your avi is cute! ^^x I haven't seen Azumanga Daioh, but I've heard that it's good. Thx for signing my guestbook! I'm going to add u as a friend, if u don't mind! JA NE for now!! ^_^x
StarKagome (07/19/05)
Awesome sight! Azumanga Daioh rocks! I'll add you as a friend!