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Chibi Devil Me
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In my perverted & demented lil' world of random insanity, Jou, and Fluffy-kins!! (which just happens to be located in Southeast U.S.A)
Member Since
Student/ Otaku/ Village Idiot (cause Kaiba-kun said so)/ Jounouchi Katsuya Fangirl (TAKE THAT, OTOGI! *cackle*), and a Sesshoumaru Worshipor! ^________^ Isn't he WONDEFUL?! *sigh* *drool*
Real Name
Shenae- but I prefer to be called Devil, Kumiko, or Hemiko. Sounds better.
The Nice Men in White Coats know me! ^-^ Does that count?
Anime Fan Since
2nd Grade- Sailor Moon put a curse on me!! O-O
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Di Gi Charat (manga), Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Inuyasha, Case Closed, FLCL (aka Furi Kuri), Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III, Fruits Basket, Outlaw Star, Card Captor Sakura, Kill Me Kiss Me (manga), Alice 19th (manga), it's a never-ending list..
Anime-ologist! And to convince Fluffy-kins & Jounouchi to marry me! ^-^
MUSIC!! *begins dancing wildly* - Stalking Jou, signing guestbooks (literally), internet surfing, learning HTML (O-O)
Well... I can stalk & annoy people until they jump off a cliff! Does that count? ;p
| Chibi Devil Me
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
=3 Teehee...
Devil: ^^ I am well rested now!!
Aaliyah: Yeah, right! Your eyes are still straining to stay open. You weren't in there sleeping- you were jumping around and drawing and writing and...
Marik: She was also singing.
Malik: Badly.
Devil: *pout* Snitches.
M&M: ;)

Devil: But some good-looking snitches none-the-less! =3
Jounouchi: ... Yes! I am outta da spotlight!
Devil: But not as good looking as Jounouchi-chan!! =3>>> *huggs*
Jounouchi: Gah!
Aaliyah: *rolls eyes* Good grief.
Seto: Really.

Devil: Nobody's as good looking as you, Jou! Although, Bakura and Yami and Seto and Marik are currently in a race for number 3!
Devil: Well.. yeah. It goes Jou, Malik, and... I can't choose who's next. And besides, that's just in the YGO gang! =3 My mind would blow up if I thought of ALL of 'em at once. Ah...
Aaliyah: No surprise there. *snort* -.-
Yugi: She just triggered the fight mode.
Ryou: *sarcastic* Didn't she?
Aaliyah: Who wants popcorn?
Malik: I do! This is gonna get interesting. I'm as a content as I am at 2.
Devil: o.O Why are they fighting?
Ryou: You triggered the 'Who's-got-the-most-fangirls?' mode. It's about to get a little dirty.
Devil: O.O All this for MY vote?! ^^ How sweet.
Aaliyah: Not YOUR vote. Every fangirls vote.
Devil: ;.; You just HAD to kill my little moment there, didn't you?
Aaliyah: *nods* I love seeing the expression on your face. It's hilarious! ^.~ Hah!
Devil: *sniff*
Aaliyah: *sigh* here. *hands Devil hankerchiff* o.O Wait! Then again. Last time I gave you my hankerchiff... It didn't come back in one piece.
Jounouchi: Don't give it ta her. It'll comeback in a kajillion peices...
Ryou: And we'll never find all the peices..
Yugi: Ever...
Malik: NEVER ever..
Aaliyah: O..kay then.
J/R/Y/M: *snickering* ^o~
Aaliyah: o.O Scary.
Devil: ^^ Well, I just watched Yu Yu Hakusho on CN! Ah... Kurama... Hiei... Yusuke...
Aaliyah: -.-
Jounouchi: *waves hand in front of Devil's face*
Ryou: Gone again?
Yugi: Yeah.
Bakura: *shakes Devil awake*
Devil: *awake* Hey! I was enjoying that daydream! =3 Although, I can't say what because then I'd get kicked off some of my fanlistings! =3 Heehee..
Everyone Else: o.O Don't tell us!!
Aaliyah: I know what it was.
Bakura: Anyway! Who's the best good-looking?
Devil: *opens mouth to say something* ^o^ ...
Bakura: That's evil!
Devil: Oh, that's a whole 'nother story! =3>>> Well, in the YGO gang? Or in the WHOLE anime list?
Jounouchi: When ya say it dat way, I don't wanna know anymore!!
Devil: ^^ Well... I'd say it was... either Marik or Bakura. Yami's not evil. And neither is Seto. Seto's a CEO. Yami's... well, he's a pharoah! ^^ Therefore neither one of those two can be evil.
S/Y: Arigato, Devil-chan!!
Devil: Seto called me Devil-chan! ;3
Seto: *rolls eyes*
M/B: Pick!
Devil: o.O Pick? Pick? How do you pick?
Everyone: *anime fall*
Devil: ... You don't mean to pick between Bakura and Marik, do you?
Everyone: *still on floor* *nod* Yes!
Devil: O.O Um... Um... Uh... Um... Uh... Uh...
Bakura: -.- PICK ALREADY!!
Devil: ;.; I can't!!
Marik: You... can't?
Aaliyah: Devil really can't pick. I don't know why, but when ever she's to pick between bishies, when Jounouchi isn't involed, she begins to stutter.
Jounouchi: What'd ya mean, when I'm not involed?

Aaliyah: Because, you'd automaticlly win.
Yami: Explain.
Aaliyah: Simple. Devil? Bakura or Jounouchi?
Devil *cheers up* Oh, that's easy!! Jounouchi-chan! Who else? ^.^
Aaliyah: See? Now, observe. Seto or Jounouchi?
Devil: ... Can they be together?
S/J: *choke* WHAT?!
Devil: They can be friends!
Devil: *wink*
Aaliyah: Well, atleast she didn't say what her mind is saying.
Seto: What's her mind saying?
Jounocuhi: I'm too scared to ask.
Aaliyah: If I were you, Kaiba, I'd do what Jounouchi is doing- Not asking.
Seto: o.O Now I'm scared.
Bakura: I still can't believe she picked HIM over ME!

Devil: ^^ You would NEVER understand, Bakura-chan. It's a fangirl thing.
Ryou: You're right.
Yugi: If it's a fangirl thing...
Malik: We'll never understand.
Marik: So what about me?
Malik: You're a yami.
Marik: That's not what I meant.
Aaliyah: -.- *sigh* It's late, people.
Devil: ^^ AND?! It's time to par-tah!!
Everyone Else: ... *come upwith excuses*
J/Y: We'll stay with you, Devil.
Jounouchi: Since all the rest of ya's is too chicken!
Seto: What did you call me?!
*the two start fighting*
Yugi: ^^; Stay, Yami!
Yami: *pout*

Devil: *sniff* All this for me?!
Aaliyah: No, it's not for you.
Devil: ;.; That's the second moment you've killed today.
Aaliyah: *grin* Good. ^.~
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (1) |

Devil: Last time it was too LATE to post, but this time it's too EARLY to post. -.- My timing is so unfair.
Aaliyah: You ahve a watch, why don't you use it?
Devil: *notices she's wearing her watch* Oh! I AM wearing my watch! ^^;; I keep forgetting I have it on.
Aaliyah: -.-;; O...kay.
Jounouchi: Really.
Devil: =3 Heehee.... I joined some more fanlistings today, and.. yesterday. I even joined one for Bishies!! =3>>> Heh!
Seto: *snickers*
Devil: *just now notices the giant plasma screen is back* When did you get here?
Everyone else: *anime fall* -.-;
Malik: You really DO need get some sleep.
Devil: What do you mean? I overslept today 'til 1:00 pm.
Ryou: o.O You can slep that long?
Devil: Well, I didn't go to bed until 4:30 am.
Ryou: You, my friend, are a living legend.
Devil: =3 Awe! Thanks, Ryou-chan! *hug*
Bakura: *covered in icky gooey stuff* Okay, WHO left the oven going?
Devil: =3 Hehehe, oh Bakura! Did you know that you look absolutely KAWAII like that?
Bakura: *growl* Why you! It was you! You left it going!! *running after Devil*
Marik: Is it just me or is it that everything looks cute to her today?
Yugi: I'd say it was all that missed sleep.
Yami: I agree with Hikari.
Aaliyah: *sly look* You ALWAYS agree with him.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
A little late to be posting, ne?

Devil: Yes, it IS late to be posting. I was so busy joining fanlistings today. *wide-mouthed yawn*
Aaliyah: Oh! Onion breath!! *gag* X.X
Devil: ^.^ Well, I FINALLY found the Jou-kun fanlisting. As you can see, I put THAT ONE at the top of the list. ^.~
Jou: -.- What am I? A-
Devil: Whatever you were gonna say- No. You are every fangirl's dream. *starry look*
Jou: o.O Meaning?
Aaliyah: You do NOT wanna know. Well, atleast on Devil's account. -.-'
Jou: O.O Meaning?
Aaliyah: *sigh* I am surrounded by idiots.
Devil: ^^ Time for... Shout Outs!!
Aaliyah: Oh, great.
Everyone: Cookies for everyone!! ^.^
Rayea Kagome chan: Hey to you too. You don't know how horrible it is- having to stay with Devil. The word angel is more like it. I'm the devil between us. -.- All the bright colors and cuteness and- It's just so... BRIGHT! o.O
Everyone Else: -.- ... Go Away.
Devil: Aaliyah! That wasn't very nice, telling everyone else to go away.
Aaliyah: See what I mean?
Devil: Were you talking about me!?
Aaliyah: ... Aaaaanyway. -x-
Devil: Meanie.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Monday, July 26, 2004
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
Devil: *pout* I am NOT schizotypal! Hmph! ... Okay, maybe I am! ^.~
Devil: ^^ Today's an Inuyasha comic!! Yay! Yami, Bakura, RYou and Yugi went on a skiing trip- even though it's summer. X.O
Sesshoumaru: Why did you drag me out here, Jaken?

Devil: O.O *drops dead*
Aaliyah: -.-'' Why did you have to appear just NOW?
Jaken: Don't talk to Master Sesshoumaru like that!
Aaliyah: *steps on Jaken* >.< I can talk anyway I want, got it?!
Rin: ... Can I step on Jaken too?
Aaliyah: ^^ Help yourself!
Rin: *begins jumping on Jaken*
Jaken: Oh! Master Sesshoumaru! Help me!!
Devil: Fluffy!! *begins worshiping Sesshoumaru and the ground he's walking on*
Inuyasha: *gag* You've got to be kidding!
Kagome: I don't think so, Inuyasha. I think she really is puting her heart into worshipping Sesshoumaru.
Inuyasha: That's the point!! How come no one ever worships me?
Sango: A lot of otakus worship you, Inuyasha.
Miroku: You're just too busy looking for shards of the Shikon Jewel to even notice all the people surrounding you.
Devil: *swips Tetsuiga* *shows it to Sesshoumaru* What you've been looking for, ne? ^.^
Inuyasha: Hey!! Aw man. I don't even want to remember last time this happened. -.- You!! *attacks Devil*
Miroku: *eating calmly* *sigh*
Inu Gang: How can you just sit there?!
Miroku: It's easy. *hands up poster to Devil*
Aaliyah: ... I know what you're trying to do.
Miroku: *shh!*
Devil: *thinking* >.< I hate thinking! Poster... or the real Fluffy? Poster... Real Fluffy... ^.^ I choose the REAL Fluffy!! *throws poster and resumes worshipping Sesshoumaru*
Everyone: *glares at Miroku*
Miroku: Okay, maybe that didn't work.
Devil: Of course it didn't! ^.~ What do you take me for? A mental 4-year-old?!
Everyone: *exchanging glances*
Devil: -.-" I don't believe you people.
Sesshoumaru: *running claws along Tetsuiga* ...
Rin: *still stepping on Jaken* This is fun!! Come join me, Sesshoumaru-sama!
Devil: Fluffy-sama is a little busy right- Ow! She poked my eye!! >.O The pain!!!
Rin: *mischiveous grin* ^.^ Oh, Sesshouamru-sama...!
Devil: >.O You little!
Rin: *pokes other eye*
Devil: Ahh! My other eye! >.< I can't see!!
Everyone Else: O.o
Inuyasha: Ya know, Sesshoumaru, you could go and get your little girlfriend.
Sesshoumaru: *glare*
Aaliyah: Which one? Cuase there's Rin and then there's Devil.
Inuyasha: *smirk* Oh, yea.
Sesshoumaru: *growl* *glare*
Devil: *runs and jumps on Inuyasha* Don't be mean to Fluffy-sama!!
Inuyasha: What're you gonna do about it?
Devil: *pulls out voice box* *presses play*
Kagome's voice: Sit boy!
Inuyasha: >.< Not again. *plummets to ground*
Sango: Kagome?

(I couldn't find a confused Sango pic. -.-;)
Kagome: o.O But, I didn't say that!!
Devil: ^.~ I know. I projected your voice onto this video player. So, if I press repeat- guess what happens.
Inuyasha: Don't do it.
Devil: Don't? It's Opposite Day, ya know! *presses 'repeat'*
Kagome's voice: *repeated says 'Sit boy!'*
Inuyasha: GAH!!
Kagome: *watches Inu fall into well* *jumps in well* *pokes head out* He's okay!

Devil: *begins kissing Sesshoumaru's feet* ^.^ Anything I can do for you, Fluffy-sama?
Sesshoumaru: ... No.
Devil: All righty then! I'll just continue to worship you and the ground you walk on and the air you breath!!
Sango: Talk about a pshyco.
Miroku: Talk about addicted.
Rin: *thinking* She's taking my place!! >.< I'll just give a taste of cuteness.
Jaken: *relieved* *sigh* Gah! *Rin suddenly steps on him again*
Rin: *smile* Oh, Devil-chan? Can I worship Sesshoumaru-sama now??
Devil: *thinking* She's trying to trick me! Well, I'll never give up my Flufy!!
Rin: ^-^
Devil: *pats Rin on head* Maybe when you get older.
Rin: >.< tackles Devil*
Everyone Else: O.O
Aaliyah: You do realize that if anything happens to eiher on of them, it's your fault, right?
Sesshoumaru: x.x
*[insert fight dust cloud]*
Aaliyah: Ouch! Oh, that's gotta hurt!
Miroku: That's gonna leave a mark!
Sango: *slap!* And so is that.
Miroku: Ow.
Kagome: Inuyasha, don't you think you should stop this? Inuyasha?!
Inuyasha: *eating ramen and sitting with Aaliyah* I think Devil might win.
Aaliyah: Yeah. She isn't effected by Rin's cuteness by the least!! That's gives her a huge upper hand.
Kagome: >.<
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Nyu! ^.^
 You are Puchiko!
Which DiGi Charat Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Devil: ^.^ I changed around my site look so it can be more... Digi Charat- ish... nyu! I even changed the font nyu!
Aaliyah: -.-; You can come out now, guys.
Ryou: But, it looks so... different!
Yugi: *pokes menu bar* Ah! *gets halfway swollowed*
Yami: o.O Hikari?!
Bakura: Didn't we tell him not to touch anything until it dried? -.-Idiot.
Yami: *trying to pull Yugi out* My hikari is not an idiot!
Ryou: ^.^;; Yes, we did, didn't we?
Devil: ^^ I'm becoming even MORE active with my greeting cards nyu! Go see my new ones nyu.
Puchiko: Nyu?
Devil: Awe nyu!! *hug* ^.^ Isn't she cute nyu?!
Bakura: Bake her in the oven and she may look cute then, but not now.
Ryou: o.O Bakura! How could you say something like that?!
Puchiko: *begins shaking slightly* ... *laser eye beam!*
Bakura: -.- Please tell me those are not flowers. *steps on flower* AHH!! *flower explodes*
Devil: ... Exploded is not a good look for you, B-kun nyu.
Bakura: *glare* You! *runs after Puchiko*
Puchiko: ^x^ *running from Bakura*
Devil: ?.? I think Puchiko has a crush on Bakura nyu.
Ryou: X.X A 5-year-old girl?! Bakura! Stop evilling her mind!!
Aaliyah: I think that's already ben arranged. *watches Bakura swing from the ceiling before a pot of steaming liquid*
Puchiko: What have you to say now nyu?
Bakura: _._ She's trying to put a CURSE ON ME!! The least you all could do is get me down. Devil?
Devil: No, you should boil him a live nyu. That way we can preserve him nyu! ^^
Puchiko: Not a bad idea nyu.
Aaliyah: 0.o Uh.. Devil? Your comic?
Devil: Huh nyu? Oh, yea nyu! Here's my daily comic/captions nyu! It's Sailor Moon this time nyu! ^.^ This time, they're captions. Why? Because. I'm lazy. ^^; __________________________________

Usagi: Gee, Rei! This projecter really works!

Venus: Nobody is to look up THIS skirt! *crash* Owies.

Jupiter: Okay... Who turned on the lights?!

Rei: *thinking* Aim for the badguy... but Neptune is just sitting there-I outta wake her up! No! Aim for the bad guy!! ARGH!!

Mercury/Ami: I am going to knock you so far, you'll end up in Candy Land!! *smacks person with henshin* Strick!!
Devil: ^.^; Lame, aren't they nyu?
Aaliyah: Very.
Bakura: They're far beyond lame.
Devil: -.- Gee, how helpful and supportive you two are.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Saturday, July 24, 2004
Di Gi Charat!
Devil: ^.^ I am now a full fledged Di Gi Charat (Manga)otaku! YAY! I bought "Di Gi Charat Theater: Dejiko's Summer Vacation" yesterday. Puchiko-chan is now my fave DGC character! She's so cute-and sharp-minded too.

*Dejiko (middle), Puchiko (right), Rabi~en~Rose aka Usada (left)*
Ryou: This doesn't mean that Yu-Gi-Oh is out of the spotlight, does it?
Seto: You're STUCK there. They'd have to throw you away to the trash can to do that.
Aaliyah: *pets Ryou on the head* Don't worry Ryou. Devil has been a Yu-Gi-Oh otaku for as long as she CAN'T remember. Besides, she's one of Jounouchi's top fangirls. -.-;;
Devil: And here's Dejiko!
Aaliyah: You mean the wanna-be idol? By the looks of it, she must be bickering with Usada.
Devil: A-chan! Stop being mean. Dejiko is not a wanna-be. She just has dreams to be one.
Aaliyah: *snort*

Devil: Not possible. As you can see, Usada-sama is as calm as-
Rabi~en~Rose: Don't call me Usada!! Wait.. did you say -sama?
Devil: Only because you're older than me. But that doesn't mean I'm going to listen to you.
Rabi~en~Rose: >.< Why won't you listen to me?
Puchiko: Because she's siding with me nyu.

Devil: ^.^ Puchiko-chan! I shall now end my sentences like Puchiko-chan! I mean nyu. ^^;

Devil: o.O She's a blonde nyu? I thought she was a brunette nyu. ^.^ My bad nyu!

Devil: ^^ Now I can submit my fanart nyu. I'll draw Gema nyu! He's so easy to draw it's almost not funny nyu! ^.^

Devil: ?.? How can you be a major of a gang and only be 13 nyu?
Aaliyah: -.- You slow idiot.
Devil: ;.; I am NOT an idiot nyu. If I am, then why am I in the gifted nyu?
Aaliyah: There are two deffenitions to "gifted". And- the probably felt sorry for you.
Devil: ;.; *sniff* You are so mean nyu!
Aaliyah: ?.? Didn't one of the Spice Girls have shoes like that?
Devil: Now that you think about it nyu... Yeah, I think Baby Spice did nyu.
Click here to see Baby Spice and those shoes that make me shudder. *shudder*
Aaliyah: o.O I never did like those. Spice Girls could sing, but Baby Spice's shoes... No-no.
Devil: Back to DGC nyu!

Devil: ?.? Isn't Dejiko a cat nyu?
Aaliyah: .. When you think about it, yeah.
Devil: So then how can he be a vetenarian if he's trying to help kidnap a cat nyu? @.@
Aaliyah: ... -.- I don't know, Devil. If it really bothers you that much, why not ask the original creator?
Devil: Oh nyu? I never thought of that nyu! ^.^
Aaliyah: -.-;;;;;;; Have we forgoten anyone?
Dejiko: Yes, you did nyo. You forgot the strange one that's always following Puchiko-chan nyo.
Devil: Well, we'll ge to him later nyu!
Dejiko: Why are you copying Puchiko-chan nyo?
Devil: Because nyu!
Rabi~en~Rose: I, being so much more mature, will not get into such... talk.
Dejiko: Usada, you dimwit nyo! You're the reason we're here nyo!
Devil: Is this what you go through nyu?
Puchiko: Sadly nyu.
Gema: VERY sadly gema.
Aaliyah: -.-' You all are getting annoying with all this 'nyo', 'nyu', and 'gema'.
Devil: ^.^ Okay nyu! Time to go nyu! *page vanishes*
Dejiko: It's all your fault nyo!
Rabi~en~Rose: It wasn't my fault!
Puchiko: As you can see, you may want to leave now nyu.
Devil: Not only for your safety nyu. But also for the safety of others nyu.
Aaliyah: -_-" I get the feeling it's about to get messy.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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*pout* Again?!
Devil: *sigh* This is so unfair. Do I have to go to the Waffle House? It's like that's the ONLY place we for breakfest!
Bakura: If you help take over the world...
Marik: ... the Waffle House will be...
Malik: ... gone forever!
Aaliyah: For the sake of humanity, don't listen to them, Devil.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (1) |
Friday, July 23, 2004
 You are: Hamtaro
Which Hamtaro Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Ryou: *locked in clear plastic box-cage* Let me out!!
Bakura: *supporting Duke* Why do I have to help?
Yugi: Because it's YOUR fault that this happened.
Duke: It's really Devil's fault, but no changes are needed! ^.^ Ouch! My ribs! >.<
Bakura: Quit whining.
Duke: Anything for you, Bakura! *face twisted in pain*
Aaliyah: Tsk. -.- I pity you, Bakura.
Ryou: >.< NO! Stop touching my Bakura!! *rampage*
Jou: *grin* *waving a Bakura plushie at Ryou* Ryou want a plushie? Ryou want a plushie?
Ryou: *stops and watches plushie* ... GIMMEGIMMEGIMME!
Jou: *hides plushie behind back* Gee, I wonder where it went.

Seto: Should be you in there.
Jou: Atleast I'm not scared of blood.
Seto: What are you blabbing about?
Malik: This. *shows picture of Seto clinging to Jou with blood on the background wall*
Seto: *pale face* >.< Nobody is to know that!
Marik: What? That you were clinging to Jou? ^.^
Jou: >.> He was CLINGING to me?

Seto: That mutt?! NEVER!
Malik: *shows picture*
Seto: *mumbles something*

M&M: *evil grins* We have a favour to ask of you, Seto Kaiba.
Seto: I do NOT want to help you two.
Duke: Bakura, can you help me?
Bakura: *throws Duke into room*
*loud crash and yelp*
Duke: *from room* I'm okay! *shuffle* Ouch! My ankle!!
Everyone: *glares at Bakura*
Bakura: What..?
Devil: *notices Ryou smiling* Something's wrong with Ryou.
Ryou: Why, what ever do you mean? I'm just so happy! Is that a crime?

Seto: O.O NO! I don't wanna! *hides behind Aaliyah*
Aaliyah: o.o Seto, there is to be NO contact between us. Therefore... GET AWAY FROM ME!!
Seto: *runs and hides behind Devil*
Devil: Hehehe... *pets Seto on the head*
Yami: What's gotten into you, Kaiba?
Seto: *points*
Malik: I didn't do anything- Marik?
Marik: I didn't do anything to him either.
Seto: *growl* *snatches jacket back* Hands off the merchandise! And you! *points at Devil* Don't pet me on the head like I'm some animal!
Devil: *gets on tip-toes and pets Seto on head* ^.^ Hehehe... Those fangirls are going to be SO jealous!
Yugi: -.-;; They already are.
Fangirls: *screaming*
Seto: I've already lost some of my dignity. I'd like to hold onto the rest.
Yami: You STILL have some dignity? I respect you, Kaiba.
Person: *bust out of room* Oh, Bakura, honey!!
Bakura: o.O Honey?

Ryou: DUKE?! *eye twitches*
Everyone: X.X
Duke: *hugs Bakura* Hehehe...
Devil: *twitch*
Ryou: *scream* >.< Why you!
Duke: ^.^
Marik: This is even better than watching Kaiba!
Jou: You watch Kaiba?
Malik: Sure do!
Aaliyah: I am deeply disturbed by that. X~X
Devil: Funny... I thought Duke was a skirt person. Oh, well! ^^
Duke: *glomps Bakura* ^.^
Bakura: X-X
Devil: Ya know what? I wanna show that pic again! ^^ Hehehe...
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (1) |
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Devil: *restraining Ryou* Meep! I HATE being weak!
Yugi: You? I'm the weak one!
Aaliyah: *glare* You aren't even trying! --'
Yugi: Oh, yeah! *helps*
Aaliyah: YAMI! Get over here!
Yami: ....

Ryou: Let me go!! *tries to hit Duke with rolled up poster*
Devil: *gasp* My poster!! *snatches poster* Mine!
Ryou: *attacks Duke*
*[insert fight cloud thingy]*
Everyone: *glare at Devil*
Devil: Oopsies. ^.^
Marik: *on screen* Talk about a tantrum.
Jou: That's not a tantrum; that's a rampage.
Seto: o.o Is that... blood? *refuses to look at wall*
Jou: Yes, it is blood.

Seto: *nearly gets hit in head with chair leg* Meep! *clings to Jou*
Jou: ...

[*insert blush on pic*]
Malik: *to Marik* Talk about out of character.
Marik: Really.
Yugi: Ryou! Now, Ryou, that was not necessary... I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE CHAIR! Ryou! Are you listening to me?!

Yami: Hikari, no one is listening to you.

Yugi: *sniff*
Aaliyah: Oh, great.
Duke: SAVE ME!!
Devil: ... *turns to veiwers* Did I mention I submitted a new greeting card?
Marik: You had might as well not try to change the subject-
Malik: But, while you're up... can get some popcorn?
Devil: >.<" GET IT YOURSELF!
M&M: Excuse us.
Aaliyah: ... Devil! Don't look at-
Malik: *(look at pic)*

Devil: *change of mood* ^.^ You want butter with that?
Aaliyah: >.< Does she ever listen to me?!
Ryou: DIE!! *smacks Duke with laptop*
Everyone: *stops at gunshot*
*some person walks in*
Person: WHO took MY laptop?!
Ryou: Meep... o.o
Devil: *squint* *gasp* It's- HEERO! *runs to Heero*
Heero: *shots gun*
Devil: >.< Too young to... get wet? *looks at shirt* Since when did you use a water gun?!
Heero: >.<"""" Just give me the laptop!
Ryou: Catch! *throws laptop*
Heero: O.o Why you- *attacks Ryou*
Ryou: Meep!! *ducks*

Bakura: ... *frustrated sigh* Give me that! *snatches MR from Marik* *akes over Heero's mind*
Heero: *talking to himself* Who are you? What are you doing in my mind? I'm not leaving until- I'm leaving. *walks out with beaten up laptop in hand*

Ryou: *pats Duke on back* I'm sorry, Duke.
Duke: .... Scary.

Devil: Yay! You finally got-
Ryou: *flips Duke on his back and begins to step on him*
Devil: ... Along?
Jou: That's not good.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
...... I Don't Think So!
Devil: ^^ I have a question for you Bakura!
Bakura: -.-' Oh, great.
Devil: ... Can I braid your hair?!
Aaliyah: o.O That's a silly request.
Yugi: Only from the way you're looking at it.
Aaliyah: You mean I should look at it this way? *climbs on ceiling*
Ryou: How'd she do that? I wanna try!
*sudden RIINNNNGG and giant screen appears in thin air (>.< I'm bored here; pare me)*
Everyone: What light?
Devil: That light. *points in random direction*
Seto: *on screen* You mean THAT? *points at Jou whos eating* You idiot!
Devil: *peeks* Oh, it's Jou? ... JOU! *tight hug*
Jou: *cough*
Bakura: What's the matter with you?
Jou: You try eatin' Marik's cookin'! Ptooey!

Bakura: I ain't eating THAT!
Devil: *snatches spoon and taste* Hm... *gag* *falls over*
Everyone: O.O Marik! What'd you do!?
Marik: *innocent look* Oppsies.
Jou: *shaking Devil* Devil! Wake up!
Devil: *opens eye* Hi, Jounouchi-kun! *hug*
Seto: ... Aren't you supposed to be dead?
Devil: Nope! .. Wait, dead? *blink* Why would I be dead?
Everyone: *points at Marik*
Devil: Marik... why are you wearing a pink aproon?
Marik: >.< It was th eonly thing there was and I didn't want to get my cloths dirty!! Therefore, I am NOT a sissy so don't call me one!!
Everyone: ... Psycho...
Devil: ^^ Jou was really concerned for me! *sniff* I hearby make it my duty that Jounouchi-kun is NEVER to be messed with!! *glares at Seto* And that includes you!
Seto: Talking to the wrong person. *not listening*
Devil: *growl* Well... I have this! *shows picture*

Ryou: >.< Grr... ^^ Oh, Duke?
Duke: *pushes Seto out of screen sight* Yeah?
Ryou: ^^... DIE! >.< *attacks Duke*
Aaliyah: O.O Isn't he supposed to be innocent?
Yami: And how'd he attack him if Duke was on the screen? It's just not possible.
Aaliyah: I guess us, sensible people, will never know.
Yami: *shrug*
Ryou: *pulling Duke's hair* STAY AWAY FROM MY BAKURA!
Seto: *back on scren* Isn't he supposed to like Puppy's sister?
Jou: >.< My name is NOT PUPPY! So call me by my REAL name!
Seto: *closes in on Jou's face* Katsuya.
Jou: ~///~ I just remembered I left my monkeys in the 'fridge! *runs away*
Seto: *snicker* Always makes me laugh.
Bakura: *snatches Ryou by the back of his collar*
Duke: *starry look* You saved me!
Bakura: Now will you shut up?!
Duke: *attacked to Bakura's leg*
Ryou: *whining* Let me go! Let me rip 'im to PIECES! To SHREDS!!
Everyone: O.O Ryou...?
Duke: *sigh*
Ryou: GET AWAY!!!
Devil: And this is why that gym teacher never says anything anymore?
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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