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Chibi Devil Me
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In my perverted & demented lil' world of random insanity, Jou, and Fluffy-kins!! (which just happens to be located in Southeast U.S.A)
Member Since
Student/ Otaku/ Village Idiot (cause Kaiba-kun said so)/ Jounouchi Katsuya Fangirl (TAKE THAT, OTOGI! *cackle*), and a Sesshoumaru Worshipor! ^________^ Isn't he WONDEFUL?! *sigh* *drool*
Real Name
Shenae- but I prefer to be called Devil, Kumiko, or Hemiko. Sounds better.
The Nice Men in White Coats know me! ^-^ Does that count?
Anime Fan Since
2nd Grade- Sailor Moon put a curse on me!! O-O
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Di Gi Charat (manga), Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Inuyasha, Case Closed, FLCL (aka Furi Kuri), Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III, Fruits Basket, Outlaw Star, Card Captor Sakura, Kill Me Kiss Me (manga), Alice 19th (manga), it's a never-ending list..
Anime-ologist! And to convince Fluffy-kins & Jounouchi to marry me! ^-^
MUSIC!! *begins dancing wildly* - Stalking Jou, signing guestbooks (literally), internet surfing, learning HTML (O-O)
Well... I can stalk & annoy people until they jump off a cliff! Does that count? ;p
| Chibi Devil Me
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Funny Thing...
 Animation from
 Hiru No Tsuki. Melfina's Theme Song of uncertainty is also your theme song. You may appear to be a normal average everyday person. Yet it is your indecisiveness and your low self-confidence that stop you from taking risks that make life the leap of love.
What is your anime theme song? brought to you by Quizilla
Devil: I was listening to my CD's today and Bakura asked me what I was listening to...
Bakura: Not again! Haven't you already told everyone?
Devil: Let me continue and then I'll reply to that. So, like I was saying, I told him I was listening to some Old School songs. Now, when ever someone asks me a question, I HAVE TO answer them honestly. Why? Because Bakura has to also. Fair, ain't it? It's kinda like a Truth only Truth or Dare!
Bakura: *grumble*
Ryou: ^^ I have a question! *tugs at Bakura's sleeve* Do you love me, Bakura?
Bakura: *mumbles something*
Aaliyah: We can't hear you!! ;p
Bakura: *mumbles something that sounds like "yeah"*
Ryou: ^^ *amazingly hears Bakura* Beat that, Yugi!
Yugi: Hm... Alright! Yami, let's go buy a house and live together!
Yami: o.O I hope you don't take this wrongly, HIkari, but... ARE YOU CRAZY?!
Yugi: ^^ Not taken wrongly, Yami. And by the way, NO! I AM NOT CRAZY!
Aaliyah: I have a question for you, Devil. Is it true you sleep with a giant Powerpuff Bubbles'?
Devil: ^^ Yeah! I thought you knew that.
Bakura: ... I think she was trying to embarrass you.
Devil: *clueless* Oh? Well.. uh... try again!
Yami: I have a question for you, Tomb Robber.
Bakura: On, what now?!
Yami: Hm... nevermind.
Bakura: *raises eyebrow* Gee, I'm safe! YES!
Devil: Oh! It's 12!
Aaliyah: And?
Devil: ... I have to get off now... *pout* See ya in the... wait, not morning... See ya later!
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
W:SA ! (Part III)
Devil: ^^ Time to get this over with!
Ryou: We're baaaaack!!
Bakura: *squeak*
Everyone (minus B&R): o.O Did Bakura just SQUEAK?
Ryou: Now, B-chan, don't be that way!
Bakura: *glares at Ryou* I don't believe you!!
Ryou: *hug* I love you too, B!
Aaliyah: What in the world is going on here?
Ryou: *holds up bag*
Yugi: Hey! This is all baby stuff! Like a cradle and bottle and- O.O You didn't- that's not possible!!
Bakura: Ya think? That's NOT what happened! *gag* Even I have limits.
Devil: *cough* Oh, really??
Yami: My thoughts exactly.
Aaliyah: I beg to differ! Then what is all THIS stuff for?
Ryou: There for my cousin. I thought you all knew that.
Everyone: Uh... no, we didn't.
Ryou: -.-;; Talk about being slow.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Friday, July 16, 2004
 Inuyasha. Quite the weird bunch aren't we? You all have something that is strange about you and even though you really care for each other, you don't show it much. Heck, you probably don't realize how important you are to one another until someone is gone.
Which anime group do you and your friends resemble? brought to you by Quizilla
Devil: *smile* THAT'S US! *shows photo*
Devil: Uh... well, while Ryou and Bakura have gone to the DNA lab, for who knows why?!, I'll be writing my fics- fanfiction, fiction, and... so on! I'll also be getting more active with my Neopets account!
Yugi: *???* I STILL don't know why Ryou took Bakura to the DNA test. *tugs at Yami's sleeve* Yami, why did he go to the DNA lab?? *cute confused look*
Yami: ... Aaliyah?
Aaliyah: I'm tryin' to get Devil off my back! Look. It's something that goes way, WAY- *hand swosshes over Yugi's head (hitting his hair in the process)* -over your head.
Devil: ... anyway, I'll also be joining some fanlistings too! ^-^ I've already joined one for Inuyasha's daddy. Did you know that Inutaisho is GORGEOUS!? Over course though, if he's like Fluffy, he may kill me... *ponders*
Yugi: *pout* I wanna know!!
Devil: Me too!
Aaliyah: Uh... *hides behind link* *pulls Yami behind other link* Okay, here's the plan... *whispers*
Yami: ... I guess.
*both jump out*
Yami: *holding link* This is heavy, ya know!
Aaliyah: Here's the links to Devil's FF.Net account. There's her Neopet Badge too. They'll also be up there where her fanlisting icons will be. ^-^ *starts packing stuff*
Click Here for Devil's FF.Net Account!
Yami: Can I put these down now?!
Yugi: *takes one link from Yami* Hey! I got it! Yea- HELP!! *squished under link*
Yami: Yugi!! *lifting link*
Devil: *blank look* Is this better than the movies or what?!
Aaliyah: Better than the movies and you know it!
*both start nodding vigerously with sly looks on their faces*
Devil: Awe, Yami's carrying Yugi.
Aaliyah: Bridal-style, mind you.
*yep, you guessed it. AGAIN with the nodding and sly looks*
Yami: *turns to them* Stop thinking like that!!
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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::*WARNING!! SHOUNEN-AI AHEAD!!*:: (continued)
Bakura: *on ground* I can't believe he did that.
Yugi: Yeah... well... *huff* I'll just take extra measures. *drags Yami*
Yami: Uh... aibou? Where are we going??
Devil: Hey! Where'd Yugi and Yami go?
Yugi: *bursts into room with a WIDE grin*
Yami: *blushing furiously*
Ryou: *snatches paper out of Yugi's hand* ... *twitch* I..I..I... ARGH! Come on, Bakura!! *drags Bakura out of room*
Bakura: No!! Wait.. where are we going?
Ryou: The DNA labs. *evil grin*
Bakura: *horrified* NOOO!!!
Devil: The DNA lab?
Yugi: What's he gonna do there?
Aaliyah: Uh... Yami?
Yami: *nervous chuckle* It's...
Aaliyah: Over your heads!
Yami: Yeah!!
D&Y: ?.?
(Aaliyah: Yes, this had to be put in 2 post. Why? ... I don't know! Don't ask me! -.- Geez.)
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Thursday, July 15, 2004

Devil: *drool*
Aaliyah: Eep! Everyone in the boat! NOW!
Everyone(minus Devil): *jumps in boat*
Yugi: A river of saliva... cool!
Bakura: Don't you mean drool?
Yami: I still don't see why she's drooling over HIM!
Ryou: She just has different taste than others... Ven if it's not... really... You know what I mean!!

Everyone (minus Yami and Devil): *laugh*
Bakura: Are you DATING that... thing?!
Yami: *growl* No!
Ryou: *snicker*
Yami: *loud growl* Attack, Karibou!!
Ryou: Eep!! *running away from a MAD Karibou* Bakura! Save me!!
Bakura: Hn. *ignoring Ryou* ... *twitch* ... Ryou! *goes to save Ryou*
Devil: *eyes advert from Malik pic* Shounen-ai!!
Bakura: *throws Karibou out the window* *stomps over to Devil* DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!
Ryou: *sniff* Thank you, Bakura-chan!! *huggle*
Bakura: -//- Let go.
Devil: ^^ You were saying?? *smirk*
Aaliyah: Why is this funny again?

Yugi: Yami's saved me a MILLION times more!! *clings to Yami's arm*
Ryou: And? Bakura's jumped off a building to save me!! *grips Bakura's arm*
YY&B: *side-ways look* -.- *sigh*
Aaliyah: Not again!
Devil: *turns back to Malik pic* *drool*

Ryou: So?! Bakura's kissed me before!!
Bakura: *dead-beat blush* -////- *mumble* Nobody's supposed to know that...
Yugi: And?!! Me and Yami have gone-
Yami: *clamps hand over Yugi's mouth* *begins humming innocently*
Devil: *turns* Gone... where?
Yami: Nowhere!
Aaliyah: You are such a liar! Now let poor Yugi go!
Bakura: Puts me out of the spotlight.
Bakura: Ryou... don't.
Everyone (minus R&B): What is it?
Ryou: *grin* *tries to get Bakura to turn*
Bakura: NO!
Ryou: Fine then. *holds out hand*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Devil: I found this absolutely CUTE site the other day! It's called YamixHikari. ^-^ *notes Yugi & Ryou's furious blushing and Yami & Bakura's speechlessness* Hehehe...
Aaliyah: Oh! Kodak moment! *takes picture of Y&R* Yeah! *takes picture of YY&B* Perfect blackmail!
Devil: I say we visit the site!!
Aaliyah: Yeah! *clicks on link* Oh! It's got a Yugi and Yami layout!
Yugi: ... ^///^
Yami: -///////////-
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
Devil: I can't sleep; I just... CAN'T!
Yugi: Could you please keep it down? It's bad enough Yami and Yami Bakura won't stop fighting.
Aaliyah: Really.
Bakura: Huh? What's going on?
Devil: *stares* Yugi. Did you know that you have the cutest pajama design!? *super huggle*
Aaliyah: Oh, for the sake of Pete!
Bakura: ^-^ I think it's sweet.
Yugi: ^-^
Devil: And you too! *super huggles Bakura*
Yami: Why is she going on a huggle spree?
Y.Bakura: So when she huggles you, she'll choke you.
Yami: >.< Stop pestering me!!
Y.Bakura: At least I'm no Seto Kiaba.
Yami: Thank goodness you're not!
Devil: Yipe! Case Closed is on! *runs to TV*
B&Y: She's sitting too close again.
Aaliyah: Let her. She's already half blind. Let her be completely blind.
Y.Bakura: Sounds like a plan to me.
Y&B: *chibi faces* You two shouldn't be so mean!!
YY: It's no use. She's GLUED to the TV.
Y&B: NO! We have to save her!
Aaliyah: Since when did they get put on the rescue committee?
YY&YB: *shrug* *begin fighting over a bag of Cheetos*
Aaliyah: Come on now! It's a bag of CHEETOS! Shessh!
Y&B: *chibi faces* Stop fighting!!
You shouldn't fight!
YY&YB: *ignoring their hikaris*
Aaliyah: *sigh* I'll NEVER get any sleep now.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
*frustrated sigh* ARGH!
Devil: *pulling on hair* With all those bishounen here, not only have I drooled a river, but I'm getting a bad, BAD after headache!
Aaliyah: Oh, poor you.
Devil: Well, I'll hate myself after I say this but, atleast they're gone.
Yugi: *pops out of nowhere* Um... I think I got left behind.
Devil: *faint* 'THUD!'
Aaliyah: *rolls eyes at Devil* They LEFT you behind?
Yugi: Joey and Kiaba were fighting and I got pushed out the bus window.
Devil: *plummets into ground*
Aaliyah: I guess you're stuck here until they get enough sense to turn back.
Devil: *wakes up* WHY AM I DEEP UNDER THE GROUND? *climbs out of hold* *notes that Yugi's there* YUGI!! *super duper huggle* You're so adorable!! ^-^
Yugi: ^///^
Aaliyah: This is going to be the most sickning week of my life. *gag*
Bakura: You got left behind too, Yugi?
Yugi: You got left behind?
Bakura: Wufei got annoyed with Duo and I was trying to stay out of the way when I fell.
Devil: *eyes water* This has to be the best day of my life! *huggles Bakura with other arm* I have two bishounen at BOTh my sides! LUCKY ME!!
B&Y: ^///^
Aaliyah: *double gag* Somebody help me!
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Part Two!
Devil: *slaps A-chan* Why!!?
Aaliyah: *rubbing face* What was THAT for??
Devil: *sniff* You made me forget Duke.
Aaliyah: *cough* First, who's Duke?
Devil: *gasp* Are you a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh or not?!

Devil: Sesshoumaru... *drool*
Aaliyah: *picks up phone and calls the tissue factory* Is that year long suppliment offer still up??

Devil: I wonder what he's smiling about...
Aaliyah: I think I saw something! It was purple! Watch your back!!
Devil: *rolls eyes* And next you'll be telling me it was a purple-coated monk. *scoff*
Aaliyah: How'd you know?
Devil: *anime fall*

Devil: You know... it's very odd that he stands like that.
Aaliyah: o.O Stop thinking like that! Maybe YOU should be locked up in the padded wall room! YEAH!
Devil: *runs away* NEVER!! YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME!! *runs into something* Ouch!

Aaliyah: HE'S on the list??
Devil: Yeah; you got a problem with it?

Aaliyah: *gag*
Devil: *glare* Come on! You can't lie! He DOES have that look. Rather you tell your self that or not!!
Aaliyah: *scoff* Have we forgotten anybody from Inuyasha?
Devil: ^-^ Well... there is...
Aaliyah: O.O *dies*
Devil: *snicker* So I felt sorry for 'im. ... A-chan? A-chan! *slaps A-chan*
Aaliyah: *wakes up* I thought I had died because you had put a picture of Jakotsu. Thank you for not doing that!! *huggles Devil*
Devil: Uh... I did put it up. *points*
Aaliyah: *stares* ... O.O *dies, again*
Devil: Um... Moving along!! Nothing to see here!!
~Dragon Ball Z~
Devil: Do I REALLY need to explain this section?? ^-^ If I put up a single picture of everyone of 'em, my site would blow up in flames. You don't want that now do you?

~Case Closed~
Devil: Yes, there are bishounen in CC. Well, at least one!
~Gundam Wing~
Devil: The long awaited... GUNDAM PILOTS!! *drool*
Aaliyah: *rises from the dead* Gundam?! GUNDAM!!
Devil: *stare* How'd she... but... I thought... Aren't you dead?!
Aaliyah: Just because you buried me in the backyard- *smirks at Devil's nervous laughter*- doesn't mean I'm dead.
Devil: Well, uh... let's get started with the Gundam pilots!

Devil: I think this is the only pic where Heero smiles. That I know of.
Aaliyah: You don't know that many pics anyway.

Devil: Doesn't he look cute?
Aaliyah: ... Hn.
Aaliyah: O.O All... righty then.
Aaliyah: O.o
Devil: Uh... clown's aren't supposed to look that good, are they?
Aaliyah: They aren't designed to, but Trowa changed that!!

Devil: Doesn't he look happy?!
Aaliyah: He's ALWAYS happy. Maybe he should switch jobs with Trowa.
Devil: *gasp!* No! That would mess it all up! NEVER!!!!
Aaliyah: O.o Okay, next time that happens, it's the padded-wall room for you.
Devil: *calms down*

Devil: I wonder what Fei looks like when his hair ISN'T in a ponytail... What do you think, A-chan?
Aaliyah: Hn. *smirk*
Devil: *begins to turn red and cheeks puff* . . . . . ARGH!
Aaliyah: *drags Devil into oaded-wall room* *locks door* Since Devil isn't with us right now, we'll have to end it for today. *waves* See ya tommorrow! Oh, yea! Here's Zechs! *skips off (oddly enough) happily*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Bishounen Day One!
Devil: It's Bishounen Day here in my world! Today and the rest of the week that will be needed, me and Aaliyah celebrate the bishounen that literally catch our eyes! ^-^ Right?
Aaliyah: Right! *in happy mode*
Devil: o.O She's... happy? Oh, dear.
Aaliyah: Let's start with..-
Devil: LEGATO!!

Devil: *heavy sigh* *falls out of chair* ^ - ^
Aaliyah: *rolls eyes* Can we move along now!!??

Aaliyah: S'okay, I guess.
Devil: O.O Did you just diss Vash?! Whatcha got that can top Vash? ...Other than Wolfwood; that's a tie there.
Aaliyah: *grin*

Devil: *scoff* He wishes!
Aaliyah: Like Vash is better.
Devil: I know something we can BOTh agree on!
Aaliyah: *scoof* And that is...?

Aaliyah *spins around and shakes Devil's hand* We have a deal!!
Devil: I thought so!
Both: ^ _ ^

Devil: *suddenly begins to jump around* It's Marik-kun! *urge to give a BIG death huggle*
Aaliyah: No death huggles today, Devil. You do want them to live, don't you?
Devil: *pout*

Devil: I'm DYING to put both of 'em up here, but... A-chan says that would be a waste of space. >.< Why do I listen to her?!

Aaliyah: Nice shoes.
Devil: *huggle*
Aaliyah: Soft huggles, Devil. Soft! No choking!!

Devil: You know, he looks good even when he glares!
Aaliyah: Sure does! ^_^

Aaliyah: You do know he got his hair done, right?
Devil: -.- Listen, Yugi did NOT get his hair done.
Aaliyah: Or maybe Yami took over, got his hair done, and then Yugi too over, but can't get his hair to look like before! So it's Yami's fault!!
Devil: Eep! No! His hair was inherited that way!
Aaliyah: *scoff* Yeah, right. And I'm the tooth fairy.

Aaliyah: Still say it was HIS fault!!
Devil: *anime fall* Argh!
Aaliyah: *snicker* Okay, we covered two animes today. Toomorrow we'll cover at least two more.
Devil: Uh... A-chan? It's 12:36 am.
Aaliyah: Oh, fine! LATER ON TODAY! Argh! STOP CORRECTING ME!! *pulls on hair*
Devil: ^-^ We'll just take you back to your wittle padded-wall room so you don't hurt yourself while you get over being corrected! Well, see ya later on today!! *guides Aaliyah to a metal door*
Aaliyah: Argh! Let me go!! *struggle*
Devil: Some help here!
*Seto and Joey appear, arguing tough*
Seto: Grr.
Joey: Grr.
Both: *help Devil; then start arguing again* *get into a fight*
Devil: Left hook! Go Joey! Go Seto! *cheering*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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