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Chibi Devil Me
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In my perverted & demented lil' world of random insanity, Jou, and Fluffy-kins!! (which just happens to be located in Southeast U.S.A)
Member Since
Student/ Otaku/ Village Idiot (cause Kaiba-kun said so)/ Jounouchi Katsuya Fangirl (TAKE THAT, OTOGI! *cackle*), and a Sesshoumaru Worshipor! ^________^ Isn't he WONDEFUL?! *sigh* *drool*
Real Name
Shenae- but I prefer to be called Devil, Kumiko, or Hemiko. Sounds better.
The Nice Men in White Coats know me! ^-^ Does that count?
Anime Fan Since
2nd Grade- Sailor Moon put a curse on me!! O-O
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Di Gi Charat (manga), Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Inuyasha, Case Closed, FLCL (aka Furi Kuri), Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III, Fruits Basket, Outlaw Star, Card Captor Sakura, Kill Me Kiss Me (manga), Alice 19th (manga), it's a never-ending list..
Anime-ologist! And to convince Fluffy-kins & Jounouchi to marry me! ^-^
MUSIC!! *begins dancing wildly* - Stalking Jou, signing guestbooks (literally), internet surfing, learning HTML (O-O)
Well... I can stalk & annoy people until they jump off a cliff! Does that count? ;p
| Chibi Devil Me
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Devil: It's Tenchi Time!
Aaliyah: Tenchi... time?
Devil: Well... yeah. What about it?
Aaliyah: Let me say this slowly, Tenchi... Time...?
Devil: *catches on* Oh, pho! *pushes Aaliyah*

Devil: Poor Tenchi...
Aaliyah: What do you mean? If you were there, he's life would be even WORSE!
Devil: ... So? ;p

Devil: Yay! It looks all Summer-y-ish in this piccy!
Aaliyah: Summer-y-ish?
Washu: Even I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

Devil: *looks at other computer's screen* Oh! I have email!
Aaliyah: Not anymore. *points*
Devil: You know what? This is a job for... TENCHI!

Aaliyah: You're both crazy.
Ryoko: Tenchi's not crazy!
Ayeka: That's right. Tenchi here is not crazy!
Aaliyah: Says who?
*both attack Aaliyah*
Devil: And she says I'M the troublemaker. Humph! *notices fish* Ahh! Food!

Sasami: Stay away from that food!
Mihoshi: But it looks so good, doesn't it?
Devil: Sure does!
Kiyone: You two eat too much. It's an amazement you aren't overweight!

Devil: *joins in*
Aaliyah: *sigh* Anyway, Sasami, would you please?
Sasami: =D Of course! *smile* Thanks for coming to the sowcase today! We hope you come back again! Bye!
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
Happy Independence Day!
Devil: =D Happy Independence Day!
Aaliyah: Make sure you eat alot! I sure am. ^o^
Devil: Me too! ^_^
Both: *big smiles* FREEDOM!!

~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (1) |
Sailor Moon & DBZ!
Devil: I'll kill two birds with one stone. Sailor Moon AND Dragon Ball Z!
Aaliyah: It's bird season already?
Devil: *cough* No. It's not. I was using an old saying. *cough*
Aaliyah: Oh. Okay!

Devil: It's the senshi! Well, most of 'em.
Aaliyah: Yeah, MOST. You forgot the Starlights.
Devil: I'm getting to 'em!

Devil: *drool*
Aaliyah: *walks out of room* *returns with a dozen boxes of tissue*

Healer: I knew she wouldn't forget me!
Devil: And now you can grovel at my feet.
Healer: I don't believe you. *begins to grovel*
Fighter: *laughing* It's about time!
Maker: *laughing* Really!

Devil: ^-^ He IS the best looking guy on DBZ/GT. =D
Aaliyah: I beg to differ.
Devil: You can differ after this next SM pic.

Devil: Whoa. A pic from the FIRST season. Whoa.

Aaliyah: *points up at pic* HE'S why I beg to differ. ^-^
Devil: *growl* Still Trunks!
Aaliyah: Gohan!
Voice: VEGETA!
Both: *stare* Bulma! Get down!
Bulma: *grin* Not lying.
Voice 2: GOKU!
Both: Get down ChiChi!
ChiChi: *wider grin* What can I say? And you. *points at Aaliyah* Stay away from Gohan! He's studying!
Bulma: That goes for Trunks too! *points at Devil*

Devil: *snicker*
Usagi/Serena: Stop laughing! LUNA!
Luna: *snicker*

Aaliyah: Gohan's no in this one!
Devil: *laughing evily* Trunks has been avenged!! Muwhahahahaha! Ahh! *gets attacked by Aaliyah and ChiChi*
Gohan: Uh.. I'm right here! Hello? ... Anyway, thanks for coming to see the showcase.
Sailor Mercury: We hope you will come back again tommorrow.
Trunks: But, we won't be here tommorrow.
Sailor Mars: *points* Devil and Aaliyah will be. Besides, that's what it says on the paper.
All: *shrug*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (2) |
Saturday, July 3, 2004
Devil: Okie Dokie! Since I JUST learned how to put pictures on my site, BY MY SELF, the showcase will be of pictures. This way, I can practice AND do the showcase. ^_^ I'm so proud of myself.
Aaliyah: -.- Good for you.
Devil: Let's get started!

It's the WHOLE cast! Or, the whole cast of main chars. *shrug*

Awe! He looks so sad! ... A whack on the head with a guitar will get him all happy! *swings guitar in air*

Eep! She's gonna whack us ALL on the head! But... can I be hit with a motorcycle instead of a guitar? Cause then I'll start singing and- *goes on and on and on*

Why is she so clingy again? I keep forgetting. Is it becase she has a crush on him or something? *shrug* Confusing...

... He doesn't look so happy. *snicker*

Devil: She's on rampage again.
Aaliyah: Anyway, that's the end of our showcase. DEVIL hopes you enjoyed it. I honestly couldn't care less. *humph*
Devil: ^-^ *attacks Aaliyah*
Aaliyah: *suddenly dressed in a cat suit* Wha...?
Devil: Sick her, Inuyasha! *points*
Aaliyah: AHH! *running*
Devil: Legato has been avenged! ^-^ Goody!
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (3) |
Devil: I can speak again! ^_^ And the first official word I wanna say is.... LEGATO!!
Aaliyah: *falls over holding ears* Eep.
Devil: ^-^ Ya know what? There's one song I can see Legato singing. I bet nobody knows what it is. And it is SO NOT a Christmas carol! >.<
Aaliyah: It's not? I can see him singing a version of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" that is SO horrendous, it can't even be called a parody.
Devil: >.< Why must you hate Legato? What did he do to you?
Aaliyah: I don't hate him; I couldn't care less for him. *shrug*
Devil: >.< Grr... *attacks Aaliyah* You will apologize NOW!
Aaliyah: Okay! Okay! ... Not! *runs away*
Devil: >.< She makes me so angry sometimes... SOONER OR LATER! SOONER OR LATER!
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Friday, July 2, 2004
Devil: *squeal* YAY!
Aaliyah: What is the matter with you?
Devil: *squeal* *squeal*
Aaliyah: Oh, that. Good for you.
Devil: *squeal*
Aaliyah: Why do I have to? Well, okay. Devil is in complete shock and therefore can only speak Squeal... I know, weird, right? So, she wants me to tell you all why. *huff* What am I? A translator?!
Devil: *squeal* *squeal*
Aaliyah: O.o O....kay. Well, myOtaku accepted her greeting card and she plans to do more greeting cards. There. Happy?!
Devil: *big squeal*
Aaliyah: Oh! My ears! *holding ears* Good grief! Okay, this means that the Daily Showcase will be a late. I'm not saying it.
Devil: *SQUEAL*
Aaliyah: AHH! Okay! Okay! And... we're sorry. Mostly Devil. *pout*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (2) |
Thursday, July 1, 2004
Devil: Well, I'm bored. So, I'll just make a list a bishounen! ^-^ Mine and Aaliyah's.
Aaliyah: ... This should be fun. *snort*
Devil: *pout* Aaliyah! Everybody loves bishounen. *thinks* Okay, not EVERY-body but, you get the point! You go first!
Let's see... I guess I could name a few.
1)Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)
2)Wufei Chang (Gundam Wing)
3)Millions Knives (Trigun)
4)Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
5)Seto Kiaba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
6)Jin (Yu Yu Hakusho)
That's enough right there.
*pout* My list is going to be SO much longer than hers!! ^-^
1)Heero Yui (Gundam Wing)
2)Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)
3)Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh)
4)Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh)
5)Marik (Yu-Gi-Oh)
6)Seto Kiaba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
7)Joey Wheeler (Yu-Gi-Oh)
8)Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
9)Nickolas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
10)Legato Bluesummers (Trigun)
11)Jimmy Kudo (Case Closed)
12)Sanosuke (Rurouni Kenshin)
13)Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)
14)Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
15)Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakusho)
16)Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Phew! Oh! There's more! *sees Aaliyah shake head vigerously* Oh, phoo, Aaliyah! The rest of 'em aren't anime bishounen. ^-^ But, I guess I should stop. *shrug* I'm making Aaliyah look bad. *snicker*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (1) |
Devil: Time for the... SHOWCASE! *laughs manically*
Aaliyah: O.o Anyway, today's theme is... Trigun!
Devil: *stops laughing* Trigun? Trigun means Vash! It also means Wolfwood! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aaliyah: o.O Again, she acts this way.
 Animation from
Devil: It's WOLFIE! Also known as WOLFIE!
Aaliyah: She means Wolfwood. I think she's stuck on nicknames. I just hope that's not a petname. O.O
 Animation from
Devil: Yay!
Aaliyah: Don't even think about it. Last time you nearly broke your neck. Who knows what you'll break this time.
 Animation from
Devil: ^-^ He looks so funny like that.
Aaliyah: Funny? I'd say a little crazy, but OK.
Vash: I'm not crazy!
Devil: Yeah!
Aaliyah: You agree with anything he says!
Devil: *huggle* I know.
Aaliyah: *scoff* I say he's a needle noggin.
Wolfwood: Thank you! See, someone agrees.
 Animation from
Devil: O.o
Aaliyah: o.O
Others: O.O
Meryl: What? It was... well... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
Milly: It WAS kinda funny, though, Meryl!
Meryl: NO IT WASN'T!
Meryl: *turning red* Why you!
*two get into a fight*
Milly: Back away everyone. This is for your own safety.
 Animation from
V,W: *start running away*
Wolfwood: The farther we get...
Vash: The healthier we get!!
Milly: Wait for me! Mr. Vash! Mr. Priest! WAIT FOR ME!
Aaliyah: O.o I guess I'm stuck ending it. Well, I hope you enjoyed it. Not really, but I have to say that. -.-; Now go away! For your own safety! And DON'T say I didn't warn ya!
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
 Animation from
Aaliyah: That was a very sincere post, earlier, Devil. I didn't know you could be so serious.
Devil: ^-^ I liked the book. Sadly I don't have time to read it again. *tear*
Aaliyah: ^________^ I'm proud of you! Now, today's theme is Yu-Gi-Oh!. Yes, the Anime/Manga with the short, tri-color haired boy.
 Animation from
Devil: It's MARIK! *super tackle huggle*
Marik: *can't reach Millennium Rod, therefore can't get Devil to let go*
 Animation from
Aaliyah: *stare* I've heard of highlights, but GEEZ!
Yugi: What? I inherited my hair this way. I can't help it!
Aaliyah: -.- Right. And I'm the tooth fairy.
 Animation from
Seto: You're the tooth fairy? Then what happened to Mokuba's money? That tooth has been sitting under his pillow forever.
Aaliyah: I am NOT the tooth fairy!
Mokuba: *peeks from behins Seto* Then why'd you say that?
Devil: *snicker*
 Animation from
Joey: *eye-ing cake* *begins to inch over*
Devil: *snatches cake* MINE!
*both start arguing over cake*
Others: *sweat*
 Animation from
Devil: *freezes* Bakura... *tackle* It's B-KUN!! *sqeeze*
Bakura: *turning blue* Um... Devil? Could you... please... let.. go..?
Devil: You just have the cutest accent! Doncha?! *huggle*
Aaliyah: *whispers to Bakura* Maybe if you read the ending so she doesn't she may let go.
Bakura: *reaches for paper* *desprate*
Aaliyah: *hands paper*
Bakura: *reading* That's the end of the shocased theme. We hope you enjoyed it and that you'll come back tommorrow.
Devil: *squeeze* BAKURA!
Bakura: *blue*
Others: *double-sweat*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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Iqbal: A Novel, by Francesco D'Adamo
Devil: I just got finish reading this book, Iqbal: A Novel. This book is quite the tear-jerker. It's about Iqbal Masih; a boy who fought for the end of child labor and slavery in Pakistan. The children were used to pay off debts at brick factories and carpet looms.
This isn't a history lesson.
It's a very intreresting book that catches the eye of young adult readers. I personally enjoyed it.
Iqbal Misah was murdered in Pakistan when visiting his home village on Easter Sunday.
Sad. ;-; I really felt like crying. But, I didn't want to mess up the library's book. ^^
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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