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Chibi Devil Me
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In my perverted & demented lil' world of random insanity, Jou, and Fluffy-kins!! (which just happens to be located in Southeast U.S.A)
Member Since
Student/ Otaku/ Village Idiot (cause Kaiba-kun said so)/ Jounouchi Katsuya Fangirl (TAKE THAT, OTOGI! *cackle*), and a Sesshoumaru Worshipor! ^________^ Isn't he WONDEFUL?! *sigh* *drool*
Real Name
Shenae- but I prefer to be called Devil, Kumiko, or Hemiko. Sounds better.
The Nice Men in White Coats know me! ^-^ Does that count?
Anime Fan Since
2nd Grade- Sailor Moon put a curse on me!! O-O
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh, Di Gi Charat (manga), Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Inuyasha, Case Closed, FLCL (aka Furi Kuri), Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III, Fruits Basket, Outlaw Star, Card Captor Sakura, Kill Me Kiss Me (manga), Alice 19th (manga), it's a never-ending list..
Anime-ologist! And to convince Fluffy-kins & Jounouchi to marry me! ^-^
MUSIC!! *begins dancing wildly* - Stalking Jou, signing guestbooks (literally), internet surfing, learning HTML (O-O)
Well... I can stalk & annoy people until they jump off a cliff! Does that count? ;p
| Chibi Devil Me
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Friday, November 26, 2004

Possesive, isn't he? o-O
Ugh. I think I may have overdone it with the food. *falls over due to extra weight* But that sweet potatoe pie was delicious! ^_____^
Kaiba: Good thing I didn't go near that food.
Bakura: Yeah, good point. Otherwise you might have lost your girlish figure! *girlish pose*
Kaiba: Will you stop with that!? *angry*
Bakura: Wouldn't want your mascara to mess up, now would you? XP
Kaiba: *twitch* -_-" Don't make me call security on you.
Bakura: What security? Hemiko got rid of your entire security feild after that time they locked her out of your office. >-> It was very, very bloody. YAY!
Yes, nothing keeps me away from my bishounen. *angelic look*
Jou: Like tha ttime you nearly threw Shizuka over a building when she kept you from seeing me because I had a cold? I STILL WON'T FORGIVE YOU!
B-B-But, I'm just what the docter ordered! ^-^
Kaiba: Actually, he ordered some Advil and rest.
Bakura: How do you know?
Were you taking care of Jou? Were you two up to something? Like... YAOI?! *eager look*
Kaiba: Tell me you're not thinking what I hope you're not thinking.
Bakura: How much you wanna bet she is?
*whistling* Okay- I always thought the pool table scene was better. *grins evilly as she strolls out of room*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (6) |
Thursday, November 25, 2004

I hope Mokuba doesn't burn the turkey... again. o.O
Well, the layout's been changed. I was thinking early so, here's Malik! ^-^ He'll probably be in most of the layouts- Which is why I rescued him from the evil cluches!
Malik: *instanly runs to kitchen*
>-> Righ~t. Now, for the next few days it's the holidays- meaning my parents will be so busy they won't even remember I'm their daughter which means that I am basically off the hook. ^_________________^ *w00t!*
Kaiba: *slowly begins turning for the door*
Jou: *puts pot over head and hides under table*
Bakura: >-> *standing there* <-< What are you two running for? She'll be too busy catching up on fanfiction, websites, and other internet junk to even bother with us! *rolls eyes* Idiots.
Jou: I'm not taking those chances.
Kaiba: The dog has a point.
Jou: *glare*
^-^ Awe.. They fight like a married couple so much, you can't even tell the difference.
Kaiba: Keep wishing.
I will! *wishing Kaiba and Jou would get together*
Jou: >-> I hope that wish gets jammed down her throat.
Bakura: If you keep talking like that, she just may start getting her revenge.
Both: o-O
Thanks, Baku-kun! That's a great idea!! *runs off to go write some more shounen-ai/yaoi*
Both: *glare at Bakura* You're dead.
Bakura: -_- What the hell are you two going to do? Blind me with your 'argue-like-a-married-couple' powers? Hah! You make me laugh. *turns on TV*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (4) |
Sunday, November 21, 2004
^-^ Okay, I have to make this quick so here's another GIF. This one's a little off 'cause I was in a hurry when I was making it. Excuse the sloppiness. ^^;;
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, November 17, 2004

*glomp* Thanks, guys. ^-^ Anyway, I was able to sneak some stuff through to my computer class on a disk from home,and now I can update my sites with homemade stuff! YIPPIE!!
Bakura: >-> So, who wants to go for a trip at the beach? *grabs stuff*
Why? So you can find yourself a girl/boyfriend?
Kaiba: Keep your sick mind out of the gutter.
Jou: She can't, it's glued in there.
Boys: *agreeing & nodding* Of course...
V.V I resent that... Okay, maybe it's true. ^-^ *skips off*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
^.^ Hey, everyone. I only have a request today.
Kaiba: And you say you're not selfish.
*smacks Kaiba with shoe* Shut up. Anyway, please go visit my friend KiLaLa118. 'Preciate it! *glomp* ^_______^
Bakura: Ya know, you are pretty selfish. *gets smacked with shoe too*
Jou: >.> I didn't say anything! *runs away before he gets smacked with shoes*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (4) |
Monday, November 15, 2004

^.^ YAY! Wicked Temptation now has 137 hits!!
Bakura: -_- And I happen to be one of the first things you see.
Gives you more reason to go, ne? Hehehe...
Kaiba: There'd be more reason to go if I were up on the layout.
Bakura: Haha, very funny.
Jou: Actually, Malik is the first thing you see.
>-> Why are we arguing about this?
Bakura: Because we're all idiots.
Kaiba: I'm not one of you, so that makes sense.
Aw, we love you anyway, Seto-kun! *glomps Kaiba*
Jou: I'm going to go get the oxygen tank.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (4) |
Friday, November 12, 2004

Can't you feel the shounen-ai?
Yay! ^.^ 11 comments. You all are great!! *glomp* Well, we get our progress reports today and I made a 97.97% (A) in Computer class.
Bakura: Gee, how wonderful.
Shut up. -_- My day is already bad enough.
Kaiba: What with her stalker and all.
Jou: Stalker? Since when were you stalked?
See what you did, Bakura? *attacks B*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (5) |
Monday, November 8, 2004

I'm so sneaky. I forgot I was taking computer classes at school. Which is where I'm at now! ;P Of course I won't be telling my parents this. So, shush! Don't tell anyone! ^.^ *runs off before she can get caught*
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (8) |
Saturday, November 6, 2004
See Ya...
*sigh* I'm in trouble again. Yes, again. So, myO, I shall see you all, by the earliest estimate, around New Years. T_T My parents are convinced they can't trust me anymore. I can't get on the computer unless it's for school and I can barely say the word 'Internet'.
I will be so happy when this year ends and 2005 comes in, cause I just can't stand it anymore.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
Comments (5) |
Thursday, November 4, 2004

^-^ My fellow Science Olympiad memeber, Bryce, has a site!
Anime Info
Other topic(s)...
Devil: *stare* Bakura... what are you doing?
Bakura: Sacraficing Kaiba. Wanna help?
Devil: Sure!
Kaiba: *hanging from ceiling above toy volcano* You don't really think this whole process is worthy enough for me, do you? Because if you do, you two really are idiots.
Devil: Than an idiot I am! ^___^
Bakura: I'm no idiot. SHE maybe, but I'm not.
Kaiba: *rols eyes* Sure~...
Devil: Well, yesterday night, my mum took me to Barnes&Noble and I bought Fruits Basket Volume 1! *glomps Yuki Sohma* Hehehe... Yuki is my fave! He's such a cute mousy!! o^.^o
Kaiba: >.> Aren't you supposed to be sacraficing me?
Bakura: Exactly. If you're going to sacrifice him, you can't be hugging on that... rat all the time.
Devil: >-< He's not a rat!
Jou: Yes, he is.
Devil: NO, HE ISN'T!
Yuki: Actually, I am a rat... Thanks to you.
Devil: Must you join the dark side?
Bakura: Dark side? Compared to you, we are the LIGHT/GOOD side.
Jou: He has a point.
Yuki: A very good point.
Devil: Stop that, Baku-kun. Yuki-kun hasn't even been here for a hot minute and you're already turning him against me.
Bakura: >.< Don't call me Baku-kun.
Devil: BAKU-KUN!! *glomps Bakura*
Jou: o-O Do you see what we have to go through?
Yuki: I think I'll go now... *turns to leave*
Devil: NOOOO!!! *tackles Yuki*
Yuki: *transforms into rat again* ... Gee, thanks, Hemiko-san. Now I'm a rat. Again.
Devil: YOU'RE WELCOME!! ^.^
Kaiba: Welcome to the circus of insanity. Don't make yourself at home.
Yuki: I don't have much choice, now do I?
Kaiba: No, you really don't. *swinging* This is really gonna hurt in the morning. Ugh.
~*Much luff, Hemiko |
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